Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
March 02 1917/2017
Herrick Center – Jerry Kishpaugh is a veteran of the Civil War, having seen three years’ service at the front as a member of the first Pennsylvania cavalry. At the battle of Brandy Station he was captured and taken to Libby prison, Richmond, VA, where he remained but a short time, being exchanged at Annapolis, MD. He returned to his home near Uniondale and the next election he voted on age. If he lives until the fourth of May next he will be 75 years of age. He is living a retired life, having disposed of his farm for a cozy home in this quiet little village.
Harford – As Frank Forsythe was carrying the mail from Harford to Kingsley, he met with a serious accident while going down Kingsley hill. Three teams were coming up the hill, the road was very icy, and as he undertook to turn out, the sleigh shot across the road, the box tipped up and he was precipitated down the embankment, over 25 feet, mail bags, bread boxes, etc., following. The men coming up got to his horses and with considerable trouble prevented them from going down the bank. It is a very bad place at that point, as no fenders are there. Mr. Forsythe was helped up the embankment and taken to Aqua Inn. His son and a doctor from Harford were summoned and on examination it was found that three ribs were broken, his arm badly bruised and his head lacerated. He was taken home and is unable to lie down at this date, but is improving as well as can be expected.
Place Unknown – The monthly meeting of the K.K.K. was held Feb. 23. The meeting was called to order by the President. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The constitution and by-laws were read by the Secretary and other matters were discussed and after a few musical numbers by the pianist supper was served.
Montrose – Rev. Wm. R. Thomas, who has been the pastor at the A.M.E. Zion Church for the past few months, has resigned and left town, saying that his services did not seem to be appreciated by his flock and that he was obliged to sleep in the church. While it is nothing unusual to hear of laymen sleeping in a church, a parallel to the case above, we believe is without known precedent. ALSO The barns connected with the Tarbell House and Montrose House have been opened to the public. It is also rumored that the hotels will soon be re-opened to the public. Even the hotelmen are skeptical of the proposition of keeping a dozen “steady boarders” at six dollars per week, and allowing a hundred two-dollar-a-day men to get away. [As the result of the Judge not allowing the sale of liquor in a number of hotels.]
Clifford – The basket ball games at Royal seem to be attracting a good deal of interest when the Royal and Clifford teams frequently clash. The Clifford boys seem to be a little too light for the Royalists.
Uniondale – O.T. Rounds, county superintendent of highways, has been at Montrose the past few days examining the records as to roads, their width, when laid out and changes made. In his search he found that a road had been laid out more than a century ago from the Newburg turnpike to David Lewis’ saw mill. The road referred to is the upper road between Herrick Center and Uniondale, and the saw mill mentioned as the terminal was located on the site of Douglas and Yale’s planning mill. The road was marked out when Uniondale was in Clifford township before the erection of Herrick township and while we were still part of Luzerne county.
Heart Lake – Remember the “Broken Heart” Social at the parsonage, Friday evening, March 2, for the benefit of Ladies Aid. All cordially invited.
Forest City – Onions and potatoes are higher in price now than ever known. People are placing them on the too expensive list. The following bulletin appeared in T.J. Pentecost’s store window: “The undersigned will exchange 5 bushels of potatoes and 2 bushels of onions for real estate in Brownsdale or will trade even for a poultry farm if located near a railway. Call early.” T.J. Pentecost, Allen block.
Ararat – One day last week, George Caffrey met with a serious accident. In stepping out of the way of one train he stepped in the way of another and was hurled some distance, receiving severe cuts on both sides of his head, nearly severing the top of his head. Dr. McNamara was summoned and made him as comfortable as possible. He was obliged to take 18 stitches. The accident occurred in front of the depot at Ararat.
New Milford – The New Milford orchestra held a dance at the town hall on Tuesday evening.
Great Bend – Owing to the extreme cold and deep frost, water mains have bursted in Hallstead, and frozen pipes to residences in both places are causing some trouble. The hot language some of the householders used didn’t seem to thaw them out.
Susquehanna – Robert J. McCarthy, who until Feb. 1 conducted a wholesale liquor store in this town, has opened a dry goods store. A change from wet to dry.
Rush – The Rush House, which has been closed to the public for a month, re-opened yesterday. Proprietor Kintner is sane enough to believe he can run a paying hotel without a bar. All hotels will be running without bars in a few years. Might just as well break in now.
Friendsville – The general store, conducted by William T. Moran and C.J. Lake, was totally destroyed by fire, about midnight, on Friday, Feb. 23 Although the fire was discovered before it had gained great headway and a general alarm sent out, to which scores of men responded promptly, the flames spread so rapidly that nothing could be done. The entire stock, as well as the building, was consumed. The building, which was part of the Robert Winters estate and owned by Rev. P.C. Winters, of Scranton, is believed to have been uninsured.
News Brief: Springfield, Mass., Feb. 18. Henry Safford, aged 77, believed to be the last survivor of those present at the deathbed of Abraham Lincoln, died yesterday. Mr. Safford was a roomer in the Paterson House, opposite Ford’s theater, and on the night of the assassination, hearing a noise in the street, went to the door. He saw some men carrying the wounded president, and one of them exclaimed: “Where shall we take him?” Mr. Safford called; “Bring him in here.”
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, March 1, 1817.
*The subscriptions for the Susquehanna Bank have been filled, and a Charter has been granted. The Directors are to be elected at Wilkesbarre on the 22nd inst. How abundantly blessed with curses this State is!
*The Senate, it is understood, have before them a Treaty of Commerce & Navigation, said to have been concluded between our late minister, Mr. Russell, and the government of Sweden. As on these subjects the Senate acts with closed doors, we are not of course apprized of the terms of the treaty, nor the proceedings of the Senate thereon.
*The Hon. DeWitt Clinton, we understand, has been nominated by the republicans of New York for Governor, to fill the vacancy of the present Governor of that state, he being elected Vice President of the United States.
Compiled By: Betty Smith