Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 04 1899/1999
Montrose - On Saturday afternoon last the members of the Baptist church and congregation held a meeting to consider the question of erecting a new church building. After considerable discussion as to which would be the better--erect a new building or repair the old one--nearly every person present expressed themselves, by a rising vote, in favor of the new building and a committee was at once appointed to solicit subscriptions and report at an adjourned meeting on Saturday afternoon, March 18, at which time every member should be present. The present church building was erected in 1829 and is therefore about 70 years old.
Birchardville - Misses Anna and Urania Dayton, and Mr. Fred Dayton, all students of the State Normal School at Mansfield, PA, passed through Montrose last Saturday afternoon on their way to Birchardville, to spend a short vacation at their home.
Great Bend - As a result of eating buckwheat cakes when his blood was overheated, John Nichtke was compelled to undergo a critical operation at the Binghamton City Hospital, and is now there recovering. Owing to the condition of the man's system the cakes failed to digest and inflammation followed.
Brooklyn - Prof. Hamlin E. Cogswell, director of music of the Binghamton public schools, has been appointed supervisor of music of the public schools of Syracuse, NY. Prof. Cogswell is a native of Brooklyn, where he resided for many years.
Lanesboro - Rev. George Comfort, for the past 20 years missionary in Montana, will soon remove from Bozeman to Lanesboro, the place of his birth.
Uniondale - Persons interested in horse trotting have leased the Lyons farm and will early in the spring build a first-class trotting course.
Auburn - The Poor Directors of Auburn Poor Asylum met on Monday and transacted the following business--They hired F. E. Donlin of Auburn for steward, salary $375; Secretary, W. N. Barnes, retained, salary $33; Treas. Chas. Stevens, salary, $15; Physician, Dr. C. H. Warner, salary, $30; The hiring of a farm hand was postponed. The newly elected Director, L. T. Birchard, of Forest Lake, was qualified and entered on his duties.
Melrose - Three Scranton young chaps, Louis Singer, Edward Gilroy and Fred Lannon, March 3d, made a target of the door of the little school house and filled it with shot. On the 6th, Constables Isaac Johnson and A. M. Cook went to Scranton and arrested the young men and brought them to Susquehanna, when the matter was amicably arranged.
Prospect Hill - While cutting ice on what is called Mud Pond, Layton Green and Foster Card pulled out of the water the largest sucker (as they say) they ever pulled out, but C. C. Ruland says it was the coldest bath he ever took. AND A merry sleighload visited at Mart Kennedy's recently. C.O.D. Ruland says that is a good place to go on your birthday, if you want your nose greased, and I guess he knows.
Lawsville Centre - During the recent blizzard the Truesdell schoolhouse was consumed by fire.
Hallstead - The following are the names of the prospective graduates of the Hallstead high school: John O'Brien, Claud Simmons, Odesta Arnold, Marcella Normile, Edith Trowbridge, Georgia DeWitte, Ida Hill, Hazel Ross and Arlene Millett.
Susquehanna - Richard Connors, Susquehanna's great composer, made a great hit in his latest song. Everyone enjoys to hear him sing as he is the possessor of a fine voice.
Choconut - W. Stanley has been busy all winter hauling logs to the Nugent lumber factory.
Dimock - A drove of cattle passed through this place last week. AND Eggs are 20 cents a dozen.
Elkdale - The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Burdick died this morning of spinal meningitis.
Forest City - The Ontario and Western railroad, having purchased the different properties of William Richmond, consisting of coal lands, expect to build a new railroad around Forest City soon, terminating at Stillwater.
Fairdale - Our Grange has been doing some strange things lately. It had been understood that the ladies were going to surprise the men at their meeting at the hall two weeks ago; so when the men came the women had a grand feast prepared, of which all partook. But next would be the men's turn to do the surprising, and all were wondering how they would do it; accordingly, on Thursday last, they met at the hall again. When the ladies got there, behold! there were nuts, candies, oranges and refreshments of nearly all kinds, and to cap all, an artist on hand to take their pictures; and the trouble was they had not frizzed their hair or dressed for the occasion, one lady having on a dress she had spun and wove the cloth and made nine years ago; but they either had to fall into line or back out entirely. They chose the former, everything passing off nicely, the ladies voting that the men were ahead of them this time.
Lenox - Organ agents have been doing quite a business in this vicinity. G. S. Bell has purchased a fine piano and B. McDonald, L. M. Titus, W. G. Squires and A. E. Rynearson, each an organ.
Compiled By: Betty Smith