Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 27 1913/2013
Thompson - Tuesday afternoon the body of Glen F. Crosier, who died at Tientsin, China, March 16, arrived and was taken to the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Crosier, East Jackson street, where a funeral service was held today. Rev.. Mr. Webster officiated. Burial in the family plot in Susquehanna.
Forest City - Samuel Sears, of Dayton, Ohio,, passed through here Monday on his way to visit relatives in Carbondale, whom he had not seen for more than 40 years. Fifty five years ago Mr. Sears worked in a saw mill near town and was engaged in that vocation at the time of the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted in the 52nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Coming home he worked awhile in the aforesaid mill, and later drifted West. He was much surprised at the progress of the town and said it was like a dream to him. He has been staying at the Soldiers Home at Dayton and is east to spend his furlough with relatives and to take in the Gettysburg celebration.
Heart Lake - Proprietor Frank T. Mack has made arrangements whereby a midnight train will convey passengers from the Lake to Montrose, on Fourth of July night.
Rush - Miss Mud McCain is the champion fisher--woman of this place, having caught nine bass during the past week.
Birchardville - Last Friday afternoon during the thunder shower, Frank Smith had three cows killed by lightning. The animals were not far from the house, away from the trees or buildings that would attract an electric bolt when killed. They represent his entire herd, and many friends sympathize with him in his loss.
Lawsville - Mrs. Edith Tarbox, a few days ago, killed two blacksnakes with an axe. They were sunning themselves in her back yard and she didn’t like to have’em hanging around. The largest was 6 feet long and the smaller one about 5 feet.
Choconut - John Haney suffered a compound fracture of the right leg when a team of horses, attached to a mowing machine, runaway. The horses became frightened at a big black snake and dashed across the field, colliding with a tree. The young man was found unconscious a few minutes later and physicians were summoned to attend to his injuries.
South Montrose - Percy Ballantine has installed an automatic milking device for his large dairy at Louden Hill Farm. The method of milking is rapidly coming into favor, both for cleanliness and lessening labor. The cows take kindly to the milking device, as well, the steady suction drawing the milk evenly and doing away with many of the annoyances that are incident to hand milking. Mr. Balatine is also building a cottage at Elk Lake.
West Auburn - We are glad to state that the apple orchard of Allen Jayne, which is located on a hill farm, escaped the frosts and will be loaded with fine fruit. Mr. Jayne sprays his orchard thoroughly. ALSO: At Shannon Hill, O.F. Conaty was a railroader for 16 years, but the back to the soil appeal became to strong to be resisted and recently moved back to the old homestead farm. ALSO G.W. Bunnell, who has, no doubt, expected to get in the swim and buy an auto, will probably now depend on a fancy pair of horses, which have just arrived at his farm. Well, after all, a matched pair and a fancy rig attached, are better under all circumstances than a balky auto.
Brooklyn - Our enterprising merchant, Wade H. Barnes, has installed a soda fountain in his store, which is being well patronized. ALSO: C.A. Ring has the nicest field of potatoes in town.
Susquehanna - Dr. Washburn, of Jacksonville Florida, will arrive here July 3rd and open an office specializing in eye, ear, nose, and throat troubles. ALSO: M.J. Lannon, of Jackson Avenue, who, some weeks ago was appointed Sealer of Weights and Measures for Susquehanna County, has taken up his duties. If the county has any dishonest businessmen so far as weights and measures are concerned, they will feel the weight of the law.
Montrose - People from the cities have been coming to Montrose this week in considerable numbers. Rosemont is opened for the season and a number of Southern families are there.
Hallstead - On Monday morning the members of the graduating class of the Hallstead High School, Wm. Kirby, Karl Blair and the Misses Mary Callow and Helen Tingley, left for a sight seeing trip of ten days to the National Capitol.
Great Bend - Fred Simpson, up-to-date liveryman, has recently repaired his hacks and carriages and is now turning out some of the neatest rigs in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Fred believes in keeping up-to-date and if you want anything in his line he can fit you out on short notice.
Compiled By: Betty Smith