Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 09 1917/2017
Montrose – Charles F. Watrous, one of the first to enlist during the Civil War, died on March 2, 1917. He was born December 17, 1836 on a farm in Bridgewater. When the call to arms came from Lincoln, in 1861, he was so stirred with patriotic fervor that he immediately enlisted. This was on April 25, 1861, shortly after Fort Sumter had fallen. He served his enlistment in Co. K, Twenty-fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and later re-enlisted in Co. B, Twenty-eighth Regiment, serving until he was honorably discharged. He returned to the homestead farm and in 1891 moved to Montrose. He served 20 years as tipstaff in the county courts. He was a faithful member of Four Brothers Post, G.A.R., being an energetic worker in caring for the graves of comrades on the annual Memorial Day. He was responsible for organizing the G.A.R. Post in attending the funeral of a veteran, who wore the grey, as a fitting tribute to the valor of the brave southerner. The Post marched in a body to the funeral, under the stars and stripes, which the reunited armies of ’61-’65 now love. The sentiment shown was appreciated by the family of the deceased wearer of the grey, coming as it did spontaneously from the hearts of the stalwart boys who wore the blue. At Mr. Watrous’s funeral the G.A.R. Post, Capt. Beardsley Camp, Sons of Veterans and Dr. Ellen Mitchell Tent, Daughters of Veterans, were present in a body. ALSO Henry Battles died at the home of his brother, George Battles, on Locust street, Tuesday March 6, 1917. He was a son of the late George Battles, Sr., and prior to his illness had lived in Binghamton. A wife survives, and one daughter, Mrs. Archie Berg, of Montrose.
Susquehanna – George W. Shaeff, former postmaster of Susquehanna, died in St. Petersburg, Florida, Tuesday evening. Mr. Shaeff had been the owner and publisher of the Susquehanna Transcript and Ledger for about 14 years. ALSO Matthew Anderson, aged 91 years, died at his home here on Friday evening, March 2. The deceased was formerly an Erie engineer, having retired from the service about 30 years ago to engage in farming. The Masonic ritual was conducted at the grave, in Grand Street cemetery, by Canawacta Lodge, F. & A.M.
South Montrose – To Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Donahue, of this place, March 5, 1917, a son—Robert Patrick.
Forest City – Editor F.T. Gelder, of the Forest City News, has announced his candidacy for prothonotary on the Republican ticket.
Franklin Forks - The death of Jacob Palmer occurred Wednesday morning, very suddenly, at the home of his son, Charles, of this place. Mr. Palmer was widely known and respected by all who knew him. He was a Civil War veteran and member of the G.A.R. of this place.
Jackson – And it is some winter. On Monday, March 5, the record was eighty days of sleighing in this place. ALSO A number of new books have been recently added to the Jackson public library. This is one of the largest circulating libraries in the county.
Brooklyn – The subject for discussion at the Parent-Teacher meeting at the school next Saturday afternoon will be “Immorality in the Schools, and How to Cope With It.” Every parent should make an effort to hear this discussion. Come and be prepared to ask questions.
Harford – The many friends of E.J. Whitney, who had both legs fractured in Harford’s fire, will be glad to know that he is able to be about his house, having returned from the hospital, though still unable to leave the house. He is able to direct his undertaking business, through assistants. Mrs. Whitney is yet in the Moore-Overton hospital but expects the plaster casts can be removed this week. ALSO A new quartette was organized and they give a pleasant “serenade.” Members are as follows: Clarence and George Richardson, Reuben Rushworth and Bruce Hawley. With a little more practice they will be able to play very difficult music for all occasions.
Springville – A genuine March blizzard today. We are seeing more snow now than altogether before this winter. But ice is plenty. Some of the ice cut this winter has been from 24 to 25 inches deep on the ponds.
Middletown – James Conboy had the misfortune to have three of his valuable sheep killed by dogs recently. “Jimmie” killed the dogs.
Upsonville, Liberty Twp. – Charles McKinney has presented his wife with a fine motor washer and engine.
Glenwood, Lenox Twp. – S.S. Marcy and Alden Hinkley are kept busy these days shoeing horses and repairing wagons, etc. at Marcy’s blacksmith shop.
New Milford – Chester S. Vail, one of the most enthusiastic orchardists in this county, has prepared the ground for planting 150 more apple trees this spring. Mr. Vail already has several hundred young trees that should come into bearing in another year. He takes great pride in his orchard and if nothing happens he will soon reap the reward of his hard work.
East Rush – The Ladies Aid of this place met at the church and tied a very handsome quilt for our pastor and wife. The dinner which the ladies served was well patronized by the people in this vicinity and some from other points. It was remarked by outside parties, that if you wanted a square meal you were sure to get it at East Rush.
News Brief: Pennsylvania suffragists announce that they are particularly elated by the granting of suffrage in Ohio, because in the past it has been the rule that black states, that is, states not having granted any suffrage to women, follow rapidly the example of adjoining states. ALSO A couple of years ago the country was agog with excitement when Henry Ford stated that he expected to make 300,000 automobiles in a single year. Since last August the Ford factories have turned out over 320,000 machines, and still they are unable to make as many as the country is demanding. The Ford company is urging all who want machines to buy now, so as to be sure of getting early deliveries in the spring.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, March 9, 2017.
*Married – On the 6th instant by Joshua W. Raynsford Esq., Mr. William Reynolds to Miss Susan Cotton, all of Bridgewater.
*The number of ardent spirits, of foreign and domestic manufacture, consumed annually in the United States, is little short of 34,000,000 gallons! In 1810, when the last census was taken, the amount was ascertained to be 33,365,529 [gallons].
*Rising Prospects of the West.—A Mrs. Crawford of the vicinity of this place was a few days ago delivered of three fine boys, who are all living and likely to do well. Tyrants ought to tremble at the idea of so many free born sons. West. Spy.
*SAYRE & MULFORD Want to purchase a quantity of SALTS of ASHES to be delivered at their store in Montrose.
Compiled By: Betty Smith