Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 27 1919/2019
St. Joseph – Miss Kate Griffin, daughter of Patrick Griffin and Searle Clark, of Choconut, were married in the St. Joseph church Tuesday morning, June 24, 1919. The rector of the church, Rev. Daniel Dunne, officiated. Miss Eleanor Sullivan was bridesmaid and Serenus O’Connel was best man. Owing to the recent death of the bride’s mother, the wedding was a quiet and unostentatious affair, only a small number of guests, including near relatives, being present. They are on a wedding trip to Binghamton, Hornell, Buffalo and Niagara Falls.
Auburn Twp. – Rev. Wm. A. O’Neill, C.M., who was recently ordained in Philadelphia, said mass in St. Bonaventure’s church on June 17th. A large crowd was present to receive the young priest’s blessing and to manifest their pleasure in having Ft. O’Neill say his second public mass in the church of his mother’s native home. He later took dinner at the home of his uncle, William Brotzman.
Friendsville – Mr. and Mrs. Woolsey Carmalt, of New York city, are occupying their summer home near Lake Carmalt.
Kingsley – E. E. Titus, of Kingsley, although past 80 years of age, still has good health and a remarkable memory, which makes him an extremely interesting conversationalist on events of the past. He is the only survivor of the group of men, one of whom was killed and another badly injured by the premature discharge of a cannon that was firing a salute near the county jail during the celebration of a Democratic victory of the election of governor in 1858. The group consisted of Col. Spicer and son, Newell, E.E. Titus, Crawford Titus, D.W. Titus, Silas Sterling and Amos Tanner. Crawford Titus was killed and D.W. Titus lost an arm. The accident was caused by not closing the vent of the gun after the previous discharge. The last and fatal shot was to have been the last of the series used in the salute. The cannon was made of brass, probably of foreign make, and had on its barrel characters, which were illegible. Mr. Titus thinks that this gun ay have figured in the Civil War afterwards.
Montrose – Small boys, who find it difficult to wait for the 4th are annoying some of the residents of the town with premature shooting of firecrackers, pistols and the like. Montrose has an ordinance forbidding such action until the night before the 4th. Many invalids and those in ill-health really suffer from the thoughtless acts of these boys, and unless they considerately refrain from outbursts of patriotism or effervescence of this form they should be taken in hand by the borough authorities.
Springville – Lee Brothers have purchased the W. E. Spencer property, recently acquired by the First National Bank of this place.
Elk Mountain – The sawmill of H. P. Johns’ on Elk Mountain was destroyed by fire at an early hour yesterday morning. The cause of the blaze is unknown. The building and machinery are a total loss. Most of the lumber was saved. It is said the loss will exceed $3000. There was no insurance.
Forest City – The dance to be given by the Independent base ball team tomorrow night promises to be a brilliant affair. ALSO Miss Mildred Winifred Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Walker, was one of the honor students in this year’s graduating class at Marywood College, Scranton.
Uniondale – James Carpenter is expecting an Overland Six auto any day. It cannot arrive any too soon to suit James, and the girls say in the chorus, “So say we.” ALSO Jasper Warren is blasting out the trees and stumps on the new road that is being built from Burdick Hollow to Uniondale.
Hallstead – William Knoeller, contractor and builder of Binghamton, formerly of this place, met death in an automobile accident about one mile west of Oakland borough, when the Hudson car he was driving left the road and plunged down a 250 ft. embankment. Mr. Knoeller was hurled from the car and his life crushed out instantly. His wife was also thrown out. She retained consciousness and crawled to the top where she found the body of her husband. Mr. Knoeller built churches and school houses and many other buildings in Hallstead before he moved.
Oakland – Aaron Clifford, 18 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Clifford, was instantly killed near Blossburg, when he was caught under one of the heavy wagons of Cook Brothers’ Circus, with which he was traveling. Young Clifford had been employed in the Imperial restaurant, at Susquehanna, for some time, and when the Cook Circus came there June 6, he joined the show.
Great Bend – Last Thursday night during the electrical storm here, F. L. White’s house and barn were struck by lightning. A bolt first struck the barn, tearing off the cupola and splitting the roof apart. From there it followed the electric light wire into the kitchen, doing much damage there, by tearing the plaster from the ceiling, blowing up the floor and breaking out eight window lights. The electricity seemed to follow the electric light wire to the meter, which it blew out. Fortunately, the house did not take fire.
Lake View – Arlean Lewis was badly hurt last Saturday morning when the team became frightened while drawing water from the creek, tipping over the wagon and throwing her out. She was taken from under the wagon and Dr. Snyder, of New Milford, was called. We all hope for a speedy recovery.
Harford – The people here witnessed quite a sight last Tuesday when an aeroplane flew over our houses. We all ran out to see it when we heard the buzzing sound, and soon located it, making a very nice flight and we thought it was going to Montrose, as the course it was taking seemed to be in that direction, but we have not heard anything definite as to where it landed, or who the aviator was.
Brookdale – L. Caffee met with quite a painful accident last Sunday morning. When near Conklin creamery his horse became frightened at a passing motorcycle and ran away, throwing Mr. Caffee out, bruising him quite badly and spilled part of the five cans of milk.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, June 26, 1819.
*FOURTH OF JULY. No preparations are making in this place for celebrating the Anniversary of our Independence. Shall the day again pass unnoticed? Shall it be said that there is an American so insensible to the blessings of Liberty as to suffer the anniversary of the day on which our Independence was declared to go by without some demonstrations of joy? No, we hope not. Let us be up and doing. Preparations are making in every direction around us for celebrating the day in a becoming manner.
*OLD SOLDIERS AGAIN. Hezekiah Olney –certificate not accepted, he must make proof of his services [Revolutionary War] by two witnesses, if privates, or one officer, in the manner I have before noticed. David Sherer and Luther Hollam, also. [Verification needed for pensions.]
*NOTICE – All persons indebted to the subscriber on Note or Book are requested to call and settle the same immediately. Necessity compels me to effect a settlement of outstanding debts “peaceably if I can, forcibly if I must.” CURTIS BLISS. Bridgewater, June 27, 1819.
Compiled By: Betty Smith