Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 11 1899/1999
Birchardville - The seven months' term of school has been very successfully taught by Miss Lena Lyman of Springville and will close in about two weeks. AND A Literary Exhibition will be given by the people of the Forest Lake Center M.E. church at the Hall here, Friday evening, March 24th. Adm. 10 cents.
Forest City - Thomas P. McCormick, one of the sterling Democrats of this city, who ran like a house a fire for school director from the first ward, will soon take his seat.
South Montrose - A. H. Jones will take no one's dust this summer as he now draws the reins over a fine cream-colored horse.
Auburn - But a few changes will take place here this spring. Joe Westler will take charge of the John Lake farm and Flan Hibbard takes his place on the Mrs. D. Voss farm. John Smith and bride will occupy his house near the creek and Westbrook will move in the Mrs. D. Voss Tenant house. Adie White will leave the Corners and take charge of the large dairy farm near Dimock owned by M. S. Allen, Esq. Finley Green, of Dimock, has rented his farm to a Mr. Roberts, of Auburn, and will leave the farm and occupy J. J. Titman's tenant house. John Tewksbury, of Retta, will take charge of Mrs. John Smith's farm.
Gelatt - Harry Daniels has rented the grist mill at Gelatt. AND Arthur Bowell has taken to himself a wife and will occupy his farm in a few days.
Susquehanna - Having received his discharge, Horace Shannon, late of the First United States Cavalry, stationed in Nebraska, has returned to his home. AND Between 12 and 1 o'clock on Sunday morning a gang of 8 burglars entered the residence of Patrick Maloney at West Susquehanna. Mr. Maloney is a night employee of the Erie Railroad Co. and Mrs. Maloney and one daughter--a school teacher--were alone in the house. The spokesman of the gang told Mrs. Maloney that they knew that there was money in the house and they wanted it at once. Being refused the burglars seized Mrs. Maloney and the daughter and tied them with ropes. The hired man Kinley arrived home at this juncture and he was promptly seized and tied with ropes to a hook in the wall. The burglars lighted candles and applied fire to the feet of Mrs. Maloney, who from pain, was compelled to divulge where the valuables were kept. The burglars secured $41 in cash, a gold watch and some jewelry and fled. The condition of the family was soon discovered and they were released. Mrs. Maloney was considerably injured and for several days was ill from fright and her experience. It was probably the work of tramps, who are still at large.
East Rush - Our mail carrier is a good one and always at his post. Asa has not missed but one trip this winter; he makes the trip from Rush to Dimock, a distance of 9 miles and return. Wednesday he drove from Rush to Elk Lake and could drive no further; took the mail and walked to Dimock and back. AND W. V. Bedell, who has been quite sick with inflammation of the roots of the tongue, is better.
Lawsville - Last Monday a team of horses belonging to Levi Northrup, of this place, became untied and backed out from the church sheds at Franklin Forks and ran away, completely demolishing the wagon and harness. The team did not run far before it was caught. Fortunately no one was hurt.
Hopbottom - The maple sugar social at O. Case's was a success.
Brooklyn - Among those spending the mid-term vacation from Mansfield school are Misses Mollie
Weston, Ethel Sterling and Cady Weston.
Montrose - Watch for Fordham's new ad next week, calling attention to the opening of the ice cream and soda fountain season, April 1st. AND Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Smith, of Drinker St., gave a reunion dinner to the children of Nathaniel Webster Eastman and Lucy E. Cook. Included in the party were John J. Eastman and Mrs. Elmira Beebe of Binghamton; Mrs. Elvira Southworth, of Lawsville; Mrs. Caroline Hopkins, of Washington, D.C. and Mrs. Fanny L. Burrows of Grand Forks, ND. The only member of the family absent was Austin V. Eastman of Lake Charles, La. This family is one of the oldest in the country, being descendents of Roger Eastman, who came to America in the ship Confidence in 1640, and of Francis Cook, who came to this country in the Mayflower in 1620.
Hallstead\Great Bend - Hallstead-Great Bend held their jubilee over he return of the soldiers of Co. G. on Tuesday, and those from here who attended the celebration say that it was the greatest day in the history of the two towns. The principal features of the program were a monster parade, a public meeting and a grand banquet in the evening.
Jackson - Obed Moore, 17 years ago a resident here, was killed by a falling tree at Abbottsford, Wisconsin, on Monday.
Little Meadows - This place is now experiencing a dearth in empty houses to live in, there being several applicants for those at all likely to become vacant. More houses is now the cry.
Shew & Eagan - Just after the Democrat went to press for last week, Sheriff Ward Deuel received by mail, from Harrisburg, the "death warrants" of James J. Eagan, and Cornelius W. Shew, convicted of the murder of Jackson Pepper, in Rush. The date set for the hanging of the two is May 18th.
Compiled By: Betty Smith