Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 09 1906/2006
Clifford - Historic Land of Clifford, 100 years ago: The first man to settle here was Adam Miller, who was born in Ireland, came to the U.S. at the close of the American revolution, in 1799, and built a log cabin northeast of the ancient barn of J.M. Calender.
About 1800 Mr. Bucklyn built a cabin where Dundaff now is. About this time William Moss built a cabin on the Moss place, afterwards called the Galbraith place, and of late called the Ezra Lewis farm. Three cabins were all the dwellings in what is now Clifford township. The first school and first religious meetings were held in Mr. Miller's cabin. The name of this place at that time was Elkwoods, afterwards called Beechwoods. Elkwoods included Clifford, Lenox and Herrick. The name Elkwoods came from the number of elks in this vicinity at that time. Roger Orvis, of Luzerne county, is the only man that ever killed an elk in the Elkwoods, although many horns of elk have been found.
William Miller, oldest son of Adam Miller, is believed to be the first white person born in what is now Susquehanna county. In 1802 was the first preaching in Clifford; this meeting was held in the Miller cabin. In the year 1806 was the formation of Clifford township. This was the year of the total eclipse of the sun. The first school house was built in 1814. The Baptist church was organized in this school house soon after it was built. The first person buried in Clifford was Huldah Harding: this child was drowned in the spring near the present residence of William Lott. At this time but few cattle or sheep were owned in the vast wilderness.
Susquehanna - A Schener will discontinue the flour and feed business in this place April 1st. The new postoffice block will be built on the site he now occupies and as he cannot find a suitable place, he will close out his interest here, and make Buffalo his future home. AND The 14th anniversary of the Masonic order in this place was celebrated Friday evening in their parlors, in the Bank block. About 75 were present
Uniondale - The physician that attends Fred Carpenter reports his case as hopeless. He says: "The spinal cord is loosened, several ribs are broken from the back-bone, one shoulder crushed, and bad cut in the head." The patient is conscious of all that is going on around him, says he heard the men say when they were getting him out from under the rock, "there is no hurry he is dead." which they said was true.
Glenwood - The moving picture show held in Bennett Hall would have been a creditable affair had not someone come loaded with tangle foot, which for a time was quite exciting, but was soon over and the show went on. The dance, however, that followed the show, was a disgraceful affair. A small sized riot was indulged in. In cleaning up the wreck was found one bruised arm by coming in contact with a chair, a couple of sore heads, a broken organ and organ stool. The parties who caused the riot will be called upon to settle, which will be no small amount, and perhaps it will be a lesson long to be remembered. One thing is certain, anyone looking for trouble most generally finds it.
Hop Bottom - A telephone line has been placed between the homes of Mrs. Ida Tiffany and Mrs. E. M. Loomis.
Springville - Homer Young is fitting up the building he purchased for a barber shop, and has it so near completed that he moved into it last week.
Hallstead - W. G. Boerm, of Binghamton, has accepted a position in the chair factory as a wood carver. AND The D.L.&W. R.R. Co. is distributing car loads of new steel rails which will be laid between Hallstead and Binghamton in a few days.
Fairdale -You are invited to the "Birthday Party" at Grange Hall, Friday evening, March 9th. Entertainment and supper. A penny for every birthday you have had is the price. Proceeds for benefit of Epworth League.
Forest City - Joseph Ackerman and W. J. Maxey have purchased of W. J. Davis, of Scranton, the Forest City opera house. This is considered one of the most important real estate deals that has taken place there in many years.
Herrick - S. H. Pope, 84 years old, is smiling over the arrival of his first grandchild.
Montrose - F. P. Mills has been selling a carload of 24 Western horses at the Tarbell House barn this week, yesterday afternoon only 7 remaining. N. E. Travis, of Auburn is assisting Mr. Mills in the sale and the few remaining will sell readily. AND It is not so bad being an iceman these days if he happens to reside in Montrose. They have had to work hard though the past week cutting and storing away the blocks of congealed water, the forces of men taking advantage of the moonlight nights to work far into the early morning. Hart's ice houses at Jones' Lake [now Lake Montrose] are now filled and many of the local dairymen have also been supplied with ice for summer use. At Post's pond the Lehigh Valley has recently put in a switch from the main track and a large quantity of ice has been shipped over the line as far east as Jersey City. Every morning of the past week a large trainload of ice has been shipped over the Valley road--the railroad company paying Mr. Post at the rate of $1.50 per ton for the privilege of cutting. The filling of the Heart Lake ice house on the L. & M. branch is reported to have been completed last week. Other towns can jest about our frigid atmosphere and climate if they want to, but there is some advantage in it after all.
Great Bend - The freshet the first of the week along the Susquehanna flooded the flats between Great Bend and Hallstead and is said to have damaged to some extent the new bridge over Harmony creek.
Brushville - A very pretty home wedding was solemnized at the residence of Ex-Sheriff and Mrs. Richard N. Brush, on Saturday evening, March 3rd, when their eldest daughter Miss Lelia Elizabeth, pledged her vow in holy wedlock to William L. Deakin, Jr., of Susquehanna. The wedding was marked for its simplicity and only the immediate relatives of both families were in attendance. The bride was charmingly gowned in a dress of blue crepe de chine and carried a beautiful shower bouquet of pink roses. It was a most delightful evening parlor scene, which deeply impressed all, and the bridal pair was unattended. Immediately following the ceremony, performed by Rev. Alex. D. Decker, the happy couple was "encompassed about on every side," and best wishes showered upon them for a long and prosperous journey through life. Then all repaired to the dining room, where an excellent wedding supper was served. The bride received several elegant gifts, including $40 in money.
Compiled By: Betty Smith