Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
March 11 1904/2004
Auburn Twp. - A second rural free delivery route with a starting point at Meshoppen, will be opened April 1. The route traveled will include South Auburn, Doolittle and a portion of South Auburn Township.
Hallstead/Great Bend - The steel stringers and girders have taken the place of the wooden ones in the Hallstead-Great Bend county bridge, and the entire structure has been re-planked. The ice on the river was thick enough to permit even the heaviest loaded vehicles to cross between the two towns in safety, thus giving the workmen full swing, as interference from passing traffic was eliminated.
Choconut - James Mooney will sell, March 21, at his home in Choconut, horses, wagons and farming implements.
Montrose - The fiery steed of Mr. Samuel B. Rogers ran away on Tuesday morning. Mr. Rogers had hitched up his colt and went into the house. The horse realized that it was untied and without waiting for Mr. Rogers, started from the barn at a terrific rate. Consternation was created along Lake avenue when the terrified residents saw the animal rushing headlong down that thoroughfare. Mr. Rogers followed shortly afterwards in a special conveyance, and upon arriving at his office found his horse had stopped in front and that no damage was apparent. It is claimed, for the horse, a 2:03 clip while coming down Jail Jill.
Franklin Forks - The report reached Montrose Monday that a son of Wallace McGee had the smallpox, he having contracted it in a lumber camp where he had been employed. Dr. Caterson has the family in charge and as they have been strictly quarantined since the discovery of the disease, no great fears of its spreading are entertained, although it is said some have been exposed.
Susquehanna - The ice went out of Drinker creek Monday afternoon, taking some small buildings down stream. AND The new Common Council organized on Monday evening. D. J. Connors, of the 4th Ward, was elected president; Thomas J. McMahon was re-appointed chief-of-police; William Allpaugh was re-appointed borough treasurer; Stephen Maroney was re-appointed street commissioner; and W. A. Skinner was appointed borough attorney.
Elk Lake - James Justin's brown team took a flying trip from the Lake postoffice, home, on Thursday; damage--broken pole and whiffletrees. AND James Hoag has purchased a residence in Sayre and expects to move his family there as soon as he disposes of his property and store here.
East Dimock - Mylie Birtch, who sold his farm, intending to go west, has rented Almira Reynolds' farm in West Brooklyn.
Hopbottom - About 25 widows are living in this borough, and more looking for rooms. AND Parley Wright and family have moved back from LaGrange, Ill., and now live on a farm in Lenox.
Rush - Jessie Hasting, having just finished an apprenticeship with the most stylish dressmaker of Tunkhannock, has returned and taken rooms at the home of Uzal Kinney, where she will be prepared for work after the middle of March.
Uniondale - The Herrick and Uniondale Temperance Alliance gave an interesting program at the Methodist church, last Tuesday evening.
Lindaville - Some of the changes that will occur about April 1st are as follows: Mr. Pickering to A. L. Roper's farm in Lathrop; Isaac Grannis, near Hillsdale; Benjamin Green to Horace Brewster's farm in Bridgewater; Frank Tiffany to his farm in this place; Bert Kinney to the Johnson farm in Lathrop.
Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. - George LaSure has a 3 year-old colt and it is the opinion of all that he is the largest and best colt in the township for his age.
Ararat - Notwithstanding the cold weather our old people are wintering well. Aunt Susan Baldwin, over 90, is with M. V. Walker; Mrs. Margaret Sawtelle, 89, is with her daughter, Mrs. Eli Avery; Mrs. Freelove Brooks, 84, is with her son F. F. Brooks.
Harford - Rev. Walter Blackmar, who so ably filled the Congregational pulpit last Sunday will preach here again next Sunday. There should be a large congregation for Mr. Blackmar comes very highly recommended and is also a candidate to fill the vacancy of pastor in the church.
Lenoxville - Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. Charles Price and family, who were obliged to leave their home on Tuesday, because of the heavy rain and an ice gorge in the East Branch near their house. For some time huge blocks of ice have been piled up to within a few feet of the bridge, and it was thought that when the ice moved out the bridge would also go. The gorge failed to go after the rain and the water turned across the road, flooding Mr. Price's house and barn to the depth of six feet, and sweeping all smaller buildings before it. One end of the bridge settled down, while the other still remained at a late hour on Tuesday evening. All travel by the turnpike through that place is stopped for a time. The stage came wandering over the hill on its way to Lenoxville, startling the neighboring farmers out of their winter drowsiness. Truly, the point is hard to decide, which is more destructive, fire or water.
News Briefs - Prof. Foster predicts another severe storm period from the 17th to the 21st of this month. AND The Stone Opera House at Binghamton will be opened the middle of next month. AND Many of the towns along the Susquehanna river have been menaced by the high water caused by the gorging of the ice the past few days, among those most seriously affected being Bloomsburg, Danville and Wilkes-Barre. At the latter city the streets nearest the river are flooded to the depth of several feet and boats have been in constant use as a means of travel. In many cases families have been made homeless, but in no instances have lives been lost, although some narrow escapes are reported. A number of bridges have been carried away and it is feared that others will follow. Railroad traffic has been suspended in some cases and attempts at making anything like schedule time has been abandoned. The water is higher than at the disastrous flood of 1902 and it is feared that the greatest damage is yet to follow.
Compiled By: Betty Smith