Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
March 16 1917/2017
Franklin Township – W. H. Sisson passed his 92nd milestone last October and is about the youngest old man we ever met. He was the oldest man in the county to take out a hunter’s license, and in five times out hunting he bagged two foxes and two rabbits. Mr. Sisson told of his experiences in buying furs from the Indians on the reservation many years ago. One friend asked if he was 80 years old. He replied “If I were only 80 I could jump over any fence in New Milford and I don’t know but I could do it now.” After seeing his elastic step and quick movement we would hesitate on betting against him.
Franklin Hill, Franklin Twp. – We are very thankful to say that Augustus Smith, who has been ill with pneumonia, is around again. He is the only one left of all the Smiths that used to live in this vicinity. Only the older people know that Franklin Hill was like when those people that have passed away were here to help in all good works. [Ephraim, Roswell, Lyman, Titus, Anson, Raymond and Sylvester, were the seven Smith brothers who came to Susquehanna County from Cheshire, CT, and among the first settlers in Franklin Township. Anson was killed by a falling tree in 1805 and was the first person buried in the Franklin Hill Cemetery, on land taken from the adjoining farms of Rufus Lines and Anson’s brother, Ephraim Smith.]
Montrose – Dawson Edwards was born a slave in Virginia and was brought to Montrose during the war by Henry Foster. In 1870 he began work at the Beach Mfg. Co. plant for Henry L. Beach and had remained an employee there until his death, Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. His record of industry was unusual. He was a local preacher of the Zion church for many years and for different periods of time would do his regular work and act as pastor of the church. He is survived by one son, Emerson, of Montrose, and one daughter, in Chicago. ALSO Landlord Daniel J. Donovan, of the Tarbell house, has leased a licensed hotel at Jersey shore, PA, we learned last evening, and will take possession of same April 1st. He will go to Jersey Shore as soon as he can make the arrangements, together with his family. Mr. Donovan and family have made a host of friends here, who sincerely regret to see them leave Montrose. We are told that Mr. Donovan will close the Tarbell House, tight, in a few days, plans now being made to board up the windows. [This done because liquor licenses in Montrose had been denied by the Judge.]
Springville – Stephen Tuttle wishes to announce that he has secured J.L. Kinney, a regular licensed undertaker and embalmer, to look after the undertaking and furniture business in this place. ALSO Mrs. John Decker, while assisting with the chores at the barn, fell dead on Thursday of last week. The funeral was held on Sunday at the Evangelical church, on Strickland Hill. Interment in the cemetery near the church.
Forest Lake/Fairdale – Mrs. N.L. Parks received a telegram Tuesday, stating that her aunt, Mrs. George Birchard had been instantly killed in an accident, near her home in Lincoln, Neb., and that her husband had been seriously, though not fatally injured. It is presumed that it was an automobile accident. They lived here about 30 years ago, Mr. Birchard attending school in Montrose and was a teacher in the county schools. His former home was near Fairdale. Mrs. Birchard’s maiden name was Vilpha Carr, being a daughter of Arial Carr, her girlhood days being in Forest Lake township. Her age was about 60 years.
Uniondale – Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Orce, who have conducted the Temperance House at this place, every acceptably the past two years, will close their house to the pubic April 1st.
Heart Lake - Oscar King Davis, the well- known newspaper and magazine writer, is returning to the United States from Germany with Minister Gerard and party. He at one time resided in Binghamton, where he was married. Mr. Davis spends his summers at Heart Lake.
Harford – Sleighing is not very good here in South Harford. Quite a difference between the “North” and “South.” ALSO A ball was held at the home of L.J. Conrad’s, Friday evening. A most enjoyable evening was spent and the guests departed at a very early hour Saturday. Among the out of town guests were: Will Hadsell (fiddler), Mr. and Mrs. John Felton, Jas. Pickering and family, Mr. Sinsabaugh and family, Elmer D. Tiffany and family, Ed Conrad and son, Oscar.
Auburn – Father Burke’s parishioners filled his ice house recently, drawing the ice from Elk Lake. ALSO Mrs. W.H. Cadwell, who has been ill with scarlet fever, has nearly recovered. Mrs. Emma Bunnell, of Shannon Hill, is caring for her. She is isolated from the children, who are cared for by their father in another part of the house. The quarantine holds for a week yet.
South Gibson – A dealer with an auto truck bought 110 bushels of potatoes from parties of this place during the recent cold snap. He started out with them for the city markets, got stalled on the road, and the potatoes froze overnight. His loss was $210.
Crystal Lake –The Johnson estate at Crystal Lake, and several others, will have electric lights installed. The power will be provided from Carbondale.
Clifford Twp. – Some of our basketball enthusiasts journeyed to Carbondale with the expectation of playing a game with a quintet from the Y.M.C.A. The boys evidently did not expect a team from the country to appear so no team was in evidence. However, a pick-up squad was made up and a game proceeded. Everything was going lovely when a bull dog was introduced into the game. The dog was not new to the game and soon had one of our fellows by the clothes which go through the door last. No particular damage was done, only, don’t say anything about it.
Fiddle Lake – The snow storm and heavy wind which struck this place and adjoining towns on the 4th caused the roads to be almost impassable in some places. Our mail man failed to make his trip. Mr. Brown is a hustler and when he fails you may know there is a reasonable excuse.
News Brief: A certain local man was immensely pleased, but also much surprised, when his wife referred to him one day as a “model” husband. So, he thought he would take the dictionary and see what “model” meant. Here is what he found: “Model, a small imitation of the real thing.”
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, March 15, 1817.
*TAKE NOTICE. The subscriber is about to leave this place and therefore requests all persons indebted to him on Note or Book to settle the same immediately, otherwise they will have to settle the same on a Justice’s docket. JABEZ FRINK. Montrose, March 15, 1817
*J. W. ROBINSON has for sale OXEN & cows, AT HIS Farm in Springville. March 13, 1817.
*”Tho’ last not Least.” WILSON & GREGORY Request all persons indebted to them to call and settle as soon as may be, and give their Notes if Cash cannot be paid immediately. By attending to this call you will much oblige them & raise your own credit at least ten percent. March 15, 1817
Compiled By: Betty Smith