Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 02 1923/2023
Susquehanna – Editor U. G. Baker, of the Susquehanna Transcript, gives the following pertinent comment on conducting a newspaper: “We want it understood right now that twenty-five years ago we stopped trying to please everybody with a newspaper. The first effort to please was by publishing a flowery account of a wedding. We described the groom, his attire and elucidated as to his future. The next day we learned that he was 97, and that she was his fifth victim, and we mis-spelled her maiden name. Since that time we have taken nothing for granted, but sort of allowed Old Friend Conscience to be the guide. Never pay people compliments unless you are sure they pay their bills.
Lenox – Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Manzer celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. There was a nice crowd, consisting of children, grandchildren and neighbors. The decorations were gold and silver and in the center of the table was a bouquet consisting of white carnations and yellow orchids, They stood under an arch, attended by their twin grand-daughters, carrying roses, while one of their friends read a passage from the Bible. After a presentation of gifts all marched to the supper table and partook of a bounteous supper. At a late hour all departed, wising the couple many more happy years together. ALSO On Friday morning, February 23, occurred the death of Julius P. Kline at his home in Lenox township. Mr. Kline was a veteran of the Civil War and one of the most highly respected residents of the township. He is survived by his widow and three daughters, Mrs. James R. Burns, of Scranton; Mrs. Ainey, of Fairdale, and Mrs. Milo Burdick, of Uniondale; and one son, William, of Clifford. The funeral was held from the late home on Tuesday.
Brooklyn – W. S. Tiffany has purchased the vacant lot on the Doloway homestead, east side of Maple street, of N. E. Packard and will erect a residence there in the early spring, and will move into town.
Heart Lake - “Hard Luck,” the new name which some have given Heart Lake, is quite appropriate when one has to wait an hour or more for the train, with no fire in the station
Lathrop Twp. – H. E. Kerr and O. N. Taylor are preparing to begin sugar-making. ALSO Ray Oakley is sick with grip and his children are sick with measles. ALSO Frank W. Taylor, the old veteran, was seen out to his barn last Saturday. We are very glad.
South Montrose – Glenn Roberts, a former Montrose young man and son of Mrs. Ella Roberts, of this place, has purchased Byron Robinson’s store and takes possession next Monday Mr. Roberts has many friends in this vicinity who will wish for him all possible success in his venture.
Kingsley – Augustus H. Tiffany is recovering from a serious injury inflicted by a horse kicking him. The animal’s hoofs broke his nose, jaw bone and collar bone, besides causing other painful cuts and lacerations. He was loading ice on a bob sled when his foot slipped and he fell forward behind his team, the ice tongs he was using flying from his hands and striking one of the horses. The frightened animal kicked, and unable to save himself, the rapid succession of blows was rained upon the upper pat of his body and head. He is being cared for in a Scranton hospital.
Franklin Twp. – Josiah Baker attained his 90th year last September. He is still as active as many men twenty years us junior.
Herrick Twp. – S. Bert McPherson has purchased the farm formerly owned by his grandfather, the late Seth Walker, in this township. The tract consists of 198 acres and the consideration was said to be $3000. The former owner, J. G. McPherson, is now a resident of “Wayland, NY.
Uniondale – The death of Russell Carpenter, of Carbondale, a former resident of this place, removed one of the few remaining veterans who had the distinction of guarding Jefferson Davis, president of the southern confederacy, following his capture at the close of the Civil War. The funeral was attended by a former comrade, Theron B. Dimmick, of Uniondale, who was also one of Davis’ guards at Fortress Monroe.
Dimock – Homer L. Smith, one of our most aggressive and progressive farmers, informs us that many in the vicinity of his home are ill with grippe, and only by the farmers joining efforts, in some instances, can their necessary farm work be done. Whole families are ill, making them entirely dependent upon the neighborliness of others to attend to the imperative demands of dairy herds and live stock. Homer went to Montrose, having going there to secure a lighting plant for Button Bros., who were unable to travel on account of illness. There is a great deal of the Good Samaritan in Homer’s make-up, which has won for him many staunch friends.
New Milford Twp. – Frank Wellman, a life-long resident of this place, died at the home of his daughter, in Binghamton, on Feb, 21, at the age of 87 years. The body was brought here for burial on Friday.
Montrose – At the annual fire department meeting, D. A. Watrous was elected chief of the department for the coming year, and Carlisle Smith and W. A. Harrington, first and second assistants, respectively. All three men are among our most active fire-fighters and will put new life into the local organization. Chief Watrous, who served in this capacity before, is ever on the alert to find some way of bettering the department and his election meets with general approval.
Forest City – Journeymen carpenters have demanded a pay of 90 cents an hour on and after April 1st. They claim that this wage is a necessity and the only way to stem the tide of higher prices of living. We are not able to say whether the demands of the carpenters will be met by the employers. ALSO Earl Tourje, the popular telephone man, is confined to his room in the Forest House by a severe attack of the grip.
South Gibson – The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carpenter were grieved to hear of their recent loss, by fire, which destroyed their house and all contents early one morning last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter and nephew, Floyd Carpenter, barely escaped with their lives.
Compiled By: Betty Smith