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March 10 1922/2022

As reported in the Forest City News: “Hootch” Found in Browndale Homes—Browndale was visited Tuesday by County Detective Blake and two State troopers who having heard divers reports of how “hootch” was being made in Browndale concluded to see for themselves. They were assisted in their search by Constable Anthony Regan. At Martin Kniss’ place sixteen gallons of whiskey were found and seized. At the home of Mrs. Konnick, near the school house, two large stills were found. Another party, suspected of making moonshine, was looked up. Only some “mash” was found at this place. The officers returned laden with their trophies confident that a start had been made in suppressing the illegal manufacture of hootch in that vicinity. [Browndale is located near Forest City, in Wayne County.]

South Gibson – An up-to-date line of spring and summer hats for ladies and children at Mrs. Mae Michael’s.

Susquehanna - In the Tri-State basketball league Starrucca defeated Susquehanna by a score of 29 to 20. Moroski and Connolly played with Starrucca. Connolly was the high point getter, having 11 points to his credit. Moroski broke a rib in the contest, but continued until the end. It was the first Susquehanna has been defeated on its own court in two seasons.

Thompson – Crosier and Gelatt, undertakers, are dealers in all kinds of monuments, headstones and grave vaults. Mr. Gelatt recently visited the different quarries in the New England states and purchased several carloads of monuments at extremely low prices—and are going to give you the benefit of those prices. ALSO In an obituary notice on the death of one of the county’s oldest residents, F. A. Crosier, late of Thompson, it was stated that he was familiarly known as “Grump.” This was a typographical error, the word intended being “Gramp.” Mr. Crosier was affectionately greeted as “Gramp” for many years, being loved and honored by every man, woman and child who knew him, and figuratively, “grandpa,” to a wide circle of acquaintances.

Montrose – Great interest was demonstrated Monday morning in the forthcoming appearance here of Hon. William Jennings Bryan, when the diagram for reserved seats was opened to the public at F. D. Morris & Co.’s drug store. Many men and women were congregated in the store, the men chatting and the ladies occupied—mostly—with knitting. A line was formed at the hour set and those in the store given numbers so that they might be waited upon in turn. [Bryan ran for President in 1896, 1900 and 1908 on the Democratic ticket and was Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson].

South Montrose – F. E. Barron, the veteran merchant, is erecting a big showy double store building, to which he expects to remove his stock and the post office within the next few weeks. It will be a fine improvement for the town, and with the several residences going up, the wide-awake inhabitants may well say there’s something doin’ at South Montrose.

Fairdale – Joseph Petros, who lately moved to the A. D. Steiger farm, near this place, which he acquired recently, exchanging his property at Vestal Center for same, was in town and is a most agreeable man to meet.

Brooklyn – Samuel Kinney, who lives near Ely’s Lake, finds his health does not permit him to continue active farming and will sell cows, wagons, farm implements, at public sale, as announced by advertisement in this paper. In the offering are several fresh cows.

Franklin Forks – G P. Stockholm, a G. A. R. man, recently returned from a trip to New York, where he attended the annual reunion of his regiment, the 1st New York Mounted Rifles. The muster and banquet was held in Hotel Astor, and was attended by nine members of the regiment, with their wives, daughters and invited guests. Some of the comrades had not met since the days of ’65, yet easily recognized each other, despite the many changes wrought by “Old Father Time.” Comrade Stockholm also spent several days with his sister, Mrs. Ida Miller, in Newark, NJ, and visited the New Jersey Soldiers’ Home. He was not very favorably impressed by the appearance of the home, but has many complimentary things to say of Newark and her people.

Great Bend – Charles Hurlburt, who recently disposed of his half interest in the Hurlburt and Graves cigar store, at Susquehanna, will locate in Great Bend, where he expects to engage in his trade of painting and paper-hanging.

Springville Twp. – While Walker S. Bunnell, of Meshoppen, was returning from the Williams cattle sale at Lynn, last week, an automobile sideswiped his buggy near Lemon, frightening his horses so that they turned about and ran back toward Lynn, throwing Mr. Bunnell out of the wagon and rendering him unconscious. At the bridge crossing the creek at Church’s mill, one horse fell into the creek bed and was killed. The driver of the auto got away unidentified.

West Harford – The stage route between Harford and Kingsley and Harford and Gibson, which has been in charge of Hallie Forsythe for some time, is now conducted by Gus Jackson and Claire Tompkins. Mr. Jackson driving the route between Harford and Kingsley and Mr. Tompkins between Harford and Gibson.

Memories written by D. T. Brewster to the Montrose Democrat: I remember when Lee was at Gettysburg, and the first Sunday in July, 1863, how the Court House bell rang, drums beat, a  band played, disturbing church services so that Rev. H. A. Riley, at the Presbyterian church, stopped in the midst of his sermon, raised his hands toward heaven, and said, “Receive the benediction.” How the Emergency Company was enlisted that day, and they soon started out riding on hay riggings and went down and drove Lee back into Virginia. I remember when Lee surrendered and every man in town got drunk, or acted as if he were. I remember when Lincoln was assassinated and the first exclamation was, “And Oh, that drunken Vice President!” I remember when it took from 20 to 30 yards of cloth to make a lady’s gown, instead of only 2 or 3 as now. Then to cover the fashionable hoop skirts the dress was about 20 ft. in circumference at the ankles, and the only opportunity for a peep at a nicely turned ankle was in a gale of wind, or when milady sat down in a narrow arm hair, or something like it. When it was the fashion to have gowns trailing one or two yards on the ground, street sweepers, they were called.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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