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March 15 1918/2018

Rush – Edward Cavanaugh advertises ten cows, five horses and other stock and farming utensils and implements in today’s Republican. Mr. Cavanaugh is unable to secure help and is obliged to reduce his stock.

Oakland – Private Thomas Harvey, of Camp Meade, and Miss Helena Haws, of Oakland, where the groom formerly resided, were married on Friday, March 1, 1918, at Johnson City, by Rev. William Davis. Private Harvey has returned to his regiment and his bride will remain with her mother, Mrs. Blanche Haws, at Oakland.

Brookdale – John Johnson is sawing out a lot of ash for airplanes and it sounds good to hear his mill whistle once more.

Clifford – W.C. Baldwin and A.R. Bennett have exchanged farms, Mr. Baldwin taking over all the tools and most of the stock of Mr. Bennett. Bill will sure make some farmer. Here’s luck to both of them.

Thompson –We will not attempt to give an account of the havoc made or the numerous inconveniences the people of Water street have had to battle with the past month, owing to frozen water pipes and the flooded condition of the entire flats.  It is far beyond our powers or description.  We can only say this; if spring ever comes and things are once back to normal we will know how to appreciate them.

Fiddle Lake – The farmers here have finished filling the ice houses from the pure water of the Lake and say the ice is the thickest they ever have seen and some are life-long residents.

Herrick – The home of Mr. and Mrs. Silas O. Churchill was the scene of great festivities last Sunday, the occasion being the celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary. While the storm raged outside, all was joy and happiness within. ALSO The oldest person born in Herrick township is Lafayette Lyon, now a resident of Carbondale. Mr. Lyon is in his 93rd year. The second oldest is Charles Coleman, who on the 17th of March will be 87 years of age. Shuabel Carpenter, of Uniondale, is a close third, being a few years younger than Mr. Coleman.

Forest City – Fate seems to follow Joseph Piskur, of Susquehanna street. Two months ago his wife died leaving three small children without a mother’s care.  He has been kept from work a great deal of the time in caring for his little ones. Thursday he secured work with the Elkbrook mine at Richmondale and on Friday was removed to Emergency Hospital, Carbondale, suffering from serious injuries sustained by a fall of top rock while at work in the mine. He sustained a fractured pelvis. ALSO Patrons of the Plaza theatre are pleased to notice the improvements made in the screen. A mirror screen has taken the place of the old screen and it is greatly enlarged thus giving better effect to the pictures as they are shown.

Hallstead – While conducting the funeral of a neighbor, Edward J. O’Brien, on Thursday of last week, Undertaker Edward E. Tuttle was taken seriously ill. He was taken to his home and pneumonia developed. Although everything possible was done to save his life, he passed away Sunday. Mr. Tuttle was a man highly regarded in his community, an undertaker for 32 years, and his death came as a severe shock to family and friends. He was 64 years of age. He is survived by his wife, two sons, Olin, of Susquehanna and Leland, at home.

Montrose – At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Susquehanna County Historical Society and Free Library Association, Miss Fanny Bunnell was elected to the position of assistant librarian. One of the standards of efficiency adopted at the meeting was: The interests of the Travelling Libraries should be studied and the work fostered and every effort made to intelligently extend the same. [It was recently established that the Travelling Libraries, now known as the Bookmobile or Books-on-Wheels, at the Susquehanna County Library, is the oldest in the state of Pennsylvania established on June 11, 1924 with Miss Beulah Eyerly driving the first “book truck.”]

Hop Bottom – Ed. Penny, an aged veteran of the Civil War and member of Lieut. Rogers Post, G.A.R., passed away, following a long illness of pneumonia. Although the day was stormy, his comrades of the Post attended.  With the death of Comrade Penny and Commander A.J. Ainey, the Post has lost two worthy members during the past few days.

Little Meadows – The members of St. Thomas’ parish unfurled a beautiful service flag at a recent morning service, commemorating the departure to the front of several of their young men. The service was very impressive and many were deeply affected by the remarks of their pastor, Rev. J. McGuckin. In the course of his address he spoke of the loyalty and patriotism of the Catholics and urged them to continue in the steadfast loyalty, which has characterized them from the very beginning. “God and my Country,” he concluded, should be your motto.

Auburn Twp. – The Philadelphia Ice Cream and Creameries Company, which has a branch station at Auburn Four Corners, has rented the Baker creamery at Sankey and opened up business there. The creamery has been closed since last November.

Franklin Twp. – Dist. Attorney John Ferguson, of Susquehanna, was here on Tuesday. He stated that he and State Trooper Al. Carlson made an investigation into the death of Augustus Smith, who lost his life in his home here when the building was burned. They could find nothing which would tend to indicate that his death was due to other than accidental causes. Had the motive been robbery his pocketbook and other valuables would have been removed from his person, but these were found intact. It was his personal opinion that the fire had started in the room over his head, in which were stored large quantities of papers and books, and the burning mass, ignited doubtless from the stovepipe, had made a fierce fire which suffocated him and later in falling pinned him underneath.

News Briefs: The very large number of people in Scranton and vicinity, who are deeply interested in the Lackawanna Trail, will read with much pleasure the statement that the project is not at all visionary, as some seem to have believed, but a near reality. This is the impression of D.L. Morgan, the president of the Lackawanna Trail Assn., who has been very active in the movement of establishing this modern paved state highway and who has an intimate knowledge of what has been done and of what is doing in the way of securing the releases from property owners along the abandoned Lackawanna tracks. These releases, we are told, are all that are needed to insure the construction of the roadway. ALSO In Susquehanna county, during 1917, there were 1436 licenses granted by the state highway department for pneumatic motor cars. ALSO Give A Book To A Soldier—It is with this belief in mind that those in charge of the “War Library drive” have started a campaign for books during the week of March 18 to 25 inclusive. You will be asked to give one, or more, good books for the use of the libraries in the army camps. Montrose people will be personally solicited by the Camp Fire Girls, who will make a house to house canvass of the town.

The Montrose Centinel, for this date, March 15, 1818, is unavailable.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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