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March 07 1919/2019

Bridgewater Twp. – Pvt. Joseph M. Rafferty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rafferty, was lately honorably discharged from the students’ army training corps, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, with high recommendations from his commanding officer, Col. John Brooks. His character was described as “very good,” and there were no charges of awol or anything of discredit on his record. ALSO Zanas Manning commented this week on the open winter we are having, stating that it forcibly reminded him of the winter of 1897. He was driving stage from Montrose to Auburn and Skinner’s Eddy at that time, and he said all through the winter he did not once use a sleigh, the light snow remaining for but a short time. The following year made up for it in snow, however, sleighing commencing in late November and continuing until April.

Elk Lake – It is the general supposition that a defective chimney was the cause of the fire which burned the house of Mrs. M. T. Cadden to the ground. The fire had gained such headway that nothing was removed from the second floor, and before anything could be taken from the cellar the building collapsed. Fortunately their tenant house across the road was unoccupied. The family appreciates the kind assistance of friends and neighbors in their hour of need.

Hopbottom - A letter was received by Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Rose, on Feb. 17, announcing the death of their son, Pvt. Delbert D. Rose, Co. L, U.S. Infantry, 28th Division, who died on July 18, from wounds received in action July 15, 1918.

South Gibson – Dewey Carpenter and Orson Sloat, two of our local boys who took part in the great conflict overseas, have arrived home and we are glad to see them looking so well, although Dewey was severely gassed and Orson was wounded twice. The people of this community are planning to give them a reception.

Brooklyn – William A. Ely passed away on Feb. 18, 1919, at the home of his sister, Mrs. James VanAuken. Mr. Ely was born in 1865, the son of George and Julia Ely. In 1910 he was married to Miss Myra A. Gere, who with one son, Herbert, survive him.

Jessup Twp. – Wakely Small’s house burned on Sunday evening. It was a complete loss, house and contents and $60 being burned. There was no insurance. The family was at the home of Geo. Dayton, some rods distant, helping with chores. The family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Small and five children, lost their all. They had been gone from their home only about a half hour, but when the alarm was given the entire structure was in flames and the building could not be entered.

Heart Lake – L.E. Griffing tells us he has taken the county agency for the Wheat Farm tractor, made by the famous Pierce-Arrow Co. of Buffalo. He expects to have a machine for use on his farm and for demonstrating the middle of the month. This machine will pull three 14-inch plows, or can be used to haul heavy loads on the road at a speed of 10 or 12 miles an hour, a set of rubber tires being easily interchangeable.

Montrose – Electrician H. A. Lyons is wiring the Misses Frazier residence on Maple street. In talking with Mr. Lyons he commented on the fact that it was in this building that he “earned his first quarter” back in the 70’s when he folded “Republicans” for the late Editor Taylor. The Republican was for a time printed by Mr. Taylor in the building where Editor Frazier had his office. Mr. Lyons has wired 58 residences in Montrose, which does not include business places. [210 Maple St.-stone building]

Springville – The prospects of establishing a bank here are very flattering, almost the required amount of stock having been sold. It is hopeful that such an institution will be established, as it is greatly needed.

Dimock – Miss [Rossa] Cooley, a teacher from the Penn School at St. Helena Island, S.C., is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. F.R. Cope. [The Penn School was established in 1862 as one of the most significant African American historical & cultural institutions in existence today. It was established to help freed slaves learn trades and was supported by predominantly Quaker abolitionists from Philadelphia. Francis R. Cope, Jr. was described as a faithful trustee, whose grandfather had raised money for the school and a building at the school carries his name.]

Great Bend – Pvt. Charles E. Simpson has been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross by Maj. John J. Pershing for extraordinary heroism. Pvt. Simpson is a member of Co. A, 310th Machine Gun Battalion. The citation reads “For extraordinary heroism in action near Verdun, France, Nov. 5th, 1918, with two other soldiers, Pvt. Simpson voluntarily left a place of safety, went forward 40 meters, under machine gun fire, in plain view of the enemy, and rescued another soldier, who had been blinded by a machine gun bullet.”

New Milford Twp. – W.B. Roe has tapped his large sugar camp and reports a large run of sap.

Forest City – An effort is being made to unite the Simpson and Forest City cornet bands. Both bands have been struggling along with few members and when called on to play had to send out for players. This has been the case with Forest City’s band for some time. When they played their services were free but they had to dig down for cash to pay the imported players. If a union is brought about this trouble will cease and a strong combination will result.

Uniondale – M.O. Rounds will soon enlarge the Uniondale cemetery. The addition will be on the west side. The cemetery is in a good location and lots therein were all sold making it necessary for enlargement.

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, March 6, 1819.

*LOOK AT THIS!!! It has been reported in this town, and in others, that I am guilty of taking unlawful postage on letters, which I deny.—And you that have reported this falsehood, come forward and complain, and prove me guilty if so, for one of the following reasons: ---Either because I deny the charge, or because I say you cannot prove any such thing, or because I defy you, or because I think you to do it, or for the sake of the fifty dollars which you will get if you can prove it, or because I request it.—If it is not proved, I flatter myself that the public will consider the charge false. ARUNAH TIFFANY, P.M.  Hopbottom, March 5, 1819.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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