Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 01 1918/2018
Brooklyn – This community was deeply grieved to hear of the death of one of its best beloved citizens, Dr. A.J. Ainey, who was stricken with paralysis on the evening of January 29th. Few men make a greater impression in a community for uplift and good citizenship than did Dr. Ainey, who was born in Dimock in 1838, educated at the Dimock Academy, the Harford University and Montrose Academy and was a Civil War veteran. After his discharge he read medicine with his brother, Dr. D.C. Ainey, of New Milford, continuing his studies at the University of Michigan and the medical department of Yale College, receiving his M.D. in 1867. His burial service was conducted by the Lt. Rogers Post, G.A.R., of which he had long been commander.
Bridgewater Twp. – This is an old-fashioned winter. ALSO A young man named James Williams tried to commit suicide by shooting himself. He said he thought he had heart trouble, and he pointed the revolver where he thought his heart should be, but the bullet hit a rib and glanced off, making only a slight wound. He worked for Vinal Welsh, near Tiffany, and boarded at Mr. Allen’s. Dr. Birchard attended him. Asked if there was a woman in the case he replied: “No, I never saw a woman worth shooting myself for.” His parents live in New York.
Auburn Twp. – Warren Rifenbury, of Nebraska, formerly of this place, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Belle Helicker, in Nebraska, where he went to live after the death of his parents. He was a life-long cripple. His remains were brought to Jersey Hill to be interred beside his father and mother. He is survived by several brothers and one sister. He was about 50 years of age.
Laceyville, Wyoming Co. – The large bridge, over the Susquehanna River, gave way to the terrific pounding of the ice against one of its piers and two spans dropped into the river. The damage to one of the piers was noticed by B.D. Phinney, living near the end of the structure, and he immediately placed a guard at his end of the bridge. Crossing to the opposite side with the intention of guarding that end, he had barely reached the end of the bridge when the structure sagged and the iron work went into the flood. The bridge was started in September, 1898, and completed in October of the following year. It cost $30,000.
Silver Lake – A former Silver Lake boy, Major Frank L. Donovan, has had a view of the German line “somewhere in France” from an aeroplane. Early in the winter he was ordered to an aviation school, which he is attending with about 80 other officers. His home is now at Lawrence, Mass., where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Donovan, formerly of Silver Lake, and Major Donovan’s wife and six children reside. He was born in Silver Lake 40 years ago. He saw service in the Spanish American War and on the Mexican border. An uncle of Major Donovan, Gen. W.H. Donovan, formerly commanded the 9th Massachusetts. David C. Donovan, of Silver Lake, is his uncle and Leo J. Donovan, is a first cousin. Another cousin, Pvt. Serenus D. Donovan, Silver Lake, is a private in Co. F. 101st Infantry.
Hallstead – The house of Grant Melody, of Smoky Hollow, was destroyed by fire on Sunday afternoon. On account of defective stove pipe, the upstairs part was ablaze before the fire was discovered and but few things were saved, with no insurance on house or contents.
Jackson – The class of 1918 held a heart social in the I.O.O.F. Hall, Feb. 14th. Each lady’s (paper) heart was sold at auction, and as there were more gentlemen than there were hearts and those that did not purchase hearts ate a “hearty” supper alone, which was composed of sandwiches, cake, pickles, olives and coffee.
Rushville – During the thaw and rain of last week the ice broke up and came down to the big bridge, near Hibbard and Potts, where it lodged and threw the creek over the ‘flats and roads, which makes it impassable at the present. It also washed away the bridge at Erastus Light’s.
Springville – Dayton Tuttle and wife are now in New York, where he has a good job with an automobile firm. They have not rented their home here and are waiting to see if Mrs. Tuttle does not like city life, she will return to Springville. ALSO L.H. Bushnell celebrated his 90th birthday, Feb. 24th. He is wonderfully well preserved, retaining all his faculties, practically unimpaired, and doing considerable light work out of doors in pleasant weather.
Harford – People have had a serious time getting about on account of the ice. It has been rather dangerous traveling. Amazi Lewis had the misfortune to break his leg while on his way home from New Milford, when his sleigh went over the bank near the Very school house.
Hopbottom - The flats are flooded and Arthur Johnson and W. F. Barron’s cellars are nearly full. Mr. Barron and family had to move out of their house. Earl Tiffany had to go down with his horses and wagon to get them out. ALSO The Foster mill is again running after having been frozen up for about six weeks.
Williams’s Pond – The Heart Lake Red Cross met with Mrs. George Lewis, on Wednesday last. The time was devoted to the making of surgical dressings. ALSO Everett Hohn and wife are moving here this week from Brooklyn, having rented the James Webb farm for the ensuing year.
Montrose – A flag used by the Union League of New Milford, in proclaiming Union victories during the war, was presented to the Susquehanna County Historical Society. The flag had been in the care of Judge A.B. Smith, whose father Capt. A.B. Smith belonged to the Union League of New Milford borough and township, organized in 1862. Judge Smith made the presentation. [The flag was featured in a Civil War exhibit at the Broome County Historical Society, Binghamton, NY, several years ago, as well as an exhibit of historic flags at this Society.]
Forest City – The high school girls basket ball team went to Carbondale too play the girls team of the high school of that place. As was expected our girls were victorious in a close, well-played game. The score was 4 to 2.
News Briefs: Towanda is wrought up over the whipping of some of its pupils by the principal. In this effete day we had come to believe that the good old-fashioned method of keeping the boy at his studies had been abandoned. The parents are very angry—but it’s just possible the exercise of physical suasion was needed. ALSO Veterans of the Civil war are dying at the rate of 100 daily according to the commander-in-chief of the G.A.R. When it is considered the War ended nearly 53 years ago it naturally follows that the veterans are reaching an age when dissolution must take place. Their tottering footsteps are watched with honor and respect.
Compiled By: Betty Smith