Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 23 1922/2022
A second storm, which covered practically all sections of the county, streams, both large and small, jumped their banks, resulting in an extraordinarily large monetary loss, almost impossible to estimate. While all sections of the county were affected, Hop Bottom borough is by far the heaviest sufferer, although private property was not damaged to a great extent. A torrent of water coursed down the steep banks east of the town, sweeping huge rocks, trees and earth with it. The large sluice way at the head of the street became clogged and a raging river coursed down through Main street, bringing with it debris which filled the streets in certain points to a depth of five or six feet. Water overflowed into the Stone feed store, but, providentially, it would seem, after this point the swirling current kept well to the pavement until discharging itself into Martin’s Creek. The newly completed Lackawanna Trail was damaged considerably, fissures to the depth of several feet being made in some places. However, repairs have been made and the Trail will be opened June 28th as originally planned. In Rush township several bridges were swept away and a horse was drowned. It was also stated that a woman died from fright during the storm’s progress. Kingsley, Clifford, Uniondale, Ararat and Herrick all suffered in the deluge. At the DL&W stockyards in Montrose the water tore a gapping hole seven feet deep under the railroad tracks and the section men exerted strenuous efforts to making repairs so that the Montrose train could come into the station.
Rush Township – A woman, who with her husband and two children, were riding in an automobile between Lawton and Rushville, when he storm broke, became terribly frightened when their car dropped into three or four feet of water and stalled, and collapsed She was taken to the home of Bruce Dodge, near Rushville, and Dr. G. S. Milnes called, but her nervous system received such a terrible shock that she died the next morning. It was impossible to reach Rushville by phone yesterday, but we learn the unfortunate woman’s name was Mrs. Williams, wife of Dr. Williams, and that they were returning to their home in Pottersville, Bradford County.
Susquehanna – The men of the Erie shops voted whether to accept or reject the coming cut in wages, also to strike or not, the latter part of the past week. It was reported that every one of the 900 men who voted, cast the vote for strike, if the expected wage slash goes into effect July 1st. ALSO The Susquehanna Baking Company plant is up-to-date in every respect, having a capacity of baking 5,000 loaves of bread in eight hours as well as other modern conveniences. Henry Lisi, general superintendent of the plant, invites visitors to call and inspect this bakery. The Susquehanna Baking Company is a maker of “Rival Bread” which is sold in Montrose by the A & P Store.
Montrose – The work on the new First National Bank building is progressing rapidly under the direction of Contractor Badgely, of Binghamton. It will be a handsome edifice for Public Avenue.
Hallstead/Great Bend – Ruth Lewis, daughter of Fred R. Lewis, of Great Bend and Albert Bullard, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Bullard, of Hallstead, were married at the First Baptist church, June 14, 1922. Rev. Leslie E. Gould performed the ceremony. The happy couple were the recipients of many beautiful gifts, among them a house and lot and automobile. After a wedding trip, which will include Scranton, Buffalo and other points of interest, they will reside in Great Bend.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp – Wm. Cruse, while painting the roof of the house, had quite a fall. The ladder broke on the roof and let him down, and as he fell he caught the other ladder and that carried him quite a ways from the roof. He escaped with some bruises.
South Montrose – The South Montrose Mfg. Co. is running on full time, making their celebrated coat hangers, for which they are having a heavy sale.
New Milford – Guy Garland and A. C. Pratt, of Endicott, have purchased the restaurant business of E. W. Miller in the I. O. O. F. building here. Mr. Garland is well known, having spent his boyhood here. Of late he has been conducting a restaurant at Endicott, NY. Both the young men’s wives are expected to join them soon.
Uniondale – The Methodist Episcopal church was struck by lightning during the storm Saturday afternoon. A ball on the spire was struck, the current running down the southwest side of the steeple breaking window lights in the spire and escaping to the ground near the main entrance. Ladies preparing for children’s day had left the church but a short time before it was struck. ALSO Mrs. E. L. Payne has thirteen young canary birds. She takes great interest in birds, and only keeps the liveliest strain of singers. ALSO Morris Davis’ garden has gone down the Lackawanna. Water, four feet deep, ran through it during the storm Saturday afternoon.
Herrick Center – Carl I. Baker, a graduate of the Forest City high school, a student at Cornell University, is to attend the training camp at Plattsburg, NY, for a six weeks’ campaign. He is now a first lieutenant in the R. O. T. C.
Forest City – The following college students have returned home for their summer vacation: Mary Sredenschek, from [Penn] State; Lyle Hornbeck, from Amherst; Paul Maxey and Harry Lyons, from the University of Pennsylvania, Ligouri Fleming, Joseph Muchitz and John Callaghan, graduated from [Penn] State and are home.
News Brief: The Supreme Court Justice Arthur S. Tompkins, of Nyack, NY, grandmaster of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of New York State, has denounced the Ku Klux Klan and warned members of the Masonic fraternity, in his jurisdiction, that they cannot be both Masons and members of the Ku Klux Klan. “Masonry will not tolerate the doctrines of the Ku Klux Klan within its sacred precincts and should a Mason so far forget his obligations to his fraternity, his God, to his country and his fellow man as to become affiliated with this anti-American organization, known as the Ku Klux Klan,” said Grandmaster Tompkins, “his right to remain a member in good standing of the Masonic fraternity would be seriously questioned.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith