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March 14 1901/2001

Susquehanna - Sheriff Maxey was officially engaged in town on Tuesday. He is closing more saloons than the church and temperance people combined. The Erie Ave. saloon of Martin J. McMahon has been closed. AND Henry J. Sperl, Sr. of Carbondale, for many years a resident of this place and inventor of the Sperl steam heater, died and was interred in the Grand St. Cemetery, this place, on Friday.

West Auburn - Miss Mabel Magee still drives to her school although the roads are very bad. AND The musical drill conducted by Elmer Clapper is to commence Thursday evening and will close Saturday evening with a concert. Tenor Charlie McCarthy, of Lawton, will assist Prof. Clapper during the drill and concert at Beaver Meadows next week.

East Dimock - Friday evening, March 15, four loads of the Dimock Literary members made Miss Lottie Blakslee, one of the members at Springville, a surprise. The evening was spent in games, social chats and music. At a late hour they departed for their homes hoping that they might spend many such a pleasant evening.

Herrick Center - The patrons of N.E. Telephone Co., between Susquehanna and Forest City, also Niagara, Pa., had the pleasure of hearing the marriage ceremony of Hattie Smith, of Burnwood, to Willard Croker, of Simpson, through their telephones. The patrons of the line between Forest City and Ararat presented the bride with a handsome rocker.

Friendsville - Mary McMahon will go to Montrose, first of April, to learn the dressmaker's trade with Mrs. Wm. Beck. She will reside at B. B. Buffum's.

East Rush - Theodore Smith (better known as Squire) intends to give up farming and live a retired life at Montrose. Dell Hunsenger has given up blacksmithing and [has] rented Squire Smith's farm and intends to move there on the first of April. L. Woodruff, of Auburn, will occupy [the] house where Mr. Hunsenger vacated and become our future smith. Mr. W. is said to be a first-class smith and wishes the patronage of the people of this place.

Glenwood - Our school ends this week. We should, by all means, have two months more, especially for the smaller ones.

Harford - Photographer Bronson made cabinet pictures for the graduates of the Harford Graded School, one day last week. This is the second year Mr. Bronson has photoed the graduating class. They evidently are entirely satisfied with artist Bronson's work.

Jackson - Saturday, March 9, being the 83d birthday of Mrs. Emily Barnes, 17 of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren assembled at her pleasant home in honor of the event.

Montrose - The colt which ran away last week threw the driver out of the cart, ran down Public Avenue till it struck John Meehan's team, from Silver Lake, standing hitched in front of the Fair Store. A large crowd soon gathered and the horse was quickly on his feet but one of the front wheels on Mr. Meehan's wagon was crushed to the ground. Just before this happened there was a couple of young men busily engaged in a fight near by, which caused excitement for some time, but when the run-away occurred their attention was turned to that, with their bloody noses and other injuries. AND The death of Rev. H. R. Phoenix, the honored and respected pastor of Zion A.M.E. church, occurred at his home on Saturday, March 9. The funeral took place on Tuesday, at 2 o'clock. A delegation of comrades from Four Brother Post, No. 453, G.A.R., assembled with other citizens at his late residence on Berry street and escorted the remains to the church. The casket was covered with the Stars and Stripes, and the bearers were comrades R. M. Bostwick, A. C. Ayres, A. J. Holley, Benj. Nailor, Peter Norris, Hamilton Youngs.

Mr. Phoenix was born at Chambersburg, Pa., Feb. 7, 1842. He enlisted in the Mass. Colored Regiment in the war of 1861. He was wounded in one of the seven battles in which he fought and was discharged with the rank of Sergeant. In 1871 he became a member of the Genessee Conference and served in churches in New York and Pennsylvania.

He was an invalid for a year and a half, suffering greatly at the last. At noon on the 9th of March he asked to be dressed up and said to his wife, "Are you on board the train with me? And presently his spirit took its flight. The burial service was conducted by officers and comrades of Four Brothers Post.

Forest City - Forest City is to have a building boom during the coming summer. The necessity of securing more houses to accommodate families is growing more apparent daily. A large number of men who have recently secured work here have not brought their families because they have been unable to secure houses. A family moved out of a house on Susquehanna street a few days ago and the News office was visited by over a dozen persons that wanted to move in.

Forest Lake - Hay $15 per ton; better cut the cows' eyebrows back of the horns. AND It's better to go to see your better half without a saddle than to have your better half come to see you, as some of our school ma'ams have to do.

Uniondale - Luke Bradley has purchased a fine horse and delivery wagon of the Scranton Dairy Co., and started a huckstering business.

New Milford - The borough granted a franchise to the North-Eastern Pennsylvania Telephone company to put their system in that place. It is the intention of the company to put in a switchboard in that borough and make that place a center, as it has made Thompson.

Hopbottom - On March 18th Mrs. Emily Rees celebrated her 84th birthday. Those present were her daughters and their husbands and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cool of Lenox. Mrs. Almora Brown and Miss Parmelia Tewksbury. The day was very pleasantly spent. Mr. Cool has been a tenant on Mrs. Rees' farm for 14 years. Let's hear who can beat that record of landlord and tenant.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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