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June 4 1897/1997

Jackson – Omar Olin, in 1876, erected a public watering trough on the highway opposite his farm. For many years, and until 1896, he was, as provided by law, allowed $5 per year from the road fund, in abatement of his taxes, for the erection and maintenance [of] said watering trough. The majority of the Supervisors that year decided to allow no more rebate in taxes to the owner of any watering trough. Mr. Olin thereupon proceeded to collect the $5, which he claimed due, from the township. This resulted in a suit on the 15th ult. before Justice Crook, of Hallstead, who rendered a verdict in favor of Mr. Olin of $5, the amount for which he sued.

Forest City – Joseph McCormick, Joseph White and J.F. Callahan attended as delegates the 15th annual convention of Catholic Total Abstinence societies, held at Nanticoke. AND Owing to increased business, the salary of the postmaster at Forest City has been raised from $1200 to $13 00 per annum.

Montrose – Miss Eliza Brewster recently entertained five old ladies, whose combined ages aggregated 446 years, as follows: Miss B 's grandmother, Mrs. Eliza Johnson, 90 years; Mrs. Caleb Weeks, 92; Mrs. Mary Whipple, 88; Mrs. Araluna Parke, 88; and Mrs. Sarah Cushman Baldwin, 87.

Crystal Lake – Here is a somewhat tough fish story The Crystal Lake correspondent of the Forest City News tells of a hawk that caught a fish that was held by a hook tied to a line that was attached to a bamboo pole six feet long. The hawk flew away with the whole outfit.

Auburn – Farmers are rejoicing over this cold wet May, which will fill their barns with grain and hay. AND A.B. Emmons has had a cloth cover put on his meat wagon, thus making it more comfortable for the old gentleman.

Herrick Centre – The Woman's Christian Temperance Union was organized May 19, at the home of Mrs. A.L. Craft, with the election of the following officers; President, Mrs. A.L. Craft; vice-presidents, Mrs. A. Bowell and Mrs. F. Lyons; secretary. Lizzie Bowell; treasurer, Mrs. A. C. Pickering.

West Brooklyn – Our people are nearly through planting their corn and potatoes. There will not be so much fodder corn planted this year as last, with the present prospect for grass.

Stevens Point – As Henry Hill, from near Starrucca, was driving through this place on his way to Windsor, with horse and road cart and one horse leading behind, a coal train passed, frightening the horse behind, and it sprung into the wheel and broke it. The other horse ran away, throwing out Mr. Hill, hurting him quite badly and breaking his cart to pieces. He got a wagon of H.E. Putnam and continued on his way.

Thompson – Miss Nellie Clancy began select school on Monday, May 17, with about 35 scholars,

Flynn – We notice five shining carriages on our streets and about eight smiling young damsels. Some one will be turned to grief.

Birchardville – A few mornings since, when returning from the creamery, T. McKeeby and J.M. Hewett, both having good horses, tried their speed for a short distance. McKeeby scattered his mail along the road and J.M. lost off a jug of buttermilk and spilled considerable milk from a can. Result, a broken jug, and Hewett came in ahead.

Susquehanna – The old Fair Grounds, on the Oakland Side, are being fitted up for the Susquehanna Trotting Association.

South Montrose – Balloonist George Baker met with a serious mishap on Saturday last, while at Lake Ariel, where he was to have made ascension. When the balloon was partly inflated, a strong wind forced the airship on to its side, bringing it in contact with the fire. In an amazingly short space of time the balloon was nothing but a blackened ruin, the only thing saved being the parachute. This loss, which is a heavy one, fell entirely upon Mr. Baker, but the Company C boys, who had engaged Baker to make the ascension, are noted for their large hearted generosity and did much to make lighter the burden of Baker's misfortune, raising him a purse of goodly proportions and securing him an engagement to make an ascension for the Scranton Elks at a later date. We understand that Baker will immediately procure another balloon and fill all his engagements as though nothing had happened.

Royal – No little excitement was caused on Monday evening by the running away of the team of Mr. Spedding of Thorn Hill. The old gentleman had stopped in this place at a watering trough, to water the horses. When stepping from the wagon, he in some way frightened the horses and they started off, knocking him down, and running over him. They collided with a team at the Post office, upsetting the occupants into the street. After this they proceeded on to Clifford, where they ran into the hotel barn, doing considerable damage.

Silver Lake – Miss Lena Caswell rides a wheel: “The Binghamton.”

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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