Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 02 1906/2006
Susquehanna - The Y.M.C.A. is growing very rapidly and is getting to be a very popular place for the young men to spend their evenings. AND Plans for the new postoffice block, to occupy the site of the Curtis block, are completed by Architect Lacey of Binghamton. The structure will be of brick, three stores and 80 ft. deep. The postoffice fixtures alone will cost over $3000. Work upon the new bock will begin April 1st.
South Gibson - Miss Gennie Fuller who has just returned from Africa is at her old home in Kentucky [a district in Gibson Twp.].
Dimock - The Cope farm, one of the most desirable properties located near Dimock, is advertised for rent. For particulars apply to Wm. H. VanCamp, Dimock, Pa.
Montrose - Three young hoboes blew into town on Tuesday night from Scranton. Chief Tingley gave them warm and comfortable quarters in the borough lockup until morning, when they went on their way rejoicing. AND Miss Sue M. Strous was on Monday, upon motion of J.M. Kelly, admitted to practice in the United States district and circuit courts. Miss Strous is one of the few lady legal practitioners in the country. She has practiced in this county for the past couple of years and is a credit to the feminine portion of the profession.
Oakland - Many weeks have elapsed and still there is not the slightest trace of Maud Haynes, the missing girl. The search for her has thus far been most diligent, and the interest in the mysterious case does not wane.
Jackson - A steam boiler in H. M. Benson's shop blew up last Friday afternoon, going up through the roof of the engine room and over the roof of the main building and landing in the creek about 60 ft. away. Mr. Benson and Mr. Randall, who were working in the shop only a few feet from the boiler, escaped without injury.
Hallstead - It has been stated on good authority that as soon as the weather conditions will permit, the D.L.& W. R.R. Co. will commence the erection of a new roundhouse. It will be of brick and about 8 ft. wider than the present one so as to accommodate the large engines, which are now being used on the road. It will also have a new turn-table, which is to be operated by electricity.
Forest City - Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Taylor, with their family, left here last week for Denver, Col., where the doctor will practice his profession. The doctor went into business at Forest City 28 years ago and continued the business until a few months ago, when he was overtaken by financial difficulties. The drug and grocery stocks were sold at bankruptcy sale on Wednesday of last week.
Springville - Dr. Lathrop, representing the State board of health, was in Forest City Tuesday inspecting the local typhoid fever cases and inquiring into the circumstances attending them.
Great Bend - The put-a-tag-on-your-dog law is a winner. The canine family is rapidly diminishing and the cost of bologna is said to be decreasing in proportion.
Uniondale - Mrs. B. B. Mapes, 82 years of age, is remarkably active. She works about the house, pieces quilts, makes rugs, cushions, and her mending might shame the modern young lady. AND Mrs. Olive Leonard had an 8-months old baby badly burned a few days since. Her little girl went to lift the child up and the burden proved too heavy and she dropped it on the stove.
Rush - A "wood bee" last week netted a fine supply of fuel for the Trinity church.
Friendsville - Wednesday evening, Feb. 21st, the members of the Catholic church held a dance and supper at the hall. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, but a comparatively small number were present and the hall was re-opened Monday evening, when the Friendsville Dramatic Association presented The Commercial Drummer. The characters were well chosen and the play was presented in a simple, natural manner that quite captivated the audience and proved the dramatic talent of many of the members.
Forest Lake - It seems a little strange perhaps that a certain young man from Montrose, when visiting in this place, should be followed and serenaded with such explosive material as we heard the other evening.
Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. - The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mr. and Mrs. S. [Silas] Jagger, March 8th. The gentlemen are requested to come to cut wood for the church.
Heart Lake - Eugene Whitney, while helping pack ice at Heart Lake ice houses, suffered a fall of thirty feet. Fortunately no bones were broken. He does not seem to be seriously injured.
Scranton - Anna M. Branard issued a public appeal to the women of Scranton to claim a right to vote at the recent election, declaring that "no state law can withhold from them those privileges conferred by the United States of America."
St. Joseph - Tom Sullivan is drawing logs to Booth mill. Joe Kelley has purchased a new cutter [sleigh]. Matt Kelley has been drawing logs to Birchardville.
News Briefs: Two hundred and fifty-four Pennsylvania couples journeyed to Binghamton last year to be married. AND Rural free mail delivery, telephones and trolleys are putting a new face on farm life. These three things remove the feeling of isolation that has always characterized life in the country. AND Lumber prices are soaring. They are all ready "sky high" and they never will come down again. Every farm that has land unfit for general cropping can grow trees. Trees are a good investment for the future. Have you any "wild land" that might grow trees?
Compiled By: Betty Smith