Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 25 1915/2015
Herrick Twp. – James W. Lyon, of Guelph, Canada is endowing the Lyon Street cemetery with $1000 to be used in keeping this burial ground in good condition. The cemetery has been permitted to go into decay and as his relatives and loved ones are buried there, Mr. Lyon is taking this laudable means to perpetuate the memory of the dead. The money is to be invested and the income alone used in keeping up the little cemetery. Mr. Lyon was born in Herrick, April 24, 1848, and received his early education there, afterward becoming a school teacher at Brackney. He established a publishing house at Guelph, after becoming a book canvasser in this country. He is now president of the Guelph Radial and Junction Railway Co., which eventually will give electric railway service to 240 municipalities.
Thompson – J. E. Blain, celebrated as the first publisher of views of the Lackawanna cutoff bridge in book form, who is a par excellence printer, will soon become associated with the Wayne County Citizen, published at Honesdale, one of the best inland papers in the state.
Susquehanna – E. G. Foote, H. E. Taylor and R. H. Donlin, while in this place on Tuesday, visited the Matt H. Shay, the Erie’s famous monster freight locomotive. They aver it an object worth seeing when visiting the “cliff dwelling” village. ALSO While Mrs. Wm. A. Skinner and two sons were out for a walk from their cottage near Columbian Grove, a large rattlesnake was discovered near the State road back of the cottage of Prof. Killian. A neighbor was called who dispatched his snakeship, who measured more than three feet in length, sporting twelve rattles.
Forest City – Saturday, the 19th of June, was a red letter day in the life of John Prokopovitsh, the well-known hotel man. On that day, forty years ago, in the year 1875, he landed in New York from the old country. He went to Eberville, hear Hazleton, where he secured employment in the mines as a laborer, working from August 4, 1877, until January 15, 1882, for the Cox company, when he started in business in Freeland. Nineteen years ago he came to Forest City where he has met with considerable success. In honor of the occasion Mr. Prokopovitsh entertained a number of relatives on Saturday, besides the members of his immediate family.
Montrose – The county commissioners have erected a large fountain some, 20 feet high, in Monument Square. The fountain is of plated bronze, a spray being thrown from the top and dropping into successive basins falls into a pool at the base, some 12 ft. across. It is an attractive work of art, being ornamented with floral designs and rams’ heads. A portion of the fountain was broken in transit and this has delayed its final completion until the desired part arrives. It adds to the beauty of this attractive park.
Silver Lake – An attractive advertisement for Camp Red Cloud, Silver Lake, PA, appears in the New York “Sun.” The camp, for young boys only, is located on the beautiful estate of Rev. J. Townsend Russell, at Silver Lake, where fine woodlands, hills and vales abound. On this estate are 50 registered Jersey cattle, 3,000 chickens, and extensive flower and vegetable gardens. Attractive booklets of Camp Red Cloud have been sent out this season by Mr. Willard H. Cobb, of New York.
Fairdale, Jessup Twp. – Lightning struck the residence of Edgar W. Bolles during the shower Tuesday afternoon. The bolt entered the roof, passing through the house to the cellar. No damage, other than splintering the woodwork was caused, the lightning not setting fire to the house. Considerable hail accompanied the shower and some damage was done to growing crops. In places where the hail fell from the roofs of buildings it could be gathered by the pailfull. An old barn, near Edward Arnold’s farm, was blown down during the high wind that prevailed.
Clifford – A couple of scrub nines played a rattling good game of base ball at Royal on Saturday afternoon to the tune of 8 to 6, after 12 innings. Of course the Clifford boys were on the winning side.
Hallstead – Some of the State road employees are making a much needed improvement on the Hallstead-Susquehanna road, by the filling in of the highway between the river and Harmony bridges. Because of this low piece of road, much trouble and inconvenience is caused by flooding and ice by high water, rendering the remainder of an otherwise good road useless for through travel. This road has been placed, this season, in fine condition being widened, better sluices put in, etc., and consequently, a much greater amount of travel comes over it than formerly.
Little Meadows – Edward Butler, Eugene Hartigan, Misses Stella and Lyda Bergin, motored to Middletown Center last week to attend the dance given by the base ball team.
Jackson – Beginning this week Geo. Birdsall, of Susquehanna, will peddle meat here every Monday.
S. Ararat – Miss Martha Shaver, who is quite poorly, was kindly remembered on Tuesday of this week when 16 of her neighbors met at her home and papered her sitting room and kitchen and did other needed work. A bountiful dinner was prepared and all were glad when the clock struck twelve. Miss Shaver wishes to thank all who assisted her in time of need, trusting they will be rewarded for their kindness shown her.
Forest Lake Twp. – As foreshadowing the place the auto truck may soon occupy on the farms in this county, we are going to tell of a little modern “hauling” seen in Montrose the other day. It seems that Robert H. Hillis had purchased a lot of hay of Charles Ely, on what is known as the “Isaac Melhuish farm” in this place, beyond Birchardville, but as teams were so busy on the farms, Mr. Hillis could not get it to Montrose and the loss of a sale seemed possible. Then he conceived the idea of using gasoline power to do the work, and sent for George Haldeman, of Springville, with his big truck, and the hay was carted to Montrose in short order and placed in the cars. Friday, Mr. Haldeman made three trips, making 101 miles of actual travel, bringing up seven tons of hay, loading it alone, also placing it in the car and “doubling” back to Birchardville with feed. Whither are we drifting?
Springville – The hotel barns have been repainted and look much improved. Since Landlord Fiske took possession he has made several improvements on the property which add both to its value as well as appearance.
Glenwood, Lenox Twp. – After spending four score years of life, Michael Caden was called by death, Saturday, about noon, June 12, at his home here. Mr. Caden was born in Ireland, came to this country with his parents when a small child and had resided in that locality ever since. He married Miss Mary McCarty fifty-five years ago; was the father of fourteen children, nine of whom are living. His wife is also living.
News Brief: An exchange hands out the following cyclonic wisdom: “Early to bed and early to rise, cut the weeds and swat the flies, mind your own business and tell me no lies, don’t get gay, and deceive your wives, pay your debts, use enterprise and buy from the stores that advertise.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith