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June 26 1914/2014

Road Matters - An enthusiastic meeting of the Automobile Club was held in the court house. The State road to Fairdale was reported to be in bad condition, the stones not having been removed. Chairman Foster, of the roads ccommittee, was voted to attend to it at once. C. F. Watrous reported that work was being done on the road towards Brooklyn and that the road was to be honed. A number of Brooklyn men were reported as offering their services or making cash donations in improving the road. It was reported that little had been done in removing stones from the road towards Franklin Forks. The club has donated $20 and some of the citizens in that location are making donations and offering their services to improve the road.  Percy Ballantine reported the road towards Dimock as greatly improved by the work done by Harmon Stone and a force of men. The Summersville road to Hallstead was recommended by members as being the best route to take in going to that town. Members discussed the excellent law lately put on the statute books of New York State requiring all vehicles to carry lights when on the highways at night. This is not only as a protection to autoists, but to the occupants of horse drawn vehicles, as well. New York State, it was noted, shows greater courtesy to automobilists than in Pennsylvania. The promptness with which wagons drew aside in the Empire state when an approaching automobile sounded the signal that they desired to pass them, was mentioned. Drivers of horse vehicles [in Pennsylvania] also fail to follow the law of the road about keeping to the right, and this is a cause of autos running into vehicles.

Steven's Point - Mrs. W. J. Seamans passed her 82nd mile stone and is well and much spryer than many a younger one. She is visiting relatives at her old birthplace, Rushville.

Forest City - Lightning caused a loss of $125,000 Wednesday evening, when the E. A. Bloxham lumberyards were burned, together with adjoining buildings. The residences of Mr. Bloxham, Joseph Betts and Jacob Weisburger were also totally destroyed, together with the sawmill, barns and sheds. Four horses and six cows in one of the barns were incinerated before they could be released. The heat was so intense the rails on the Erie tracks were wrapped and twisted and new rails had to be laid before trains could pass the spot.

Harford - Last week Jay Fancher caught a pike in Tyler Lake that weighed 4lbs, 5 oz. ALSO There will be a basket picnic at Tingley Lake on July 4th. Clay pigeon shoot and other sports, to make the day enjoyable.

Little Meadows - E. J. Butler purchased a new touring car last week and Michael Butler has purchased a new traction engine to run his sawmill. Everyone is anxious to get their logs sawed.

Heart Lake - In 1877 Heart Lake celebrated its first July 4th and every year since there has been a successful celebration. This year has every indication of being the banner year. Better attractions. Better time.

Howard Hill, Liberty Twp - Omar Howard has raised his barn and will put in basement stables, a decided improvement. S. W. & B. J. Luce are the carpenters in charge.

Rush - The Rush orchestra, composed of 16 pieces, gave a strawberry social at the Rush M. E. church, Saturday evening last. This was the first appearance of the orchestra and it was greeted by a large crowd, more than filling the church. The orchestra is composed mostly of young people and they are to be congratulated on the evening's entertainment, which was a decided success.

Gelatt - Robert Sparks, president and general manager of the Starrucca telephone line, is rushing the work and has the line nearly completed to this place. ALSO Rufus Barnes, of Barnes & Son, millers, is a veteran and can relate some interesting, as well as hard experiences, of the days of the great Civil War.

Springville - The recently elected teachers of our high school are all new with one exception. Prof. Hardy comes highly recommended. Another new feature is that the assistant principal will be a gentleman instead of a lady. The intermediate room will again be taught by Miss Lena Lyman and the primary room by Miss Etta Strickland, a recent graduate of West Chester Normal.

Uniondale - A number were beptized in Cottrell pond by Rev. Stanton, of Dundaff, Sunday afternoon. ALSO H. T. Williams has a new car. It is said there is a car for every 35 inhabitants in the borough.

Hallstead - The Hallstead troupe of Boy Scouts is arranging for a fine 4th of July celebration. The Scouts expect to have canoe races, swimming races, tilting matches, tub races, running races and other events. During the afternoon and evening they will serve ice cream on the river lawn. They will also have a fine display of fireworks in the evening.

Dimock - Perry Mills has accepted a position in the store of his cousins, Fred and Free Mills, in Gordon, Nebraska. Perry's many friends wish him success. ALSO Mrs. W. J. Cronk left for Mansfield to be present at the graduation of her daughter, Louanna.

Lenoxville - Harold Hartley, of the University of Pennsylvania and Olan Mittan, of the Mansfield State Normal School, are spending their vacation with their parents.

Montrose - The marriage of Frank Valentine, of Montrose, and Miss C. Augusta Beebe, of West Bridgewater, will take place at the Baptist parsonage, June 26 at 8 o'clock, the Rev. Claude G. Langford officiating. They will be attended by Leo Donohue, of Dimock, and Miss Tillie Pickett, of South Montrose. Miss Beebe was formerly an obliging operator with the Merchants Telephone Co. and Mr. Valentine is employed on the milk route on N. L. Parks.

News Brief - Washington Party candidates, Gifford Pinchot for U. S. Senator, Wm. Draper Lewis, for Governor, Dana R. Stephens for Congress in the 14th district, and Girton M. Darrow, for Representative, will tour Susquehanna County on June 27. If the weather permits, open-air meetings will be held in Montrose at 12:45 and in Susquehanna at 7:30 p.m. Pinchot and Lewis will speak at both of these meetings. 

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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