Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 11 1910/2010
Montrose - One of those big never-to-be-forgotten programs at Steine's Nickelet tonight. Western pictures--"Red Wing's Gratitude," "From Cabin Boy to King," Seven pictures; two songs. ALSO - Beach Mfg. Co. has had a rapid increase in the business. More help is constantly being added, they having this week telephoned to Wilkes-Barre to Mr. L. T. Harrower, who still has a warm spot in his heart for the prosperity and welfare of this plant, as well as Montrose, to send three machinists as soon as possible. Between 25 and 30 men are now employed there, all making good wages, ranging from 25 cents to 37 ½ cents an hour, working 10 hours a day and some over time. They have been considering 12 hours a day.
Auburn Four Corners - Why doesn't some good doctor locate here? Four doctors from nearby towns were professionally engaged here last week. At Shannon Hill - S. L. Overfield went to Wilkes-Barre one day last week and purchased a horse, three wagons and some harness,, and started to drive home. When near Falls the horse was taken sick and died, so he came the rest of the way by train. Mark Overfield took a horse and went after the wagons, returning home Friday night.
New Milford - B. Z. Cobb has bought the timber which is mostly composed of hemlock, on the Hon. A. C. Barrett farm in the township. This is one of the largest tracts of timber in this part of the county, and Mr. Cobb expects to cut from it about a million feet of logs.
Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - Isn't it glorious to see the sunshine and blue sky once more? Indications point to be an early spring. ALSO In Brooklyn - owing to the condition of the roads the drama which the Y.P.C.U. is preparing will not be given until the middle of April, but on the evening of March 18th, they will hold a social at the home of Mrs. W. L. Kent, when an evening of enjoyment is promised to all. The popular game of "Peanut Whist" will be played, and there will be guessing contests, with prizes for the successful contestants. Refreshments will consist of sherbet, cake and wafers.
Alford - The first maple syrup of the season was brought into town by Edward Goodrich, selling at $1.25 per gallon.
Forest Lake - Arlie Warner has been very busy this winter, drawing logs to Fessenden's Mills, at Birchardville.
Hopbottom - On Friday evening, March 4th, in an exciting game of basket ball, Hopbottom defeated the fast L. A. C. basket ball team of Susquehanna, by a score of 29 to 16. Next Saturday evening, March 12, Hopbottom will play the UY.M.C.A. team from Binghamton, better known as the Yellow Jackets. Great game promised.
Brookdale - Much credit is due to our R. D. mail carrier, Mr. Smith, who braved danger to himself and horse last week to deliver our mail.
Choconut - The Chalker school has had a very small attendance for the last two or three weeks on account of the grip; hardly any one escaped having it.
Hallstead - The ladies' aid of the Baptist Church planned a sleigh ride to the home of Deacon Sherwood and all started out expecting a joyous time. There would have been a good time with nothing to mar the enjoyment of the occasion, had it not been for a mishap to one of the loads when a sleigh over turned in Steam Hollow, near the old school house bridge. B. F. Perry was one of those sitting on the lower side of the sleigh as it went over and he sustained serious injuries, the worst of which was a dislocated shoulder, which will keep him from work for some time.
Lawsville - In the recent contest given by Mrs. Earle Northrop for the three best loaves of bread made from the Gold Medal flour, Mrs. Helen Luce received first prize of three sacks of flour; Mrs. Alva Rockwell, second prize of two sacks of flour; Mrs. Thomas Mahoney, third prize, of one sack of flour. The judges were: Mrs. Henry Ives, Mrs. Ella Russell and Mrs. Laura Southworth.
Rush - James Marbaker has carried all the school children on his road to school this winter, free of charge, and deserves the thanks and best wishes of all.
Lenox - "Uncle" Jack Thatcher, an old time railroad man, was found unconscious at his home Friday p.m. the victim of a stroke of paralysis. He was immediately removed to the house of his niece, Mrs. F. T. Doran, and medical assistance summoned, but at this writing he appears to be gradually failing.
Thompson - S. D. Barnes has purchased the coal and feed business of A. W. Larrabee, of Starrucca and Floyd Salisbury has accepted a position as clerk in the store of Myron B. Miller.
Springville - Rev. A. E. Potter is walking to some of his appointments, his horse being disabled.
News Brief - The Pennsylvania law requires that every automobile shall carry during the period from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise two lights showing a white light visible at least one hundred feet in the direction toward which the vehicle is proceeding, and also exhibit one red light visible in the reverse direction. ALSO - The State memorial to Pennsylvanians who fought in the battle of Gettysburg, now being erected near the "High Water Mark," at a cost of $140,000, is to be dedicated Sept. 27th next. The monument will be 104 ft. high and will be one of the handsomest on the field. It will be a double arch surmounted by a dome on which will be a large figure of Victory. It will be surrounded by a low, solid wall on which will be placed 96 bronze tablets bearing the names of 22,000 Union veterans, taken from the muster rolls of Pennsylvania regiments of June 30, 1863, the day before the opening of the battle. ALSO - The old time kiss-ing parties are again coming in vogue at social functions. It is hoped thus to refute the impression that osculation is a means of spreading contagion. Thoughtless young people will take such risks. ALSO - The spring-like weather of the past week caused the sap to run and new maple sugar is being sold in the market. Robins and bluebirds made their first appearance the latter part of the week. Our warm weather has since "caught cold."
Compiled By: Betty Smith