Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 24 1910/2010
Gibson- The severe storm of last Saturday afternoon was felt in many parts of the county and considerable damage was done. The downpour of rain, for a time, seemed like a cloudburst, a huge volume of water falling in a few minutes. Sharp claps of thunder and brilliant flashes of lightning combined to make it one of the most severe storms experienced for some time. At Gibson, the large barn on Andrew Wellman's farm was struck and demolished and some damage was also done to the interior of the edifice. The bolt did not set fire to anything, which averted a possible conflagration, as the means of fighting fire in the town is limited.
Dimock - Canfieldl Estus, one of the best known resident of Dimock township, died at his home June 16, following a period of steady decline. The deceased was widely known, having spent practically his entire life in that community and was highly respected. For a number of years he drove the stage between Montrose and Auburn.
Rush - During the electric storm Friday evening the lighting struck Howard VanDyke's barn on the M. B. Perigo place, doing considerable damage, and on Saturday afternoon Mr. VanDyke's new barn, an the A. L. Perigo place, was badly shattered by lightning. Mr. VanDyke had tied his team of horses in the barn during the shower, where they were found in a heap, apparently lifeless, but they recovered from the shock.
Susquehanna - Edward Johnson, a farmer residing two miles from here, tells a remarkable story of the pranks of a bolt of lightning yesterday. While his team stood by the roadside near his home, lightning struck a telegraph pole close by slitting it in twain. It then ran along the ground nipping two shoes off one of the horses, tore 60 cents out of Johnson's hand and entered the wagon, crushing a crate of strawberries. Johnson and the horses were uninjured.
Heart Lake - W. H. Crane, of Binghamton, who is enjoying life at his cottage, "The Crane's Nest," at Heart Lake, on Thursday of last week, caught a beautiful 12 pound pike at that popular summer resort, which is causing many other fishermen to dangle their hook and lines in hopes to meet with Mr. Crane's good fortune. This fresh water giant is the largest fish ever recorded as having been pulled out of the lake. A few years ago Mr. Crane caught a pike that weighed 9 3/4 pounds and that fish was then considered the record for the lake. On Thursday he caught a 4 1/2 pound black bass.
Birchardville - For the benefit of those who attended the recent County Christian Endeavor Convention, held in the First Baptist Church, the following historical points may prove of interest: The Middletown Baptist church, of Birchardville, became an organized body in 1812, through the efforts of Elder Davis Dimock of Montrose. Prior to this, and before 1810, Elder Dimock had preached in the Washington schoolhouse and the one near Jesse Birchard's. Hiis labors continued 13 years, all told, closing in 1825. Elder W. C. Tilden served an unbroken ministry of 22 years in this field. The first meetinghouse at Birchardville was built in 1837, on half an acre of ground, secured from the late Dr. Rose. The edifice has been several times enlarged and attached to it is a quaint old cemetery.
East Lynn - Fred Sherman left for Kansas last week, where he has a position offered him paying a large salary.
West Auburn - Mrs. Kilmer, of the Corpus Christie, Texas, visited friends last week for the first time in 30 years, and met her brother, John Smith, for the first time since 1869, 41 years ago, each supposing the other dead.
Lynn - Springville and Elk Lake baseball teams crossed bats on the latter's ground on Saturday afternoon with a victory for Elk Lake. Just what the score was the writer was not informed.
South Montrose - John Reynolds, of Tacoma, Washignton, is visiting his brother, Richard, he having purchased an automobile in Michigan and making the trip from there in it.
Hop Bottom - There will be a hop at the Valley View House, Hop Bottom, on july 4th, for which splendid music has been engaged. Trippers of the light fantastic toe are very familiar with the many good times had at these hops, and the preparations for the one to be given the evening of the "Ever Glorious," will make it fully up to the standard. Two ball games will be played and many will take advantage of the games, staying over to the evening's entertainment.
Brookdale - Mrs. George Lindsley and children, of Lawsville, escaped what might have been a serious run away last Sunday afternoon while near I. Comstock's. One horse became frightened at an auto and started to run and the bit broke. They ran till near L. Tripp's, where they were stopped.
Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. - The Epworth League will hold an ice cream social on the church lawn, Tuesday evening, June 28. One of the attractions of the evening will be ballon ascension.
Montrose - Montrose barbers have raised the price of "pompadour" haircuts to fifty cents per head. The prohibitive price is put on because the barbers dont like to cut them that way. Since the college boys got to combing their hair Jim Corbett style, even the little boys who think they are big want their hair cut in that fashion. It's a difficult job and the barbers claim they lose money at twenty-five cents per. ALSO in response to a megaphone message from Buffalo Bill, tonsorial artist Ennis Burch went to Binghamton to shave the Big Indian Chief, and the camels, before the circus began.
Montrose Presbyterian Church Centennial - The church was organized, Congregational in form, July 3d, 1810, with a membership of twelve persons. It became Presbyterian September 12th, 1823. The first house of worship was erected in 1825, and the present one in 1860. The organization was celebrated on Sunday and Monday, July 6th and 7th, 1890. The centennial celebration will take place on the first three days of July next and you are cordially invited to attend.
Compiled By: Betty Smith