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June 24 1921/2021

Heart Lake – The Heart Lake Inn will open Sunday, June 26th, for the summer months. Sunday chicken dinner a specialty. Orders taken by ‘phone for large parties.

Brookdale – Ferguson Wright and wife left Thursday for their new home in Michigan. We all hope they prosper and do well there.

Brooklyn – A son was presented to Stanley Crissell by his wife on Friday last. Mr. Crissell was one of the boys that was “over there” and in going “over the top” was captured by the Germans and officially reported killed. After being a prisoner for several weeks he escaped from the Germans and returned home to carry out Roosevelt’s precepts to young Americans. ALSO Flag Day was generally observed on June 14th. Nearly every residence was decorated and all of the business houses and hotels displayed the national colors. The event of the day was the surprise celebration given Mrs. Annie Palmer, widow of M. W. Palmer, the well-known stock and dairyman. It being the birthday of Mrs. Palmer, her friends conceived the thought to celebrate the event. At 3 P.M. the line of march was formed at the home of her cousin Mrs. M. J. Kent, where between 20 and 30 lady friends of Mrs. Palmer formed in columns of two and with Mrs. J. R. Rittenhouse, of Scranton, as marshal, and Mrs. T. O. Williams, as aid, marched out Main street to Maple street, down Maple street, and as they passed friends’ homes each lady helped swell the procession. When the home of Mrs. Palmer was reached the line of march across the street was a fine display of woman’s love for the flag. As each carried a flag in one hand and a basket in the other, the surprise was complete and the remainder of the day was spent in social enjoyment. An elaborate lunch was served on the lawn, consisting of sandwiches, potato salad, pickles, cake and ice cream and coffee. In the evening the photo-play, “Down East,” was given in the Universalist church.

South Gibson – Several from this place attended the funeral of James Keech, Tuesday. Mr. Keech was a veteran of the Civil War and served in Co. C, 151st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, with Morris and Richard Davis, who so far as is known, are the only surviving members of the company. All through the struggle the company held the center of the regiment and carried the regiment’s flag. Messrs. Davis and Morris feel keenly the loss of their comrade.

Fairdale – Mr. and Mrs. Herman Olmstead and son, Robert, are spending the week at State College, attending farmers’ week and visiting friends.

Auburn High School – The graduating class consisted of five boys and four girls: Rose Kernan, Margaret Tomery; Bina Galvin, Ana Malone, John Winans, Thomas Davis, Lee Baldwin, Irving Loomis and Joseph Winans. The valedictorian’s address was given by the honor student, Rose Kernan. The salutatorian was Margaret Tomery. The rest of the class each gave an essay.

Gelatt – While George Woodard and George Milliken were returning from Susquehanna the other day, in Mr. Woodward’s car, he lost control of it and went over a stonewall breaking two of Mr. Milliken’s ribs and the windshield.

Middletown – Idwald Jones, a former graduate of Montrose High School, was returning from Rutgers College, where he had received his degree, and visited in Montrose. He was en route to his home in Middletown, where he expects to spend a portion of his vacation before entering active business.

Springville – The Chautauqua held here last week under the direction of the Radcliff Company, proved a decided success. All the entertainments were of a high class and were very much enjoyed by the large crowds attending. Arrangements were made to have the Chautauqua another year and thirty-five guarantors were secured.

Clifford – Ira Barney and Herbert Reynolds, of Elmira, will open a garage here this week.

Dimock – Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cope started for North Mountain, June 14, taking with them a number of girls and boys from the Bird Club, where they will enjoy camp life in the mountains for about three weeks. The camping trip has been a custom with Mr. Cope for several years, which is a rare treat indeed for the young people of this place—a privilege that is greatly appreciated. Freeman Tingley, who is just out of college and a resident of this place, is also spending this vacation with them.

Gelatt – We are glad to report Mrs. Fred Sparks on the gain. The piece of needle that was in her hand ten weeks, 1 ¾ inches long, has been removed. Her foot is also better.

Hickory Grove, Great Bend Township – Humphrey W. Hallstead, formerly of Hickory Grove, but for several years residing at Hiawatha, Kansas, died recently of cancer of the stomach, aged 78 years, 11 months and 6 days. Deceased was a Civil War veteran, serving in Co. K, New York Volunteers. He is survived by five children, Mrs. M. D. VanAntwerp, of Hickory Grove, Mrs. James Carnegie and Arthur Hallstead, of Chicago; Mrs. K. M. VanOrsdale, of Binghamton, and Herbert Hallstead, of Batavia.

Forest City – The Ruff and Tuff base ball team of the Melhinch Shoe company is out to defeat the champion B. M. team if possible. They claim they are more youthful than the B. M. aggregation and have got the pep to spell defeat to the champions. The initial game is to be played next Saturday afternoon at the local ball park. The lineup: Anthony Poska, p; Wesley Budd, c; Steve Chicoskie, 1b; John Cherosic, 2b; Frank Pribula, ss; Wm Langendorfer, 3b; Charles Allen, rf; C. W. Augenstein, cf; Andy Berish, Herbert Horton, Carl Bartholomay and John Cackush will be held in reserve.

Ararat – Good music has been a great feature of the service in the church since Memorial Sunday. Solos, mixed and male quartets, with trombone and cornet accompaniments, add greatly to the interest of the services and the attendance is large and increasing. On Memorial Sunday at the afternoon service, Rev. D. M. Corkwell, of Thompson, delivered an eloquent sermon. Veterans of the Civil, Spanish-American and World War were in attendance. The church was beautifully decorated with flags and flowers and special music was rendered.

News Brief: Owing to the continued drought, many farmers in this vicinity are preparing to start their haying earlier this year. Some meadows are already beginning to prematurely ripen, and owing to lack of moisture there is very little growth. It is predicted that hay will be high in price the coming year.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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