Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 9 1893/1993
Auburn Corners - The electric showers now a days are doing much damage, four cows near here being killed; also C. McCarthey's house badly damaged and wife greatly shocked. Robert Costello's house was somewhat damaged. Insure, for in such a moment as you think not, your buildings and stock may be struck. AND Purn Harris has traded his pacer for something nicer.
Great Bend - On Tuesday evening of the present week, at a meeting of the School Board, Prof. Caragill and his associate teachers were hired for another year, with the exception of Miss Lindsley. The reason why Miss Lindsley was not retained is, she is about to engage in instructing a single pupil, who will promise to love, respect and support her while they both shall live.
Rush - The program of the celebration at Rush on the Fourth of July, for the benefit of Rush Coronet Band, will consist of fantastics, wheelbarrow and sack races, climbing greased pole, catching greased pig, etc. Ice cream will be served on lot adjoining Drug Store, under tent heretofore used for that purpose. A dance in Dr. Granger’s Hall, on same floor as used a year ago, best dancing floor in the county. Fireworks in the evening. Lots of music by the band.
Vestal Centre, NY - On Wednesday of last week, Mrs. L.P. Loomis and sister, of Montrose, drove here to visit friends for a few days. The horse which they drove was turned out into a field to rest, but concluding, with John Howard Payne, that there is "no place like home," he got over the fence during the night and on Friday made his appearance in Montrose. Mrs. Loomis was taken home on Saturday.
Montrose - There will be a festival in the A.M.E. [Zion] church, Tuesday evening, June 13, 1893. Mrs. Davis, formerly of Port Jervis, will give the history of her life from 6 years old up to the present lime. All are cordially invited. AND Will Denison has entered the office of G.P. & R.B. Little, as a law student. Will ought to succeed and we think he will.
Harford - Stones have been erected at the graves of eight pupils of the Orphan School who died at that institution. We understand that the stones are to be paid for by the Suite.
Lanesboro - "Pride," the steamer, is again on the river.
Union Dale - Uniondale presents meagre inducements to Doctors and Undertakers. A funeral is of the rarest of occurrences. 0ur Doctors tarry for a time and then hie away to sicklier clients. We have two men, Hiram Ledyard at 90 years, and Mr. Davis, 59. We attribute our health to altitude, pure air and water.
Lenox - The Rynearson family came to this county 100 years ago, it is said, and the descendants will hold a centennial celebration in Lenox Township in July.
New Milford - Last week we mentioned the death, by lightning, of a boy near the Three Lakes. It was Walter Smith, the nine-year-old son of Chas. Smith, of New Milford Township, and a nephew of R.B. Smith, Montrose. He was out in the field a short distance from the house, driving a cow, and his mother was standing in the door watching him. Suddenly, as there came a bright lash and sharp report, she saw him fall to the ground, the cow dropping at the same instant. Examination showed that the bolt had struck the boy on top of the head and then ran down the side of the body, the shock being so great as to kill the cow, which was about 12 feet from the boy.
Salt Springs - As a birthday celebration D.T. Brewster, Esq., of Montrose, took his children to Salt Springs, Saturday, and while there cast a hook properly baited [attached to a rod skillfully manipulated] resulting in a catch of six nice trout, two of them measuring 13, inches, each one of them being Californian.
Compiled By: Betty Smith