Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 08 1901/2001
Montrose - Mr. Horace Brewster visited the Montrose High School last week and addressed the students in a highly interesting manner upon "The Underground Railway" by which fugitive slaves were assisted in their flight to freedom before the war. The scholars were so delighted with Mr. Brewster's remarks that he was recalled three times and even then it was with reluctance that he was allowed to close.
Kingsley - The musicale held at Mrs. Lizzie Tiffany's last Thursday evening was a success, over 60 were present. Those from out of town were Miss Ruth MacConnell of Harford, Misses Finn, McKeever, Bertch and Sager. Miss Sager assisted in the program and her songs were highly appreciated.
Lawton - Many hearts were made sad in this place by the sudden death of Mrs. Michael Zacharias, which occurred March 7th. The funeral took place from the Snyder school house on Sunday. She leaves a husband and five small children, the youngest a little over one year old, to mourn the loss of a dear wife and mother.
Auburn Corners - Blue birds and robins have made their appearance. South Auburn - L. T. Place has 60 fine young chicks hatched in his new Cyphers incubator: invention has gone so far there is nothing left for the old hen to do only scratch up the gardens and lay 365 eggs per year.
Susquehanna - Mrs. Abijah Green, of Trout Creek, gave birth to triplet boys. It is said that since this very interesting event, Mr. Green has been decidedly blue. AND The rumor that the Susquehanna shops would be removed to Ellistown, near Waverly, NY, proves to be a myth of the first water.
Tirzah - Herrick Center Elgin Creamery is nearly completed and is expected to open about April 1st. AND Miss Lena Corey, our popular music and school teacher, has a fine new piano.
Hopbottom - Charles Kellum had some of his choice White Wyandotte hens and a three-dollar rooster stolen Tuesday night. About a year ago Mr. Kellum had the choice birds of his flock stolen also. Charley, cold lead is a good medicine for chicken thieves.
Forest Lake - Abbie Lester's school is closed this week on account of the illness of her father. AND While driving home from his farm our respected townsman, George Lester, met with a serious and painful accident. He had a load of wood and was standing up, when some of the wood gave way, throwing him to the ground with such force as to break three of his ribs. He managed to get home without assistance, but has since suffered much pain and will be laid up for some time.
Brooklyn - Miss Mollie Weston has returned from Boston where she spent the winter studying music and voice culture. AND Ernest King, who enlisted in Co. M of the 27th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, is now on his way home, after serving two years in the Philippines.
Harford - That splendid musical organization, the Harford Cornet Band, will give a high class concert in Odd Fellows' hall on Friday evening, March 22. A delightful programme has been arranged for the occasion, which includes marches, overtures, brass quartette, piano solos, vocal quartettes, cornet-duet, concert waltz, male quartette, two-step, comic sketch, violin solo, solo and chorus. It will be an evening of rare enjoyment.
Gibson - Olney Sweet, of Iowa, and Will Sweet, of Dakota, have been visiting their many friends at their old home in Gibson.
Lynn - It is reported that Frank Risley and son, Walter, have purchased a grocery store at Springville.
Bridgewater, etc. - Lawrence W. McCabe and Jas. Clough are organizing a Farmer's Mutual Telephone Company, covering North Bridgewater, Silver Lake and Western Franklin Twp., not for profit, but for private use of those putting in phones. The work is going on at once, and poles are already on the ground. The line will also reach Montrose.
Great Bend - The girls over at Great Bend have organized an anti-tobacco club and they propose to make it pretty warm for the young fellows who chew and smoke the filthy weed. The club starts out by emitting some poetical effusions as follows-"He who chews the nasty plug Shall never have my waist to hug." Another motto runs thus-"He who will tobacco spit, Shall be my own true lover-nit." Another sounds as if it had been stolen from Tom Moore-"You may rinse, you may gargle your throat like a jug, But the scent of tobacco still clings to your mug."
Silver Lake - John Gillooly bought the Cranberry farm owned by Mrs. Sayre, of Montrose. Consideration $2000. AND Mike Casey has taken a job of cutting 400 cords of four-foot wood for the acid factory at Brookdale.
Hallstead - Who was the blonde? A fine appearing young lady came here getting subscribers for the Ladies World, stating that if we signed that week we could get a year for 10 cents. She got a long list of names, and that is the last we have seen of her or the paper. She is a blond and very pretty. Look out for her, she is a fake in good earnest.
News Brief - A number of changes have been made in base ball rules for the coming season, some of them being as follows: The catcher must stand close to the bat all of the time; the first two fly fouls now caught are called strikes if the batman has no strikes charged against him prior to making the fouls; an unfairly delivered ball will not be counted against the pitcher; a batsman will not be permitted to take his base on being hit by a pitched ball, but it will be counted as a ball against the pitcher; the umpire is authorized to call a ball on the pitcher if he holds the sphere in his hands for 20 seconds without delivering it to the bat; a ball is called also if the pitcher throws the ball to any player on the field except in an attempt to retire a base runner. All of these new rules are made to hasten the time of the game.
Compiled By: Betty Smith