Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 26 1903/2003
Ararat - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks sustained a serious loss Sunday night by the death of their horse, "Mateo." She got to the feed box Saturday night and ate an unknown quantity of corn meal. She was buried Monday on the farm where she has served so faithfully.
Jackson - The following teachers have been hired for the Jackson schools: Graded, F. N. Tingley, principal; Alice Griffis, primary; No. 1; Blanche Hall; French, Abbie Thomas; Ridge, Odesa Arnold; Lake View, Mabel Tucker.
Birchardville - Isaac Duel, an aged citizen of this place, died June 19, 1903, aged 85 years. Besides the lonely and aged widow, Mr. Duel leaves one son, Ira, who resides in Illinois, and one daughter, Mrs. Nathan Miller, of this place; his eldest daughter, Mrs. Ira Brister, having gone before. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church at that place, Monday, June 22nd. Rev. W. C. Tilden, officiating.
Hallstead/Great Bend - Hallstead and Great Bend have organized a driving association to be known as the Hallstead and Great Bend Driving Association. The following gentlemen were elected to office: President, John E. Clune; Vice President, J. W. Cleveland; Secretary, Charles L. Cook; Treasurer, W. J. Day; Trustees, F. J. Fiske, F. M. Nowell, Franklin Lusk. The old racetrack, which was known as the fastest track between New York and Buffalo, has been leased and the work of getting it in readiness for races on the Fourth has been begun.
Springville - Allie Lyman has a good washing machine and a Chase organ, both as good as new to sell cheap. Call at Mrs. L.Barnes' and examine. AND The Dentist from Tunkhannock, who comes here every Saturday, has all he can do when [he] is here at the home of Edgar Ely.
Hopbottom - Hopbottom people are arranging for a big time the 4th of July. A parade, music, speeches, a fine dinner, ice cream, games, fire-works and a band are expected to add to the pleasures of the day. Anyone looking for a place to go the 4th will be assured a pleasant time and entertainment.
Glenwood - Sterling Watson, a life-long resident of Lenox, died Friday morning, June 19, 1903, aged 86 years. He lived alone during all those years and was very conscientious in all his dealings with his fellow men, never saying a harmful word of anyone, generous to a fault; forgiving any slight of wrong done to him. He leaves one sister and several nephews and nieces to mourn their loss. His creed was spiritualism; he had a right to his own belief and who shall say him nay. He was buried in the Tower cemetery, Sunday afternoon.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - Elmer Shannon and wife presented to the church two very handsome contribution plates. They were made by J. J. Sherwood, of Meshoppen, and are very fine pieces of wood turning.
Fairdale - The ladies of Fairdale will hold their annual strawberry and ice cream festival on the evening of July 3rd, in the tent in front of the M. E. church. All are cordially invited.
Susquehanna - Three locomotives, rebuilt in the Erie shops, are being given trial trips. AND Susquehanna has but two cases of smallpox-George Sandel and Mrs. Nicholas Brandow, of South Pine St. The first case E. N. French, has recovered. The strictest quarantine is manifested.
Lanesboro - According to State Health Officer, Dr. Gross, of Philadelphia, who is inspecting the towns hereabouts, Lanesboro and immediate vicinity, has 26 cases of smallpox including the convalescents. All possible means will be taken to prevent the further spread of the disease.
South Gibson - On Saturday, June 13, occurred the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Howell, and the day was fittingly observed by the gathering of their children and grandchildren at their home in this place. Dinner was served to about 30. As this is an annual meeting of this family, it brings and leaves memories to brighten the year for this aged father and mother.
South Montrose - The recent copious rains have thoroughly soaked the ground, and vegetation is very promising. AND Our "Village Blacksmith," Mr. Loren Allen, after having following his chosen vocation over half a century, is still hale and hearty and always ready to do your work on short notice.
Franklin Forks - The mush and milk social held at Melvin McKinney's on Tuesday night of last week, was of much amusement for the young people who attended it.
Springville - R. E. McMicken has been busy setting up the cigars since Wednesday, because of the new wife installed at his home.
Montrose - While sitting on the iron fence rail, which divides Sprout & Brewster's restaurant from Cooley & Son's property, on South Main Street, last Sunday evening, Bruce D. Titman and Ennis Birch lost their balance and fell backwards in the hatchway below-a distance of nearly nine feet. When Bruce found that there was no possible chance of saving himself, he attempted to push Ennis back again on the landing, but it was too late. Bruce struck on a ladder, which was stored in the hatchway, and Ennis fell with great force upon him. Ennis released himself easily, and a bad gash was found in the back of his head, and his right arm, from shoulder to wrist was a mass of bruises. He was taken home and his wounds attended to. After some difficulty, Bruce was removed to Dr. Mackey's office, where he was made to feel as comfortable as possible. His right hip was badly injured, (although no bones were broken) and he received a hard bump on his head. Later in the evening he was removed on a cot bed to his parents' home, where he is improving nicely. It was a close call for both the young men, and quite remarkable that no bones were broken.
Compiled By: Betty Smith