Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
March 14 1919/2019
Springville – The residence of Arthur Comstock, about 1½ miles west of town, was destroyed by fire early on Monday morning, supposed by chimney, and not discovered until the entire upper story was in flames. Owing to a very high wind and the bad condition of the roads, it was impossible to secure assistance in time to be of any benefit. A cook stove was about the only thing saved. During the afternoon friends readily contributed some household goods and they have rooms in the nearby home of Charles Gesford.
Hop Bottom – E.D. Snyder has lately taken the agency for an automatic washing machine, and as soon as he gives a demonstration of their thoroughness in making soiled clothing like driven snow he cannot install a machine quick enough to suit the impatient customer. He also has the agency for the Genco lighting system, which is receiving especial favor from progressive farmers. ALSO We are glad to note the arrival home of Arthur Hoppe, of the Aero Squadron, A.E.F.
Brooklyn – News of the death of Sgt. Homer Lathrop Peckham, formerly of Brooklyn, has been received by his parents Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Peckham of Scranton. The young man, who was a member of the 153d Montbard, France, died of pneumonia on Feb. 9th. Deceased was born in Brooklyn, Aug. 8, 1892. He was in continuous action from Aug. 15 last to the signing of the armistice Nov. 11, participating in the drives of St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest and Verdun. His ancestors were all well-known in the county—his great grandfather, Joseph Peckham, serving in the war of 1812, being stationed on the coast of Connecticut and Rhode Island. After the war he came to Brooklyn and spent the remainder of his life there. His grandfather, Capt. Edward J. Lathrop, served 4 years in the Civil War.
Rushboro – While cutting ice for the Jersey Hill creamery at White’s pond on Friday last, the team of Frank Aumick, which was hitched to an ice plow, broke through the ice and went down. Several men were working there and they sawed a channel to land and succeeded in getting the horses out unhurt.
Auburn Twp. - It is to be regretted that Auburn did not have a delegate at the Good Roads meeting in Montrose last week, as this township needs to get in touch with somebody that has some State road money; for the State road running from Lawton to Meshoppen is in very bad shape.
Montrose – The suggestion has been made that South Main street be re-named Roosevelt avenue. The critic refers to Montrose having no “North Main” street, and hence the name South Main street is a misnomer. Also that we have a Lincoln avenue and a Wilson street and that the late lamented colonel should also be recognized. The matter is respectfully referred to the borough council.
Thompson – Beulah Crosier is agent for the Columbia Grafonola—a very fine cabinet grafonola, gold mounted. There has been a war tax of 10% to take effect March 17th. Anyone anticipating buying, better do so at once. [At the time Standard Models were selling for up to $300 and Period Designs up to $2100.]
Susquehanna – John Birdsall and Miss Mary King, both of this city, were married at the parochial residence by Rev. P.F. Broderick, Monday morning last. They were attended by Miss Alice McCarthy and Leo McHale. After a wedding breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Birdsall left for a trip through the east. ALSO The machinery for the Susquehanna Laundry Co. has arrived and will be at once installed in the building at the corner of East Main St. and Broad Ave.
Hallstead – If enough employees can be obtained, a large silk mill will be built in the center of the town. The mill pays good wages to girls while learning and when the trade is mastered, good wages can be obtained at any silk mill. Girls from out of town, who wish profitable employment in the new mill, should send in their names to the silk mill here. ALSO The “bread” truck, which has been going through this place, after making frequent trips down the line, is no more seen since it went over the bank at Great Bend with whiskey. Why Hallstead should get all the credit in Binghamton’s paper for the majority of whiskey confiscated and drunks, is more than the residents here can understand.
Fair Hill – There was no preaching on the Hill Sunday on account of the bad going.
Kingsley – those wishing to keep their dogs should protect them with a license, as Deputy Archie Brink is now looking right after them.
South Harford – A real, old fashioned surprise party was given Eugene Conrad, March 7th, over 40 being present. The young people played games and we had lots of music and a fine supper. As everyone returned to their homes they decided that was one of the best places to have a big time.
New Milford Summit – Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindsley entertained about twenty of their neighbors last Friday night. Warm sugar was served.
News Briefs: “This End Up” Lieut. Willis S. Fitch, a member of Major LaGuardia’s squadron and one of the first Americans to fly a giant Caproni in action, said recently of his initial night flight on the Italian front: “The very sight of the machine was enough to breed nervousness. It was 75 ft. from wing-tip to wing-tip, had three 200 horse power motors and, being a battle-battered specimen sent back for training purposes, happened to be devoid of any lateral gauges. I lost and regained control of it three times in about so many minutes, turning completely over again and again. It was time to land and I looked down, but couldn’t see a trace of our hangar light or any other light, just blackness. Then I looked ‘up’ and decided I was crazy, for there was the hangar light, apparently just above my head. We turned over a few more times, bounced off the hangar and made a bumpy landing. Next day the observer and I figured it out in conference. We had been flying upside down and didn’t know it.”
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, March 14, 1819.
*My Own Affairs. I have frequently called upon those of my patrons who were indebted to me for a settlement; and as frequently been disappointed. It now becomes a duty I owe to myself and my creditors to make one more; I owe debts, and must pay them; I have debts due me, and I will collect them—“peaceably if I can forcibly if I must.” –All persons indebted to me to the amount of one year’s subscription will confer a favor upon themselves and do justice to me by making payment within two weeks--. Those who neglect to attend to my call in that time will be called upon in a different manner. All kinds of produce taken in payment; and a few cords of wood will be received, if offered soon. [Editor]
Compiled By: Betty Smith