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March 06 1902/2002

Lanesboro - There is no small pox at Germantown [as reported last week]. The Miss Clark, who was visiting there, was not exposed to the disease at Binghamton, hence her quarantine was unnecessary, but it was all right as a precautionary measure.

Susquehanna - The late floods did little damage, but the county bridge between Susquehanna and Oakland was in danger on Sunday and Monday and it was closed to the public. The town was without electric lights on Saturday night. When the rains descend and the floods come there are more things than living in a town that is set on a hill. AND Joseph Fallon, a laborer employed in the Erie shops, on Monday evening, fell down the basement steps in front of the Smith block, on East Main St., and sustained injuries from which he died in a few minutes. He was unmarried and lived with a sister, Mrs. Judge, on East Main Street. The funeral will occur today from the Catholic Church.

Hallstead - Only once in the history of Hallstead has the Susquehanna risen above the mark of last Saturday's freshet. For sixty hours the water covered property that has been free from floods for 36 years. The floating ice broke the posts that supported the stack wire at the electric plant which caused the 80-foot stack to fall Saturday afternoon and the town was in total darkness. The ice, ranging from 15 to 20 inches in thickness, struck the Hallstead bridge abutments, knocking the point off one and damaging a stringer on the upper side, which will close bridge traffic for some days. The Red Rock tannery barn came sailing down and fortunately struck an abutment of the bridge. If it had struck the bridge it would have carried away a span as the current was about six miles per hour. The bank of the river was thronged with people watching the ice go out. The waters were the highest ever known here. Cellars were flooded, Messrs. Howard, Carl and Kellogg, and others, living on the flat and on the other side, were rescued by boats.

Montrose - Rev. J.W. Raynor, a well known and grand, good, old gentleman, who is in his 80th year, undertook quite a jaunt on March 2, regardless of the rain and snow. He walked to the Fordham farm or more better known as the Lane farm in New Milford Township, six miles from Montrose, to attend a funeral at which he was to preach. There is not many young men of half the age [who] would have started on such a day as that to walk such a distance. AND One of the worst storms of the season came along March 5 and again filled the roads with snow and drifts. This morning the sun shines brightly and there is nothing to do but shovel snow and look pleasant.

Clifford -The Postal Telegraph Cable Company expects to commence work on the new line from West Clifford through Royal and Clifford to Carbondale in about four weeks. This will dispose of the line through Dundaff. AND In Royal, C. N. West is about to rent the Royal Hotel, to be used as a resort for summer boarders.

Forest City - The new council was organized by the selecting of D. Fallon as chairman. M. J. Connelly was elected street commissioner and F. B. Carpenter, secretary of council. There was a deadlock for treasurer, J. F. Wellbrock and John McDonald, each receiving three votes. F. M. Gardiner and H. O. Watrous were also tied for borough attorney.

Lenox - What shall we do with our milk? Is the leading question of the day. Some producers are in favor of a skimming station at the "Acre," the cream to be taken to Harford. Others seem to be satisfied with the conditions at Nicholson and propose to continue hauling to that place, while still others seem to think that as they have been to the expense of building a creamery, at Hopbottom, it is the duty of the stockholders to patronize it. It is a difficult matter to get the farmers to consolidate, even for their own good.

Fair Hill - The ladies of this vicinity are invited to meet with Mrs. G. L. Lewis on Thursday, March 13th, to organize a sewing circle or aid society to help raise money for needed repairs on the church. Come and bring your thimbles.

Friendsville - The stages did not arrive here last Friday night on account of the high water and drifts.

Flynn - The secret political club of this place got defeated bad this February election.

Uniondale - What has become of the board of health? Why don't they see that a culvert is put through under the railroad track in front of Wm. Morgan's so there won't be so much water in the street: Nearly two feet; also cellars flooded. Better get on your life preserver, Will. Also, over on Church street there was a flood ditch made some 20 years ago with some of the cellar drains leading into it, and the dirt and gravel was packed down hard over it and worked well until a few years ago when the supervisors (since retired from that office) put a road worker in there and tore the top off the drain and it has bothered ever since. It has broke out now near Mr. Ferman's and is flooding his yard and we are told another place where Elder Crane had his horse through into the drain and is now asking recompense, which Mr. Crane ought to have, to the amount of the damage; but the supervisor ought to have taken good advise, which he got at the time. Too bad isn't it, but they say mistakes will happen in the best of families. [Word for word].

Jackson - On the map of Susquehanna County issued in 1858, a copy of which was recently presented us, are the names and locations of every householder in this county at the time. Mr. E. R. Barrett, of this place, who has been scanning this old map, tells us that in Jackson township the following farmers, whose names are on this map, are still living and remain upon the same farms occupied in 1858. L. D. Benson, Lewis Gates, A. W. Barrett, Alonzo Barrett, Chas. Hazen, Chas. Martin, Ansel Page, S. Griffis, Orin Foster, Thos. Tingley. These gentlemen can very properly be called "old residents," having all resided on the farms now occupied by them for 44 years.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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