Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 17 1893/1993
Shannon Hill [Auburn] - Uncle Wm. Overfield has been very sick. We are glad to note he is better at this writing. He is the only old landmark left in this place; and we hope he may be restored to his usual health. He has always been a regular attendant at church, and his prayers and good counsels are very much appreciated.
Rush - The mail carriers and their horses have had a hard time of it the past week in passing through the soft drifts. On Thursday of last week they failed to reach here from Montrose or the Eddy.
Susquehanna - The Delaware & Hudson will supersede its wooden bridges on the Jefferson branch with iron structures.
Choconut Valley - A young lady from the Parlor City, while out riding one afternoon fast week, lost a valuable fur cape; finder will be suitably rewarded; hang it on a tree at the corner.
Clifford - The snow, the wind, the warm weather, is causing our Clifford and Carbondale stage drivers considerable trouble in making the roads impassable; on Friday the stage arrived here from Carbondale, by the way of the Clifford road, and hired John Halsted to carry the mail to Dundaff; he started on horse back but before getting half way he left his horse and went afoot.
Friendsville - H.B. Buffum has been in New York buying his summer goods.
Birchardville - There are some indications of spring. Chipmunks and the ground hog have ventured from their hiding places; also reptiles. A snake was seen and killed by Will Brister, near this village a few days ago.
Harford - Our Library has about 100 members. It should have 200. Don't argue about "self-sustaining”' it will be sustained if we all sustain it not otherwise. Ask how the money is spent, and satisfy yourself that we are right in the above assertion. You can own that Library a whole year for a half a dollar; the recent addition are 33. We name a few: Fighting for the Right, The Witch of Prague, In War Times, In Blue Creek Canon, Successful Women, The Spanish Treasure, The Oregon Trail, Adventures of Don Quixote, Captain Cook's Voyages, How Success is Won, Virginia Dare, The Siberian Exiles, Down in Dixie.
West Lenox - It is reported that there is a snow bank on John Tiffany's farm, 30 feet high--as high as the wind mill.
North Jackson - At a meeting of the Jackson school board the following teachers were hired to leach the summer term of school beginning the tenth of April: Maltic Curtis, No. 1: Nellie Gales, No. 2; Nellie Pease, No. 4; Anna Killem, No. 5; Grace Stoddard, No. 6; Grace Bryant, No. 8; Manic Lamb, No. 9. Teachers at were not hired for number three, seven, or ten.
News Brief - The faculty of Bloomsburg Normal [now Bloomsburg University] has passed a resolution that hereafter no young lady graduate will be allowed to graduate in an elaborate and costly dress, such as is often seen on graduating occasions. They believe that many young ladies are led to expend on their graduating outfit more money than they can afford to spend, and very often the fifty dollars received from the strife at graduation is used for finery instead of the purpose of equipping the recipient for professional work. The days of while silk gowns, with kid leather gloves and their accompaniments, are over at the Bloomsburg School. It is interesting to note that when the announcement was made to the lady students of the school, it was met with round after round of applause, which shows the growth of public sentiment in the right direction.
Compiled By: Betty Smith