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June 8 1894/1994

Little Meadows - This town seems to be infested with Burglars as well as wind and rain storms with lightning thrown in. The store of Moe & Brown was entered by burglars on Monday night, entering by means of a window, breaking a glass and then opening the window. They took an inventory of some stock and appropriated a few boxes of cigars, confiscated what change the money drawers contained, selected some hats in convenient sizes, and then either believing that the goods were either too cheap or too dear, concluded to leave at least a part of their selection, yet they may have been aided in their conclusions by being disturbed in their work. The same building was entered in the early morning by lightning, which burned out the telephone located therein and burning or smoking up the outside of the store, where an insulator with the wire attached was located. So between the lightning and burglars business is lively at that store.

Harford - We are sorry to learn that Mr. Kitchen, of Lanesboro, has removed his photographer’s tent to Gibson.

Rush - The first street lamp was lit in this village one night last week, to be followed by several more in the near future.

Susquehanna - A Band pagoda will probably be erected in the near future at the corner of Main and Exchange streets. The Erie Company has given the use of the land and over $100 has already been subscribed. AND The steeple of the Universalist church has been torn down. The steeple, from the belfry, was 70 feet in height. It was erected in 1871.

Lynn - Miss Bertha Gerritson will not dress make in Springville at Mrs. Grattan’s shop, as reported, but still goes out by the day as usual.

Jersey Hill - Several of our young men have purchased fine carriages. Now girls, smile your prettiest.

Franklin Forks - The Farmers Alliance has enjoyed a wonderful growth in this county during its short existence. The first branch of the order was organized at Franklin Forks, three years ago, and that branch alone has a membership of three hundred. There are twenty-two branches in the county, with a membership ranging from twenty to three hundred.

Montrose - One would hardly think that there were in Montrose a lot of young men so lost to all sense of Christian decency as to spend their Sabbaths in playing ball and kindred sports. But such is the case, for nearly every Sunday one sees this gang of hoodlums wending their way to the Fair Ground with ball and bat, there to spend the Sabbath hours in a manner that is a discredit to an enlightened community. These so-called young men are all of them well known and some of them would hardly like to see their names published in connection with such desecration. A word to the wise is sufficient (Letter to the editor from "Citizen").

Auburn Corners - Austin Emmons made up the necessary amount and took Lancy Barber to the Keeley cure at Binghamton recently. Austin has become thoroughly waked up in regard to the welfare of the fallen. He says the happiest women on earth are those with reformed husbands.

Kingsley - By order of the committee elected last June to prepare and make arrangements for the holding of a Centennial celebration in commemoration of the arrival of Thomas Tiffany and family in Harford in the year 1794, at what is generally known as the Nine Partners spring, on the farm of Joseph T. Tiffany, representatives from among the descendant family of grandfather Tiffany, met with the above named committee at the house of Joseph T. Tiffany, in the township of Harford, on Tuesday June 5th, 1894, at 2 o’clock, and made perfect the arrangements for the holding of the said Tiffany Centennial.

Gunn Hill - Marvin Rankin, of Carbondale, spent Sunday with relatives here; he came on his wheel.

Wolf Road - Eddie Kelley was slightly injured while peeling bark for A. Whalen.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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