Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
March 09 1900/2000
Rush - Clifton Hickok has purchased a gasoline engine and proposes to run a planer and a saw. He is busy placing the engine and getting ready for quick work. The small engine of Mr. Fred Hardy's works to perfection and he is quite busy gumming saws.
Lawsville Center - Our little village was subjected to one of the worst floods we have experienced in years, on March 2. A number of houses were surrounded by water and in one instance the family had to be carried out.
New Milford - Sunday night a fire destroyed the house and barn of U.S. Morgan. The family, in their night clothing, barely escaped the house. The stock in the barn was saved. Mr. Morgan, in saving one of the children, was quite badly burned. The fire was supposed to have originated from the cook stove. There was no insurance.
Montrose - There are in Montrose 88 widows and at least 25 old maids, but only 7 widowers and 8 old bachelors. What can be done for this surplus of women. AND - Will Aitken has joined the "Republican" force, and gives promise of becoming a very efficient and popular "devil." AND - L. B. Pickett has put his splendid new potato, "The Montrose Wonder," on the market, for seed. AND - On Saturday March 3d, H. H. Fordham opened his soda-water fountain with the largest variety of soda water flavors, fruited cream, ices and etc., ever sold in town. Everything kept in the neatest style.
Bridgewater Twp. - One Tuesday evening the house on the farm of C. W. Hoyt, near Williams' Pond, occupied by LaFayette Strope, burned to the ground together with most of the contents. Mr. Strope and children were not at home when the fire was discovered and nothing was saved except one chair, a barrel of pork, and a child's rocking horse. Mr. Strope's wife died a few weeks ago and he was preparing to break up housekeeping and had advertised his goods for sale. He has the sympathy of the community in the trials through which he is passing.
Lakeside - While alighting from his wagon in Lanesboro, Saturday, J. R. Barrett fell upon the ice and broke his knee pan. He came home and is attended by Dr. Ainey.
Brookdale - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey have been in Binghamton keeping house for their daughter, Mrs. Hattie Thompson, while she is at the hospital having a cancer removed by knife.
Susquehanna - The Forest House, the summer hotel six miles up the river, which was destroyed by fire last fall, will probably be rebuilt next summer. AND - The "Sodbuster's Social Club" of this place held a meeting on the Brushville highway, Friday evening. The silver-tongued boy tenor sang a number of selections. The "Bushwacker" quartet also rendered a number of pleasing songs. Games were indulged in, among them were "Kitty wants a corner."
Gibson - C. P. Prescott, Lakeview, was in town one day last week in interest of the Best Gasoline light. AND - Floyd Bingham, of Jackson, was here one day last week advertising the drama, Imogene, which will be played in Robert's Hall, Jackson, March 15 & 16.
Forest Lake - Robins and blue birds have come and the ice on the lake is over two feet thick. AND - Farmers are getting 60 cents per bushel for apples and 50 cents for potatoes.
Lindaville (Brooklyn Twp.) - The following are some of the changes to be made this spring - Benjamin Green moves on the farm owned by O. D. Hollister; Willis Austin goes on J. S. Wright's farm; Dan Yeomans will work Darr McKeeby's farm on the Meshoppen; Terrence Whitman will occupy the house vacated by Charles Hewitt; Frank Yeomans takes the farm owned by A. L. Roper.
Harford - Harford's excellent cornet band is receiving many compliments for its fine playing. At the coming reunion of old Franklin academy students, June 14, it will render an original piece, composed by Prof. E. K. Richardson, son of the famous Rev. Lyman Richardson.
Complaint from Auburn - The epidemic, which most people, also the doctors, pronounce "small pox" is spreading through Auburn township. Some whole families are having it. The people are getting alarmed in other neighborhoods. The doctors do not quarantine or try to prevent the disease from spreading, and we think it time something was done to prevent it from spreading. Even some of the convalescent patients, which are hard looking subjects, are traveling around heedless of carrying the disease with them. Schools are closed--some teachers, after having it, have started to teach, but the scholars are all afraid to go. Some doctors had ought to be arrested for not quarantining the houses or trying to prevent the diseases from spreading. We think it is a shame. In the west whole families are dying from the same disease. If it keeps on spreading as it has the last month, what will it be when it becomes warm weather. People are getting afraid to call on their neighbors for fear some have it. It is time something was dome or some one try to stop people who have been exposed and are coming down with it from traveling around. I think their place is at home. I do not want the disease and there are hundreds that are saying the same thing. Where is our Board of Health? We think it is time they wake up...A Friend of the Public.
News Briefs - About May 1 the postoffice department will be ready to supply the various postoffices with small books of stamps, interlined with paraffine paper to prevent premature adhesion. The pages are of six stamps each, making a book of convenient size to carry in the pocket or pocket book. There will be one book of 12 two cent stamps, a book of 24 two cent stamps and 48 two cent stamps. Each book will be sold at an advance of once cent on the stamp value to cover the cost of binding. AND - A 5" fish caused trouble in the office of the Honesdale "Citizen" by getting in the water pipe and shutting off the power which runs the newspaper press.
Compiled By: Betty Smith