Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 02 1900/2000
Fairdale - The breaking up of the ice in Barron's pond, caused by the recent high water, did considerable damage to the bridge near Elm Bridge Cottage, last week. Great cakes of ice 30 ft. square were jammed against the bridge with such force and violence as to break the cakes into a thousand pieces, causing a report not unlike a cannon. The above said bridge was damaged to a considerable extent. The old sawmill owned by Wm. Barron was undermined, leaving barely a skeleton of the former old landmark.
Rush - The late rain storm caused the highest freshet since 1855. For some hours the road between the iron bridge and Shoemaker's mills was impassable for man or beast. One of the abutments of the iron bridge at Rushville was undermined and is out of plumb some 18". One end of the Hardick wooden bridge this side of Rushville dropped into the creek. Had not the ground been frozen it would have damaged the fields seriously. The raging current bearing all kinds of debris along drew crowds of sightseers.
Forest Lake - Communication by telephone between Stone's Corners and Springville, was established last Monday for the first. We now have a complete service between Lynn, Lemon, Lake Carey, Vose, Tunkhannock and all parts of the south.
Great Bend - A company of young ladies have formed an E.H.S. Society. We needed another Society in our place, but we are at a loss to know the object of this one.
New Milford - Through the kindness of Mrs. T. Finch and her friends in Plainfield, NJ, St. Mark's church has been presented with handsome new altar hangings. AND The Oregon Indian Medicine company are on their second week at the opera house, giving entertainments every evening.
Montrose - The boys who amused themselves a few days ago by shooting the windows out of a barn near the entrance of the Fair Grounds, had better call at this office and settle with the person who rents said barn, and avoid trouble. They are well known, as several persons saw them coming from the Fair Grounds with their little air-guns. This kind of business is getting altogether too common among the boys and some of them will have to be made an example of unless there is less of it in the future.
Heart Lake - Forty or fifty men are now employed at Heart Lake cutting and shipping ice to New York city, from 40 to 45 cars being shipped daily. The order is said to be for 2000 cars and the shipments will continue as long as the weather will permit. Help is reported as short. The shipments are to the Lake Hopatcong, NJ ice co. A short time ago the North Jersey and Pocono Ice Co. had an ice house destroyed by fire on this lake, which contained about 40,000 tons of ice; capacity, 100,000 tons. The plant and stock entailed a loss of $60,000.
Oakland - The First Congregational church in Oakland has been organized with a membership of over 100. It will occupy the old Methodist church edifice. A large share of the membership are former members of the First Methodist church in Oakland, which was disrupted by prolonged internal dissensions. A part of the old flock from a portion of the new Avenue Methodist church, Oakland.
Susquehanna - There are 475 pupils in Laurel Hill Academy and St. John's Parochial School, with an average attendance of 436, or 94%.
Hopbottom - The dwelling house of A. Bell, occupied by Henry Felton, caught fire last Saturday, but the bucket brigade, by their timely work, saved the house and contents.
Lawsville - Melvin McKinney was the lucky man to draw the crazy quilt at the Ladies' Aid supper at Creamery hall recently. Mr. McKinney's envelope contained $5. The receipts were $27.
Thompson - It is time for those who intend to make maple sugar to get their camps in order, as the weather seems to shape that way.
Silver Lake - The Rose Bros. shingle mill that has been idle for some time past, for lack of water to supply [the] engine, is again in operation.
Auburn - Pern Harris went down to Dallas last week for the purpose of buying out a livery business, but has not come to a definite understanding as yet. Well, Pern will never be satisfied until he gets in that business and then quite likely won't be until he gets out.
Harford - Manager Matthews, of the Soldiers' Orphans' School, met with a serious accident. His team became frightened and ran away throwing himself and three ladies out of the wagon; the latter was demolished and Mr. Matthews sustained serious injuries.
Friendsville - J.E. Ryan has accepted a position as traveling salesman for Carrigan, the wholesale grocer of New York.
Uniondale - Mr. Otis Dimmick, an aged resident of this place, recently lost by death three brothers - Sidney, of Dakota; Addison, of Louisiana and Rev. F.M. of California. All were well-known here.
Clifford - J. Cobb sold his team of horses last week for a good snug pile of money. His money was soon gone but it helped some others.
Royal - March 1st there was the highest water in 37 years.
Herrick Centre - There seems to be a hitch in the drilling operations, the why and wherefore not being explained to the ordinary citizen. Whitney says "If they should strike a vein of castile soap the good people of Herrick would not find it out till next fall." That would be a long-delayed salvation for the Hillside City as well as for our own town.
Compiled By: Betty Smith