Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 30 1916/2016
County News – Harland A. Denney succeeded Ralph B. Little, deceased, as Common Pleas Judge of Susquehanna County courts. Mr. Denney came to this place about 22 years ago to practice law when fresh from college. He served as District Attorney for two terms and for several years has been Chairman of the Republican County Committee. He was President of the Susquehanna County Historical Society and Free Library Assn. for several years. His appointment will take place at once.
East Kingsley – Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Tripp visited at the home of his mother, in South Gibson; also visited their son, Ray, and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Carey, at East Mountain. Mr. Tripp is busy painting at W. W. Wilmarth’s farm. He has recently secured the agency for the Protecto Carbonate Roof Paint, a paint which he highly recommends. For further particulars ask him.
Forest City – Committees have been appointed by the congregation of St. Agnes’ church to make the necessary arrangements to hold a picnic July 4th. The spacious church lawn has been selected as the place if the weather will permit; if not, the hall will be used. Dinner and supper will be served by the ladies of the parish. ALSO Raymond Valukonis and Katie Rumansky have applied for a marriage license.
Rush – Silas D. Kintner, the genial landlord of the Rush House, has a pair of mules, called “Jack and Jerry” and they are a pair that, for their size, would be hard to duplicate. Their usefulness is worthy of mention and their record remarkable. He uses this pair to haul freight for the various merchants at Rush, to and from Montrose, taking loads from 3,000 to 4,300 lbs. and in the past four years has made 615 trips each way, including their trip to the creamery, making 24 miles to the trip, covering a total of 15,000 miles, besides doing farm work at times not engaged on the road. ALSO A pleasant wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. James, in East Rush, June 14th, when their only daughter, Helen Winifred, was united in marriage to Byron Glenn Gary, of Rush. The bridal trip includes Niagara Falls. They will be at home to their friends at Rush.
South Montrose - A. J. Ellsworth, who has resided for the past few years on the Cope place, at Dimock, has purchased the Robert Reynolds farm, known as the old Lathrop farm, at this place.
Little Meadows – Francis J. Fitzmartin and Anna L. Hickey, of this place, have applied for a marriage license.
Hop Bottom – The citizens of this place are planning a huge 4th of July, a parade, hill climbing contest, dinner, baby contest, jitney ride, ball game, supper and entertainment. Great prizes too. Proceeds will be utilized in providing the town with a street electric lighting system.
Franklin Forks – Al. Devine, formerly of this place, but now of Binghamton, has joined Battery C and gone with the militia to help in the war with Mexico.
Montrose – The first Fourth of July celebration in the vicinity of Montrose was by cutting thirteen big trees to all fall together with one mighty crash. This was in 1801. ALSO Notice: Will the party who took a package of soap from the front of Cooley’s store return the same to the store and avoid any trouble.
Great Bend - Dr. Frederic Brush, of White Plains, NY, has presented the L. A. S., of Locust Hill, with a fine bell, which will be placed in the belfry to call the people to the worship of God. The bell was made from a set of famous cathedral chimes and is valued at $100. Dr. Brush is a son of Addison G. Brush of E. Great Bend and spent his boyhood in that place.
Herrick Center – Joseph Masler, employed on the Erie Section, was struck by a train, recently, while on his way to work, and was thrown to one side of the track. He was rendered unconscious, but no bones were broken, and he was very fortunate in escaping with only cuts and severe bruises.
Birchardville – Morris H. Baker returned from the Philadelphia School of Business, having completed the general business and stenographic courses. He was one of a class of 19, who satisfactorily completed their studies and received diplomas.
New Milford – Miss Marian Vail, of this place, a former teacher in the Oakland school, has accepted the position of physical directress at the Mansfield State Normal School.
West Lenox – It is with regret that we see the woods around the church being cut down. They have made such a fine background for the church ever since it was built, and to see this beauty spot destroyed saddens everyone who cares for the church. C. L. Carey and Freeman Tingley are boarding the cutters.
South Gibson – Mr. and Mrs. Scott Manzer are welcoming a little visitor at their home, a baby boy, which arrived on Saturday night.
200 YEARS AGO, from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa., July 2, 1816. STRAYED OR STOLEN, From the pasture of Isaac Souls, in the Township of Silver Lake, on the 21st of June last, a DARK BAY MARE, 15 or 16 hands high, 7 years old, natural trotter, square dock, and a small bunch under her jaw, supposed to have been occasioned by a blow. Any person that will take up said Mare and give information to the subscriber at Mr. Souls’ shall receive Five Dollars. If said Mare is stolen, any person that will secure the thief, and Mare, shall receive Five Dollars in addition to the above reward. EPHRAIM SAWYER. Silver Lake, June 2, 1816.
NATIONAL ANNIVERSARY. AT a numerous Meeting of Republicans of Susquehanna County, held at Montrose on the 15th of June inst., Charles Fraser, Esq. was chosen Chairman, and A. H. Read, Esq. Secretary; after which the following resolutions were passed. 1st. Resolved, That the persons present celebrate the approaching National Anniversary of Independence at Montrose, and recommend the same to the Republicans of this county. 2nd. Resolved, That a committee of nine be appointed to make the necessary arrangements on the occasion, and that any five constitute a quorum to transact business. 3rd. Resolved That David Post, Bela Jones, Isaac Post, Justin Clark, Austin Howell, Charles Fraser, Nathan Raynor, Philander Stephens and Almon H. Read constitute said committee. 4th Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting, together with the proceedings of Committee of Arrangement, be published in the Susquehanna Centinel. THE PROCESSION Will form on the Public Avenue, in front of Chapman Carr’s, at precisely 11 o’clock, and proceed, under the direction of the Marshal, to the Court House, in the following order: Front Guard, Music, Young Gentlemen, Elderly Gentlemen, Revolutionary Patriots, Committee of Arrangements, Civil Authority, Officers of the Day, Rear Guard. Note: Gentlemen wishing to dine will please make application to Mr. C. Carr, for Tickets of admittance.
Compiled By: Betty Smith