Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
June 22 1906/2006
Birchardville - The Misses Landfield met with what might have been a serious accident while returning home from the Mission circle Wednesday. Their horse became frightened at an automobile and ran into the school house yard, tipping them over and kicking itself loose from the wagon, running for home. The wagon was only slightly broken and the girls not much hurt but badly frightened.
Susquehanna - Ex-Congressman C. Fred Wright has been appointed by Governor Pennypacker a member of a committee to locate a site and erect a new State asylum for the criminally insane.
Heart Lake - Heart Lake promises to be the Mecca for pleasure seekers from this vicinity on the Fourth. The Odd Fellows' Band has rented the grounds at that place and are going in for a glorious time. Local excursions will be run and they promise to have 'sumthin doin'"every minute. A late train will be run from the lake at night, so that those attending may put in a long day of it, even if to the participants is seems all too short.
Jackson - Dr. Cole is the inventor and patentee of a new household device which prominent Susquehanna people have become interested in and intend to manufacture. It is a hollow stove blacking brush, so constructed that the housewife can put the finest kind of a shine on the kitchen range without getting her hands soiled. Under the dauber is a cup which holds the blacking and which feeds out through the bristles, water being poured through the hollow handle to make the blacking of liquid form. The bottom of the brush is covered with felt to be used in producing the polish. The brush is known as the X-L-C-R and has been placed on the market by the Cole Novelty Co.
Dimock - Last Saturday afternoon during the severe storm, Frank E. Bunnell was struck by lightning and instantly killed. Besides being a first-class farmer, he also had a remarkable mechanical bent, and made a specialty of moving buildings. His brother, James, who was with him, was also badly shocked but has completely recovered, while another man employed with them also received a less severe shock. The men, J.W. & L.F. Thornton, Harry Brown, Thomas Oliver, D.G. Underhill and Johnnie Donohoe, were at work moving what had been a creamery building and were waiting for the rain to cease before resuming work. The Bunnell brothers were seated on the sill of a door and over their heads from the smokestack ran a wire. This wire was not grounded, but the end was fastened in the woodwork a few feet over their heads. The men were conversing with each other when a bolt of lightning struck the stack and ran along the wire. Frank, who was seated nearest the end of the wire, received the full force of the electric current directly on top of the head, causing instant death. His brother was also rendered unconscious and it was thought for some time he had been fatally injured. The deceased was 38 years of age and is survived by a wife and four children.
New Milford - A New Milford correspondent writes that Earl Gardner and family, while driving recently, had a narrow escape from a serious accident by being hit by an automobile and one of their wagon wheels was smashed. The auto didn't stop.
Brooklyn - Earl Ainey is home from Philadelphia where he finished his course in dentistry. Earl is a full fledged Dr. now.
Uniondale - Ed Morgan has for sale a very effectual automatic screen door fastener. Try them, they are a thing of joy.
Great Bend - It is rumored that out of town parties are negotiating with our town people in regard to locating here as the taxes are not nearly as high as in New York State and the railroad facilities are good here. Let them come.
Glenwood - Road making and farming is the order of the day and not an idle man or boy in town and work for more. AND The talk now is that the public schools in Lenox will be consolidated-the proper thing to do is to have a graded school in each voting district. That would give three schools and be cheaper in the end. Let every interested citizen have a loud say on the subject.
Montrose - A thief was busy at E. R. Smith's chicken house last Saturday night and took the choicest two on the roost. Look out for him.
Hallstead - At the meeting of the Board of Trade, the members had a pleasant surprise when John E. Clune, proprietor of the Mitchell House, requested the privilege of building a band stand, which the members of the Board had been talking of. Mr. Clune's generous offer makes their plan of raising money by popular subscription, unnecessary.
Ararat - Mrs. Fred Brooks entertained her brothers and sisters with their families at her home last Saturday. The day was somewhat unpleasant, but the old big farm-house rang with merriment and the big dining room fairly bulged with the good things that were loaded onto the tables. Mirth, good cheer and jokes proved a good digester, however, for no sooner was the dinner over than all were ready for the ice cream, candies, peanuts and lemonade. The photographer performed the last act and the most enjoyable time of our lives closed with the day.
Harford - There was a successful barn raising at A. R. Grant's farm last week. About 50 men rendered willing assistance and the way in which the parts fitted together was highly credible to the carpenter, G. Tiffany.
Starrucca - The post office was entered Saturday night by burglars, who helped themselves to money, postage stamps, shoes and straw hats.
Scranton - Daily flights in an airship will be made at Luna Park for a week beginning June 21st, weather conditions permitting.
Compiled By: Betty Smith