Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
June 25 1920/2020
Ararat – One disappearance of a child which did not prove to be a kidnapping case is related as follows: ‘Missing from his home in Binghamton since May 29th, twelve year old Frank Ellis was found at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cheller, at Ararat. The boy was found by his two sisters, Teresa and Mary Ellis. They went from Binghamton to Scranton; the trail of the boy led to Starrucca and thence to Ararat, where he was found having the time of his life helping herd the cows, gather eggs and do the chores. He was delighted to see his sisters, but refused to return home with them. Too much fun here on the farm, he said. Every Saturday a boy from a neighboring farm plays with him and they have big times. The boy is to be allowed to remain at the Cheller home until fall. He had told the Cheller family he had permission to stay with them when he first arrived at the farm.”
Ogden, NY – Earl O. Nash and Miss Marian Jewett, both of Montrose, were united in marriage by Rev. L. D. Armlin, at Ogden, NY, Thursday, June 17, 1920. The bride is a daughter of Bailey Jewett, of East Bridgewater, and the groom a son of Mr. and M. W. W. Nash, of Montrose. They will reside in Binghamton where the groom has a responsible position with the New York Sales Co.
Jackson – Very properly adjusting himself to conditions made by the general use of the automobile and auto truck, W. E. Babcock has converted his wagon shop, which he has successfully conducted for a long time, into an auto repair shop and is meeting with much success, having specially fitted himself for this work. He is now putting in equipment for the charging and care of batteries. A garage at this point should prove a great convenience and should have a liberal patronage.
Montrose – In an article relating to the old Susquehanna County Jail, Henry Birchard relates a story about the site of the jail, before construction: “The present site of the jail, when the writer was a boy, was a big hole in the ground, resulting from stone quarrying. The boys used to consider it an ideal jumping off place in winter, after heavy snow falls. Starting from the north side, below the grounds of Samuel H. Sayre, they would plunge down into the hole, a depth of 30 to 40 feet. “Jo” Richards was the only boy in town who had the nerve to attempt the feat upon a sled, and he was looked upon as a hero by his companions.” ALSO Tom Moore in “Heartease” is playing at the C-Nic Theatre on Thursday, June 24. On Saturday, June 26, Norma Talmadge stars in “The Heart of Wetona.”
Middletown – J. F. Curley is one of the county’s large potato raisers. When asked if he would plant a large acreage this year, he replied that the shortage in farm help would naturally preclude a large potato crop. Mr. Curley suffers, like many others, from the inability to obtain farm help. ALSO Auburn defeated Middletown’s base ball team by a score of 16 to 4. Golden, Jones and Watson were the only ones to score for Middletown.
Baker’s Corners, Franklin Twp. – A party from Binghamton met with an automobile accident near Wm. Baldwin’s Sunday night, when the car turned turtle, throwing the occupants out. The ladies were seriously injured; the rest slightly injured, all being rendered unconscious for some time. They were carried to the home of Wm. Baldwin, where they were cared for until Dr. Preston arrived. At a later hour they were taken to Binghamton by Russell Sprout.
West Lenox – An excellent Children’s Day program was given at the church June 13. The little people did fine with songs and recitations. The pantomime of “Nearer Thy God to Thee” by Adalyn Brundage was fine; also the violin duet by Myra Empet and Howard Squires, also their violin music with the choir.
Susquehanna – Albert H. Falkenburg, vice-president of the First National Bank, was seriously stricken with paralysis while in a barber shop Saturday afternoon. His death occurred Wednesday.
Uniondale – On Wednesday, June 16th, a 3 p.m., Miss Ruth Lockwood and Daniel Howell, both of this place, were married at the home of the bride’s parents, on Darrow street. After a wedding diner they left for a trip to Niagara Falls.
Forest City – Several young lads were before Squire Decker Friday, charged with having broken into a railroad car on the O. & W. railroad and having taken therefrom goods valued at $10. They admitted their guilt. Each paid a fine of $2 and costs and also for the goods stolen. ALSO Lester Tonkin is nursing a broken thumb as a result of attempting to jump on a train. He wished to reach Forest City and that he might do so made two unsuccessful attempts to board a moving train. The third time he was thrown violently to the ground, and the train went on.
Clifford – Richard I. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis, lost an eye as the result of an accident that befell him one day last week. He was employed by the Erie Railroad company at Susquehanna. He sat down on the tracks of the above company when a torpedo exploded. A fragment struck him in the eye. He was removed to a hospital at Port Jervis and later taken to New York city where specialists removed the injured member. He was accompanied by his father and Dr. H. W. Trimmer, his father-in-law, of South Gibson. Richard went through the battles of the World War unscathed.
Women Enter Political Arena: For a generation or two “The woman in Politics” has been a subject for humorists and wits—and some who are neither humorists nor wits. Suffrage jokes have been wore more threadbare than the famous “mother-in-law” chestnuts. But as the time surely draws nearer when the women of Pennsylvania shall exercise their right of suffrage, the women of the state are organizing so that they may be ready to intelligently exercise their new rights The women of the Republican party—or rather the Republican women—of Susquehanna County, met at Colonial Hall, Montrose, Tuesday afternoon and effected a county organization. It was well attended, and –quite harmonious. It was also most enthusiastic. When nominations were asked for the name Sue M. Strous, of Montrose, the only woman lawyer in the county, was put forward and she was elected by acclamation. The remaining officers were elected in turn without opposition. To make a point, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world,” but the feminine hand can rock the nation to its foundations, and arouse it to its noblest purpose if it will.
Compiled By: Betty Smith