Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 01 1912/2012
Death of a Veteran - George E. Woodruff died at his home in Montrose on Feb. 28, 1912. He was born in Montrose, April 10, 1841. At the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted in Co. H. 4th Pa Reserves, mustered in June 1861, this company being the first one recruited in Susquehanna county. He was not discharged until May 31, 1865, when he was paroled as a prisoner at Annapolis, Md., where he had been sent after Lee’s surrender. Mr. Woodruff had a fine war record, having participated in 38 engagements, but was never seriously wounded. Among the principal battles were those of Mechanicsville, Gaines Mill, Charles City Crossroads, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Cloyd Mountain, Lynchburg, Snicker’s Gap, Barryville (two battles), Winchester (two battles), Fisher’s Hill, Cedar Creek, Hatcher’s Run, High Bridge, and others. The past few years he had been in ill health, and for five winters, excepting the past year, had been spent at the National Soldiers’ Home in Tennessee.
West Auburn - We have been having a nice (ice) time recently. Some people did not care to let their cows out of the stable for three or four days. A lot of coal was used to make safe paths to walk on.
Bridgewater Twp. - L. H. Sprout had a cow die Friday afternoon, which had for some time exhibited signs of suffering. On opening the animal a piece of hay wire was found to have pierced its heart. Indications were that the wire had been gradually penetrating the heart for weeks. The animal was kept in the barn of Mrs. Dora Lathrop, which was burned Saturday morning. Many people who viewed the ruins of the fire thought the cow had been suffocated and burned to death. She died some hours previous to the fire.
Harford - Representative Edward E. Jones, of Susquehanna county, known to legislators and to people all over the State as “Dirt Road Jones,” because of his activity in behalf of the appropriation for improvement of township, or dirt roads, today filed his nominating petition to be a candidate for the Republican nomination for the House. Mr. Jones was a member of the House in the sessions of 1907, 1909 and 1911, being author of the “dirt roads” bills in the last two sessions, in both of which he was one of the most active members and attracted wide attention by [his] work. He is prominent in agricultural affairs in his county, having been president of the Harford Agricultural Society for years. In 1910 Mr. Jones was elected on both the Republican and Democratic tickets. [E. E. Jones was also known as “Good Roads Jones.”]
New Milford - Arthur Wadsworth, a well known salesman for S. Mills Ely & Co., has placed an order with Bissell & Cooley for a new Model 28 Buick Roadster. Sale price $1,075. Mr. Wadsworth saw the new car at the Binghamton show and gave his order on the spot. The above firm also reported the sale of a Model 10 Buick to John J. Slatter, of Montrose.
Clifford by Jasper T. Jennings - Clifford twp. lies at a high altitude; nearly the whole surface being from 11 to 1800 feet. Above all towers the lofty peaks of the Elk Mountain, looking down like ever watchful sentinels upon the whole county from a height of 2700 feet. The blue peaks of these mountains form landmarks for scores of miles in nearly every direction. The view from the top of the high ledge, known as Prospect Rock forms one of the grandest of nature’s panoramas, worth journeying many miles to behold nature’s wonders and sublimities. Many often fail to realize that they have beautiful and enchanting scenery in our own county.
Hopbottom - An electric bell has recently been placed at the railroad crossing.
Springville - Mrs. Lemuel Bushnell has been seriously ill with appendicitis. Owing to age and heart weakness, no operation was performed. Mrs. Bushnell is now improving.
Susquehanna - General Manager Stuart has furnished the Erie Hose Co. with rubber hats, coats and boots so that they are now all well equipped for fighting fire. ALSO Ellsworth Englehart was surprised Saturday afternoon by ten of his young friends in honor of his 10th birthday. They left many tokens for their friend and after a delightful luncheon, they departed wishing him many more happy birthdays.
Choconut - Raymond Donnelly and Frank McManus have recovered from the mumps.
Uniondale - Uniondale is a pretty little village and has a great many very nice people; the school, stores and railroad facilities are excellent, with flour and feed mills, wholesale meat markets and last but not least, is its honest, charitable intent. ALSO Miss Mabel Lowery, of Carbondale, has a young ladies’ class of four in Uniondale; she is giving lessons on the violin. Girls, join her class and learn to be a fiddler.
Great Bend - Mathew Gannon, employed as a drill master by the Lackawanna railroad, in the yards at Hallstead, was injured last Wednesday as he was attending to his work along the tracks. Gannon stood watching his drill train slowly advance as it passed he stepped around behind it, and was struck by a Utica engine on the west bound track. He was knocked across the tracks, striking upon his head, and receiving severe cuts abut his face and neck. Dr. A. F. Merrill, the Lackawanna physician, was summoned and dressed the injured. Afterwards he was taken to his home on DuBois street.
Forest City - The iron work for the bridge to go across the Erie railroad, has been unloaded near the site of the proposed bridge, north of the Forest City breaker. It is probable that work on the structure will begin as soon as the weather permits. The Hillside company is building a terra cotta sluiceway on the trestle, from the breaker to the settling tank, to take care of the culm coming from the washery.
Montrose - A very fierce blaze, starting in the old canning factory building, Saturday morning at about 1:30, quickly reduced it to ashes and destroyed the residence of Miss Anna Burns, just east, and barns belonging to D. V. Gardiner and Mrs. Dora Lathrop, across the street to the north. Those early on the scene found the old canning factory a seething mass of flames, burning with a roar which could be heard all over town. They also saw the fire communicated to the residence owned by Miss Anna Burns, and the two barns. All this occurred in a very few minutes, before the fire companies had time had time to reach the scene, and the situation looked extremely grave, because of the possibility of the fire spreading through town. In the south--east corner of the factory building was a machine shop, including a trip hammer and forge, operated by Messrs. Floyd Andre and Maurice Catlin. Their lease expires soon and they were working nights to close out their stock of iron and it is supposed that the fire caught from the forge.
Compiled By: Betty Smith