Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 29 1906/2006
Thompson - During the fearful electric storm and copious downfall of rain that visited this place last Saturday afternoon, a current of electricity went down the chimney of C. B. Jenkins' dwelling on Jackson Street, loosening the soot and letting it escape like volumes of smoke therefrom, which was witnessed by a number of neighbors, while Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins were sitting in the sitting-room, unconscious of the stirring events. That the chimney ran to the cellar must account for the absence of damage. AND The 23d annual reunion of the Clapper family was held at the home of J.W. Clapper, June 16. In 1851, while a young man, Mr. Clapper came down the Susquehanna from New York State and settled on the farm he now owns. At the age of 22 he was married to Miss Eliza Aldrich and raised a family of one son and seven daughters. Mr. Clapper is 75 years of age and is real active for a man of his age. He served under Gen. Hood during the rebellion, while his wife struggled with hardships at home. The day of the reunion was an ideal one, and when mess call sounded there were 60 seated at the tables.
Auburn - The Auburn High School building is now in rapid progress. It is said that its foundation is the finest piece of masonry in this section of the country. Same being done at a moderate cost by Chas. Stephens, head mason. The building is now being rapidly pushed by six experienced carpenters, Allen Bros., of Meshoppen, being the contractors. We are looking for one of the neatest, most convenient and up-to-date high school buildings. Our directors say that this school must be supplied with the best qualified and experienced teachers, from principal down. P. F. Kintner is president of the school board.
Hallstead - Trackmen employed on the D.L. & W. have had their wages increased from $1.25 to $1.40. AND The Hallstead Blue Stone Co. has shipped 60 cars of stone so far this season.
Montrose - We herewith state to the public that we will reorganize the A.M.E. Zion Church and start out in full swing, methodically, on the second Sunday in July, under our new pastor, Rev. J. C. Walters. He is a graduate of the Government College, at Jamaica, British West Indies; a man of great ability who has always won the confidence of his members and esteem of his friends. The past with us is physically dead, but we hope to spiritualize the future and carry on this work committed to us with a resolute will in the spirit of our forefathers. We have high ideals before us this conference year with efforts correspondingly great, therefore we again solicit the help of our friends who have so nobly helped us in the past, and assure you of our confidence in the future.
Bridgewater Twp - Thirty-five years ago, a Bridgewater boy, Oscar Stephens, asked his father, Jerry Stephens, a farmer living near Munger Tannery, for money, and didn't get it. The next morning Oscar was missing. He went west and made a fortune in Montana. His death occurred June 25, 1906, aged 57 years. He was the owner of 27 ranches, one of them containing 5,000 acres, and "cattle on a thousand hills," besides mines, bank stock, etc., being a millionaire. He sent for two of his brothers and they have done well. One brother, Ethen S., lives in Binghamton and two sisters in the West. He was a cousin of Clark Stephens, of Montrose.
Tunkhannock - Landlord James P. Collins, of the Packer House, has a pair of young eagles, which were captured in the hills near Springville.
New Milford Twp. (Highlands) - Last Friday, while some men were working with their teams on the road machine, a runaway horse came down Squires' Hill with such force that when the wheels of the lumber wagon he hitched to came in contact with the road worker wheels it bent a 21 1/4" steel axle. The horse belongs to Pat Hand, of New Milford, who had left him without tying while he went in the tannery at that place.
Alford/Hopbottom - On Wednesday, June 20, Mrs. Amanda Sweet, mother of Perry Sweet of Alford, died at his home in that place. She was 85 years of age. Mrs. Sweet (nee Wright) was the last of the Anthony Wright family of Foster (Hopbottom). She gave two sons to the Union army, one dying in the service and of her six children, one son, Perry, is the only survivor. Burial was made in the Wright cemetery, situated on the farm on which she was born.
St. Joseph - What should we drink, now-a-days? What purer water can be used than that flowing from a nice cool spring? We know of no water better for the health and so satisfying to the taste. We take pleasure in recommending the excellent water from the old spring walled up and made by the Indians many years ago, on the farm of Dan'l Sweeney at St. Joseph. This water is in great demand every summer, and Mr. Sweeney makes extensive shipments to nearby cities and towns. Drop a line.
Forest City - News has been received of the death at Fort Baird, New Mexico, of William L. Eagan, a former resident of Forest City, who went to the southwest six months ago in the hope that the change would benefit his health. He was 37 years old and is survived by two brothers in Forest City, K. C. and Matthew Eagan, and a sister in Nyack, N.Y. Deceased served three enlistments in the regular army and saw service in Porto Rico and the Philippines.
East Rush - There will be a ball game and pigeon shoot here Tuesday afternoon, July 3rd, and in the evening an ice cream social and fire-works. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the church. AND In East Rush, Dr. Lee Hickok put in a busy day last Monday. Four lusty, newly arriving infants and 25 miles of driving occupied his time for 11 3/4 hours, to the exclusion of rest and reverie. We deem this a local record of its kind.
Brooklyn - The pupils of the Peckham school district will be carried in a wagon to the High School. Elmer Breed, we understand, has the contract for carrying.
Little Meadows - Our village fathers have procured a car of flagging stone, hoping to place our walks on a sure foundation. A laudable undertaking, certainly.
Lawton - The fair last week drew its usual crowd, who enjoyed a pleasant day. The exhibits of produce, live stock, needlework, bake stuff, etc., formed a constant subject of conversation. Only one accident was reported for the day: A horse, frightened by a South Montrose automobile, plunged out of the road near L. Terry's and wrecked the carriage which it was drawing.
Compiled By: Betty Smith