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March 11 1921/2021

Forest City – William, the 13 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Jones, Jr. and his cousin, Berton, aged 11 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holdren, met with a miraculous escape Sunday, when they were run down by an Erie freight train. The boys walked to the Stillwater breaker, but the road was muddy and they returned on the railroad track. The northbound train came along near the silk mill, where their attention was distracted from the south bound train, which was noticed when it was too late. The Holdren boy was standing in the middle of the track when struck by the engine. It is said that 74 cars passed over him. The engineer stopped his train and went to the front of the engine where he expected to find the boys, but found only their caps. At the rear of the train he found the Holdren boy, who was placed in the caboose and hurried to Emergency hospital, Carbondale. He sustained a fracture of the skull, the left leg was crushed near the hip, with severe lacerations about the body. The Jones boy had his right foot crushed and is delirious. Two toes were amputated and he was taken home. Kirk Rolls, who was with the boys escaped without injury. A man standing nearby cried to the Holdren boy to keep his head down, thinking that he was his own son. No more is known of his condition at this time. ALSO The John L. Kirby & Son’s Coal company, better known as the Stillwater Colliery, north of this place, suspended operations Saturday. The reason assigned is that there is no demand for anthracite coal and that but few orders are coming in—not enough to warrant the continuance of work, even on part time.

Montrose – Frank T. Mack, who recently underwent an operation in the Binghamton City Hospital, arrived home. While not as yet being able to be out, he is convalescing rapidly and his many friends hope to soon see him at his restaurant, the Subway Lunch. ALSO Elmer Shaffer advertises a big horse sale at the Tarbell House Barn, March 12th. On March 30th, Brumbaugh & Guyer will have another auction sale of a car load of horses at the Tarbell House barn. The sale last Saturday, notwithstanding the stormy weather, was very largely attended, showing there is a demand for good horses. (The Tarbell House barn is presently C & F Motors.)

Brooklyn – A. L. Gere is rapidly coming to the front as a breeder of pure-bred swine, specializing in the popular Berkshire breed. Mr. Gere is one of those types of men who believe it wise to make haste slowly, when such haste interferes with the development of the blood lines, which contribute to profitable swine—and swine should be an important part of every farm program.

Thompson – Born to Thompson and Ararat, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Crosier, an orchestra. The happy parents have christened it “The Sympathy Orchestra.” All signs point to a very brilliant career for this organization, which consists of twenty persons, both young and old, and judging from its first uproar, the Boston Symphony Orchestra will be taking a back seat in the near future.

Susquehanna – Vincent Connolly and Joseph Moroski, playing with the Susquehanna team of the Inter-State basket ball league, assisted in the downfall of the Hallstead quintet at Susquehanna. The score was 32-22. Connolly was the scoring star for Susky. Susquehanna stands third in the pennant race for the second half. ALSO The Federal Labor Board, at Chicago, decided that the Erie company had no legal right to make a reduction in wages. The Board has not the power to enforce its ruling which calls upon the Erie to restore former pay to its employees, and to make good the difference due, and it is said the Erie will ignore the order in its entirety.

Uniondale – John Smith, who for the past ten years had charge of the Forest City poor farm, in Herrick, left for Endicott to reside with is daughter. He was a faithful manager and the farm, under his supervision, has become a source of profit. ALSO To Mr. and Mrs. John Burdick, of this place, the birth of a son on March 3, 1921.

Welsh Hill – Mrs. Arietta Watkins, whose home was destroyed by fire about two years ago, is having a new residence built by A. W. Tennant and John J. Paye and son, Harry.

Dimock – Frances Barnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Barnes, who attends Dimock school and boards at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barnes, is now ill at the latter place with pneumonia, following the measles. The other sick ones are on the road to recovery, although the mumps and measles are still prevalent in this place. Twelve families are now under quarantine in this place. ALSO On account of the bad weather and so much sickness in the place of late, news items are a scarce article.

Hop Bottom – M. E. Rynearson, the well-known agent for Nash and Dodge Brothers’ cars and Larrabee trucks, is a live-wire salesman and is planning for an especially active campaign in the truck department, as well as automobiles, this spring and summer.

Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. – O. B. Howard had the misfortune to get tipped over with a load of wood in his woods, one day last week, and got caught underneath so it was necessary to call for help. ALSO We are having some very fine spring weather at present and hope it continues. The robins are chirping their sweet songs once more, we are glad to say.

Marriage Licenses: Domincio Dimidio and Mayrench Harley, both of New Milford; Willard H. Osterhout and Bessie M. Burns, both of Susquehanna; Ray Hurlburt and Florence Johnson, both of Bridgewater Twp.

Friendsville – Mrs. Anna Marie Sweeney died March 7, 1921, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Tierney, of this place. Besides her daughter, she is survived by four other children, Sister Mary Camilla, of Dushore; Charles F. Sweeney of Brackney; Mrs. Michael McNerney, of Friendsville and John J. Sweeney, of St. Joseph. The funeral was held in St. Francis Xavier church, Friendsville and burial in St. Augustine’s cemetery, Silver Lake.

News Brief: One by one, man’s inalienable rights are being filched from him. Down in Wilkes-Barre they have arrested a fellow for snoring in church.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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