Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
March 17 1922/2022
Forest City – The great European sensation, “Sawing a Woman in Half” will be presented at the Plaza theatre today, Friday and Saturday evenings. ALSO Andrew Warhola and Michael Timko will start a restaurant and pool room in the Theodore Piatkowski building, this week, to be known as the Central. Both young men are possessed of many friends who wish them success in their venture. Mr. Warhola has, for a number of years, been the chief chef at the Model and plans at all times to suit his customers. ALSO A concerted movement is going forward among the Lithuanians of America to raise a fund for the support of the Lithuania University in Lithuania. Local organizations interested in the cause will hold a moving picture show in the Plaza Theater on March 26th.
Uniondale – William Curran, better known as “Billy” was assaulted by a number of young men Saturday night. He is nearly blind and was unable to defend himself. He was hit in the back by a hard substance from which he suffers much pain. The young men are known. They knew better than to assail and old, almost sightless man and should be dealt with accordingly.
Susquehanna – Martin Collins, formerly of this place, was fatally injured in Jersey City, this week, while at work in the Erie roundhouse. He was caught between two locomotives and crushed. He was well-known in Susquehanna, being employed in the Erie shops for a number of years before being transferred to Jersey City. A brother, M. J. Collins, of this place, survives him and a widow and four children in Jersey City. His mother and sister live in Ireland.
West Harford – Lew Wilmot is moving to Gibson. We deeply sympathize with Mr. Wilmot in the loss of his wife and regret to have him and his family move away.
Hallstead – J. Lewis Wier, of the Hallstead Excelsior and Lumber Company, has purchased the building on New York avenue, formerly used as a silk mill and will use the same for the manufacture of excelsior mattresses, etc.
East Rush – Floyd Crisman, son of Merchant G. A. Crisman, of East Rush, who is attending the Montrose high school, and assisting in the Subway Lunch, suffered an attack of appendicitis, Tuesday evening, and was taken to St. Mary’s Keller Hospital, Scranton, by Dr. Birchard, where an operation was performed. The operation was successful and friends will be pleased to hear that he is improving nicely. This information being ascertained by a ‘phone message.
New Milford – H. I. Hoffmire has sold his barber shop in the Park View Hotel, to Rocci Caruso, well-known in Montrose, a son of Frank Caruso. Mr. Hoffmire will devote his time to the undertaking business and the sale of automobiles.
Springville – Homer Young recently sold a Nu-Way milking machine to Arthur Robinson. It is not out of the way to state that Mr. Young is one of the most successful salesmen in this part of the state. He has sold seventeen Nu-Way milking machines during the past few months. But it is as an automobile salesman that Mr. Young shines. During the few years he had the Maxwell agency, Mr. Young placed 350 cars. That was some years ago and Homer says that he did not get rich, either, for in those days one buying an automobile expected the agent to keep it running for him almost indefinitely, without charge, much of the profit being expended in giving service. Homer says he can always go back to his old customers and get a hand-shake—and maybe sell another car.
Jackson – Roberts’ Brothers recently installed an electric light plant in the Central Hotel, which promises to be successful. No wiring has been done yet, but the plant has been set up and seems to work all right. Electric current will be furnished for the hotel and hotel barn.
Ararat Township – Leonard Baldwin, an aged and respected citizen of this place, died at his late home March 9, 1922, after a brief illness of grip. His death was very sudden and came as a shock to a wide circle of friends. Mr. Baldwin was the son of Mr. & Mrs. Shuabel Baldwin, of Ararat, was born Oct. 31, 1832, and spent his long and useful life on the homestead where he died. He was educated in the township schools. Early in life he learned the mason’s trade, which he followed along with farming. He built many foundation walls for buildings for miles around. He married Lucetta Doyle, of Ararat, and 65 years of married life were happily spent together. No children were born to them but they brought up a number of children, among whom were Mrs. Stephen Carpenter, of South Gibson and a nephew, Bliss Baldwin, who died a few months ago.
Gibson – Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barrett made a business trip to Carbondale and on their way home in an auto had a very serious time on account of the bad condition of the roads. Leaving Carbondale at six in the evening, they reached Gibson at one in the morning.
News Brief: Three men were recently arranged in Wilkes-Barre, who have been termed deserters from military service of the United States during the World War. They are the first to be arrested whose names have appeared on the slacker list.
200 Years Ago from the Susquehanna County Herald, Montrose, PA, March 16, 1822.
Died on Saturday the 6th inst. [this month] Agnes and Susanna Post, children of David Post, Esq, of this place. [Montrose]
Died on Friday the 8th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Carbine, wife of Horace Carbine.
Died on Wednesday, the 13th, Mrs. Snow.
Died on the 14th, Ebinizer Wilber.
All of the above from Bridgewater Twp.
WANTED: A few bushels of wheat and rye. Our subscribers [of this paper] will oblige by supplying them.
NEW STORE. Eyre & Hodgdon Respectfully inform the Public, that they have opened a general Assortment of Goods, in the Store formerly occupied by Isaac & David POST, where may be found almost any article of DRY GOODS, or GROCERIES, HARDWARE, or CROCKERY, on as reasonable terms as any can be had in the county.
Compiled By: Betty Smith