Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
June 5 1896/1996
Hallstead - The special election for determining whether or not the rate of taxation shall be increased for the purpose of erecting a new schoolhouse will be held next Tuesday. AND Burgess A.H. DuBois was among the invited guests who attended the unveiling of the equestrian statue of General Winfield Scott Hancock in Washington, D.C.
Friendsville - The Middletown nine, which could be heard so plain on their diamond last week, could not be heard at all on Sunday last as the Friendsville boys beat them 24 to 36, although that is nothing new as Friendsville always beats.
Birchardville - Mrs. G.B. Strange has bought a very fine carriage for herself and daughter to ride in behind the nice dapple-gray.
Montrose - B.O. Camp, Esq., left on Monday for Chambersburg, where he represents Four Brothers' Post at Dep't Encampment, G.A.R. He will return by the way of Gettysburg, where he will be present at the unveiling of the statues of Generals Hancock and Meade, Tomorrow, June 5th.
Lynn - A. Abner can be seen daily working in his garden mornings, before the sun is up. By the way, Uncle Abe has the best garden that the writer has seen in Lynn.
Great Bend - One night last week a Great Bend township farmer was surprised to discover that in the holy calm of the Sabbath night his young orchard, just planted, had disappeared. An enterprising thief, living miles away, had transplanted them. He settled. AND Great Bend and Hallstead will be connected by telephone.
Pleasant Valley (Auburn Twp.) - Gideon White undertook to ride a colt to the Centre and carry a pail of eggs tills morning. The eggs rattled and frightened the colt so badly it threw him, bruising his head and face quite badly.
Lanesboro - The result of the recent selection of teachers for the graded school for the coming year is as follows: W.L. Rogers, Principal, for three years Miss Hattie Chamberlain, Assistant Principal; Miss Malic Curtis, Intermediate; Miss Nellie Storer, Primary. Miss Storer recently graduated from the teacher's course at Mansfield State Normal School.
Springville - In passing through the country we occasion ally see a pile of the old chestnut rails thrown up in some out of the way place, "unkempt, uncared for and unsung,” and wonder what the next century will bring us in the way of fencing. Surely science does retrograde when it goes from chestnut to barbed wire.
Susquehanna - Miss Celia Case, the talented Susquehanna artist, is making rapid progress in her chosen profession. Her excellent natural ability added to thorough instruction from H. Wolcott Boss, Binghamton's famous artist, is shown in several recent paintings from her brush. Her work will stand careful inspection. Her many friends throughout this section will rejoice in her success.
Franklin Forks - The Drum Corps furnished the music here on Decoration Day. They were joined by the brass band at Lawsville. The singing at the cemetery was favorably rendered by a male quartette.
Harford - S.J. Adams sold his span of workhorses to Horace Tiffany of Brooklyn. Mr. Tiffany raised them and sold them to Mr. Goodwin of Scranton, and the latter traded them to Mr. Adams and now Mr. Tiffany takes them back to their old home. They are aged 15 and 16 years, and have never been separated.
Glenwood - We had the pleasure of visiting at E.E. Snyder's, Esq., of Gunn Hill, one day last week. Mr. Snyder is building a large and commodious house on his farm. It is a large three-story structure with a slate roof and contains 26 rooms. When completed it will be one of the best farmhouses in Susquehanna County.
Susquehanna County- Prospective Weddings: Marriage licenses lately issued at the Recorder's office were to the following couples: Geo. Yankofski and Mary Matusilwjez, both of Forest City; Anthony McCofski and Katie Bobkofski, both of Forest City; Geo. M. Lindsey, of Hopbottom, and Sadie Howell, of Hallstead.
Compiled By: Betty Smith