Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 04 1921/2021
Hallstead – Fire practically destroyed the handsome hotel property owned by John E. Clune. The property, valued at about $30,000, was gutted by the flames, and it was with difficulty the fire was confined to the building. The Binghamton fire department was phoned to for assistance, when Chief Lyons and the crew with Pump 2 made a quick run to Hallstead. This hotel was formerly known as the Mitchell House. Mr. Clune bought it some years ago and converted it into a modern hotel property. The loss will be a serious one to Hallstead.
Friendsville – The general store, which for forty-five years has been successfully conducted by E. E. Lee at this place, was sold on Monday last to Charles F. Geary. Mr. Lee will retire from all business and it is probably that he and Mrs. Lee will go to Philadelphia for the remainder of the winter. Mr. Geary has also secured the contract for carrying the mail between Friendsville and Apalachin during the coming term.
Herrick Center – Melvin Wimple has gone on another trip to Deansboro, NY. Rumor says he will bring home a bride.
Clifford – Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ayres and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Greene attended the Old Folks’ concert at Welsh Hill on Monday night. A delightful program was rendered and it was a success in every way.
Rush Twp. –In Lawton, a “fox chase” is to be held. A. R. Wilcox and Lewis Loomis are sponsors for the chase, and they will use several live foxes to trail the large pack of hounds expected. Prizes ranging from $2 to $7 for the best trailers will be offered. By the methods followed the dogs are simply allowed to follow the scent of the foxes, which are led over a five-mile route, there being no possibility of the foxes being caught or worried by the hounds.
Montrose – Attorney F. A. Davies went to Washington, D. C., where he will attend the inauguration of President Harding. Mr. Davies has the unique distinction of having voted as a delegate for Harding at the Chicago nominating convention; was present at his formal notification at Marion, and will now attend his inauguration. ALSO The old book and stationery store on Church street, which has been the stand for such a business for nearly half a century, is soon to be opened under the management of Mrs. Irene R. McCollum. A gift department will be added and one section of the store will be devoted to a woman’s exchange in response to many requests for same. This will be a new departure in Montrose and will doubtless prove of real benefit to many, having fancy or other articles for sale.
Springville – Prof. Stuart Button returned home on Sunday, a much married man. After school Friday he slipped quietly away and was married on Saturday to a young lady of Hopbottom. If it had not been for the cigars and cards probably Springville would never have heard of the affair. For once, Springville “got left.” Now that it is no secret we congratulate Mr. Button and wish them many happy years of wedded life. [The bride, Miss Beulah E. Downey, is the present worthy matron of Prosperity Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, at Hopbottom].
Brooklyn – At last Brooklyn has a snowplow. W. A. Stephens and Geo. H. Terry constructed it. J. J. Austin hitched his horse to it and made a much- needed path to the trolley station. We trust that there are other public-spirited men who will lend their aid in removing the snow from the sidewalks at the proper time.
Kingsley –Some of the stockholders of the Northeastern Telephone Co., here, flatly refused to pay an assessment of $14, which was lately levied upon them by the company until they can have the use of the line, as at present they are unable to call Central, due it is thought, too the dilapidated condition of the switchboards.
Auburn Twp. – The Washington and Lincoln exercises rendered by Miss Susie Swackhamer’s pupils at the schoolhouse, were largely attended and much appreciated by the patrons of the school. One man, a recent arrival, whose children have attended schools in several different counties in this state, said that his children had never made such progress as they have this winter under the tutelage of Miss Swackhamer.
Silver Lake – C. C. Rose, of the Silver Lake Farms, has the county agency for the Indiana “All-Round” tractor in the county. One may be seen in operation at the Silver Lake Farms, that is, when farming operations can be progressed. Mr. Rose makes very strong claims for this tractor, emphasizing one feature—that it enables one man to work a two-man farm and save one man and four horses on a six-horse farm.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – Frank Strong went to a hospital in Scranton last Friday to have his eyes treated. We understand he had an operation on one of his eyes. They took the eye out and scraped the film off, and put the eye back, taking four stitches to hold the eye in place.
Jackson – The Jackson-New Milford Good Roads Association held a meeting at Lake Side, recently. If a much traveled road in the county needs to be improved, it is this Jackson-New Milford road, which connects the State Highway at Jackson with the Lackawanna Trail at New Milford, a distance of about eight miles.
Little Meadows – A quilting party was held at the home of Jennie Newman for Mrs. Arthur Mead and family, who home was destroyed by fire with no insurance. ALSO The Little Meadows hotel, formerly owned by Geo. McCrossin, has been sold to Francis Fitzmartin.
Harford – Mrs. Melvin Tingley and Mrs. G. W. Peck were entertained Feb. 22ndat the home of Mrs. W. H. Richardson to celebrate Mrs. Peck’s birthday. A cake, on which was a hatchet and the date, Feb. 22nd, and decorated with primrose flowers, was on the table. The menu consisted of oysters, mashed potatoes, boiled ham, coffee, pickles, sweet corn, turnips, doughnuts, cookies, mince pie, cheese and jello, in which were George Washington cherries.
Dimock – Ernest Benninger has sent an order to Pittsburgh for a wood saw and engine, which will be here soon and then he will be ready to saw your wood cheap for cash.
Susquehanna – The main topic of conversation here, as in many other railroad towns, is the discussion of the Labor Board at Chicago, and its consequent results to the many employees. The decision will be known the first of this week, it is reported.
Compiled By: Betty Smith