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March 16 1894/1994

Franklin Forks - Who says the world is not growing better when a chicken thief repents and returns the stolen property unbidden to do so? Some weeks ago Ralph Blowers had a number of his hens stolen. He suspected certain parties and called there to look around a little, but saw nothing of them as the henhouse was closed. Upon going to his own henhouse the next morning, behold there sat his lost hens all right.

Susquehanna - The German Maeunerchor is busily engaged preparing for its masquerade, which is held annually. AND Of the 924 students in the public schools of the place. 790 are unvaccinated. The Board of Health will insist upon a general vaccination. Some people do not fear smallpox. But they fear vaccination. ANDIt is rumored that parties from Athens, Pa., will locale a liquor cure in this place.

Great Bend - Robert E. Hall, of Great Bend, known to fame as "Met McKune," is taking the gold cure at the Thompson Institute, at Binghamton. Robert's many friends hope much good may result

Harford - Alonzo Steams, a former resident of Harford, has discovered gold on his claim in Colorado. He has been offered $75,000 for his interest in the claim but refused to sell AND Rev. Nestor Light preached a temperance sermon to his congregation last Sunday, morning in Congregational church. Text, Matthew 7:20. He told of the progress that had been made in temperance during the past six years; once the officers and ministers invited guests to partake of wines, and yet today, 100,000 are marching to the drunkard's grave, and 100,000 are forming the drink habit A Temperance Society was formed in Harford Congregational Church five years before the great movement of i889; also one of the first woman’s Temperance societies was formed here. We are proud that Harford was one of the pioneer towns in the Temperance movement

Carbondale - The school board at Carbondale has adopted the following very sensible rule: That any pupil using tobacco in any form or smoking cigarettes of any kind on the school premises shall suffer expulsion from the schools. The catching of a twelve-year-old boy smoking in the school house corridor and his declaration that he smoked ten cigarettes a day is what led to the adoption of the rule.

Hop Bottom- A highly successful revival is in progress in Hopbottom, conducted by Rev. G.D. Moore, Evangelist

News Briefs: These are gladsome days. The robin, the crow, and the blue bird sit singing in the leafless boughs; over on the hills the happy owner of maple trees is mixing granulated sugar with condensed sap and the crocus are engaging in a neck-and-neck race: the housewife is longing for housecleaning days; and the farmer boy is hanging on for dear life to the tail end of a plow. Thrice happy days but Foster predicts a blizzard for Friday. Ugh! Sucker fishermen line the shores of the river. There is not much difference between eating a sucker and a fried coarse comb.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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