Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 07 1908/2008
Fairdale - H. S. Parks, who was accidentally injured some weeks ago, is not able to work much, but some of his neighbors went to his home on Saturday and cut a nice pile of wood.
Great Bend - The members of St. Lawrence Catholic church are making preparations to build a fine up-to-date rectory for their priest, Rev. Father Fagan, who has worked faithfully to bring the church up to its present beauty. AND Henry G. More, a son of Editor More, has relinquished his position on the Binghamton Republican to become general manager of the Altoona Times. He is a first class newspaperman.
Gibson - W. Whittington, of Susquehanna, was in town the past week in the interest of the Fellboelin kerosene mantle lamp. Several of our businessmen have purchased one.
Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. - Sam and Harry Reimel are busy tearing down the Laurel Grove school house and hauling the lumber to this place. S. B. Pierson has begun tearing down the school house at this place. AND In South Auburn - Nearly every farmer in this section has received orders from the New York Department of Health to improve the sanitary conditions around their premises, as a result of the milk inspector's visits.
Harford - The old mill of T. M. Maynard, which went up in smoke, was built in 1842 by Freeman Peck, father of our former townsman, Levi R. Peck. An older mill, on the same site, was built in 1820, Cyril Carpenter being the first miller. AND The Christie St. Mission, in New York, which received barrels of good things and clothing from the Congregational church of this place for Christmas, has sent gratitude in warmest thanks for the same.
Flynn - Our town election passed off very quietly. Some were disappointed while others were more fortunate. The offices should be passed around, not one to hold continuously because he has got the pull.
Dimock - F. P. Mills, of Gordon, Nebraska, came in the first of the week with a carload of horses, which he sold readily. Mr. Mills was formerly a Dimock boy, and went some years ago with his brother, where they operate two stores, also a big ranch, where they own over 5000 acres of land, with much more government grazing land adjoining, that their stock runs over. They have two or three hundred horses and over 1,000 cattle. Mr. Mills says that all the vacations he gets are his annual trips to Montrose with a load of horses.
Montrose - The "boys" have been guying Comrade "Marsh" VanScoten this week because [of] a Hallstead party who got up a business and political directory [and] had him down as a Democratic candidate for county treasurer. To a staunch Republican veteran that comes pretty near being one of the "most unkindest" of errors.
Fair Hill - The "ski" craze has struck this place, and all the girls and boys are trying to "skate" on them.
Forest City - A broken harness caused a horse of Heller & Company to run away down Dundaff street, Friday. At the Main street turn the animal broke from the sleigh and a team standing in front of the Allen block was scared into a run. The team wound its way in and out, around probably thirty teams in the two blocks it traveled before being stopped, without any damage being done. AND Harry Price, who had charge of the poor farm last year has again taken up his residence here. Clarence Fives has been appointed farmer for the coming year and moved to the [poor] farm this week.
Little Meadows - Wm. D. Minkler, a popular candidate for the Republican nomination for county commissioner, was a caller in Montrose on Friday. "Will" is a former Montrose young man, but has resided in Little Meadows for a number of years, and has many warm friends here who would like to see him one of the successful candidates in the primaries.
Elk Lake - According to the Wilkes-Barre Record, Reese Morgan of that city will conduct a boarding house here the coming summer.
Gelatt - While Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dowd have been staying with their children in New Milford and Binghamton for two months, it was recently discovered that a tramp had taken possession of the house and supplied himself with clothes and money. Other things were also taken. The house is a long way from neighbors.
Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. - Patterson's sawmill, on the Bronson tract, burned to the ground last Saturday night, when about 20 lbs. of dynamite exploded, causing an explosion which was felt by those residing in the near vicinity. Origin of the fire unknown.
Hallstead - On Tuesday evening Earl Tiffany, proprietor of the Hallstead Excelsior Works, took his employees and their families for a sleighride from this place to Franklin Forks, where he treated them and other invited guests to the number of 36, to an oyster supper and a right good time.
Tunkhannock - The story is going the rounds of the newspapers that "Libby Prison in Richmond was built of Yankee logs, cut in Wyoming county, Pa., and floated down the Susquehanna river." One trouble with that story is the fact that Libby Prison was built of bricks.--Port Jervis Union. That's just the way with some people; always spoiling a good story with pesky facts. Wyoming county doesn't get a chance at fame very often, and whenever it does, somebody comes along and unhooks the thing and lets it fall in a heap upon the floor. Anyway, that was a good story while it lasted. Tunkhannock Republican.
News Brief: It is about time the old ground hog was dug out and destroyed. It seems as though his limit was about up. We have already had about six weeks of grippy weather, and the end is not yet.
Compiled By: Betty Smith