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June 21 1918/2018

Fairdale – A heartrending catastrophe occurred on Friday afternoon when Claude Snell, a popular and highly regarded young farmer, was struck by a bolt of lightning which caused his death. The young man was in the basement of the barn on the A. C. Lowe farm, when a shower was in progress. After the shower he was found lying unconscious just outside the barn door by his wife and several men–Harrison McKeeby, Jack Daley and Imon Very—who were nearby seeking shelter from the shower. The fatal bolt had struck him on the top of the head, making a hole a half inch in diameter in the skull, and two smaller holes in the shoulder showed where it had followed its course, blackening the arm and slightly slivering the length of a fork handle he held in his hand. He was taken to his home, but did not regain consciousness. Deceased was 34 years of age and is survived by his wife and three children.

Lawsville – George W. Meeker lost three fingers in a peculiar accident, when an unruly bull, which he was leading, dashed him against a stone wall and badly mangled his hand. Few men in the county are better known and have more friends than “George,” and all feel deep regret that he should meet such a misfortune. But none will take a loss with more courage and philosophy than he.

Bradford County – Miss Victoria Lake, who lives at Gleason, near Canton, and will be 15 years of age in August, is doing all of the out-door work on a 102 acre farm. Fifty-three acres are plowed, and two acres of potatoes, and has the ground ready for planting corn. The male members of the family are all working in the mines and come home on Saturday nights, returning to their work on Monday mornings. Her mother assists her in the milking of ten cows and care of the other live stock.

Friendsville – Susquehanna county has its first “farmerette” in Miss Carroll, a Boston young lady, who is tilling the soil at Camp Choconut, near Carmalt Lake. Miss Carroll is a graduate of Amherst College, and knows how to make the farm and garden produce. It is a decided novelty for the farmers around here to see a young lady doing a man’s work with an air of knowing what she is doing. Many a farmer who should be holding the plow handles is leaving the horses to browse in the furrow while he takes a “short cut cross-lots” to see the attractive “farmerette” at work.

Montrose – W.A. Welliver, proprietor of C-Nic Theatre, has installed a fine new motion picture machine. One of the latest devices of its kind, it is operated by electric motor, doing away with the crank propulsion formerly used, while the lighting arrangement permits of six varying adjustments. A player piano is another improvement for the entertainment of the pleasure seekers. Some of the very best pictures produced are being shown and Mr. Welliver is seeking Materlinck’s famous story reproduced in film—“The Bluebird.”

Dimock – Charles A. Main, who has for years been an extensive grower of garden produce, says that he has a good acreage of potatoes and onions.  On Thursday of last week a violent hailstorm did considerable damage, however.  Hail fell in such quantities that he scraped up a couple of bushels of small hailstones and utilized it in freezing ice cream.

Thompson – Recently, a gentleman’s necktie and pocket comb and a ladies’ back comb were found on Mrs. A.E. Smith’s porch couch. The owners can recover the goods by calling on Mrs. Smith and identifying the same. No charge will be made for the use of the couch, if the intruders will kindly remember next time to leave a sample of their confectionary which must have been abundant judging by the litter scattered in such profusion all over the porch.

Forest City – John McGranaghan has received notice from the State Board of Undertakers that he has passed all necessary examinations and has been duly licensed as an undertaker. He is also licensed in New York state. ALSO C.J. Rauf, of Cannonsville, NY, was an interesting visitor here. Thirty years ago he built several houses and boarded at the Fleming House during his stay. He had not been back in more than 20 years and was surprised at the progress the town had made. In speaking of the pave he said he remembered distinctly when there was a large stump in the street near the Fleming House and teamsters circled around it. He remembers Forest City as a wilderness when he was a member of a surveying party engaged in locating the route of the Jefferson railroad. He has traveled extensively but his experience while a resident of Forest City in its early days will not be dimmed while memory lasts.

Uniondale – The road is being changed from near H. Ghents place, back of David J. Jones’ house, to the road running from Bethel church to Tirzah. It is said that the change will prove more satisfactory in the winter. The new route is not so liable to be drifted in the winter as the old.

Harford – West Harford has a new industry, that of a cheese factory on the farm of Lee Grinnell, the factory being under the management of an Italian. Many of the farmers are taking their milk to the factory.

Susquehanna – The Daily Transcript changes from 25 to 35 cents per month, after July 1st, but everybody appreciates the greatly increased cost of getting up the paper and cannot get along without it. Many new and improved features have been added since last year and others are yet to follow, so Editor Baker promises, and all who subscribe for a year before July 1st get the Daily at the present rate of 25 cents a month.

News Brief: There is no discrimination of any kind between soldiers who are not citizens of the United States and the native born or naturalized citizens in the American army, excepting that the former cannot hold commissions. In all other respects—care, attention, privileges, etc., they are all on the same footing.

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, June 20, 1818.

*By virtue of a writ of ____, issued out of the court of common pleas of Susquehanna County, to me directed, will be exposed to sale as public vendue at the house of Oliver C. Smith, in Silver Lake township on Monday the 22nd day of June inst. at 10 o’clock A.M., the following property; viz. two fanning mills, one calf, one turnpike house, 15 chains, two baskets, one table, one grindstone, five barrels of pork, part of a box of tea, 5 yoke of oxen, 1 pair of horses, 30 bushels of wheat, 10 bushels of corn, one barrel of salt, 4 plows, one set of new harness, one takle and rigging, one iron bar, one saddle, one cutting box, one bin of rye, about thirty bushes, six sheep, 4 scrapers, one cooking stove and apparatus, four beds and bedding, store goods, 13 chains, 12 axes, 10 pick axes, 117 sap tubs, one loom, quill wheel and swifts, 5 shovels, three spades, ten hoes, four ox yokes, pots, crockery, & c. on turnpike and two tons of hay.  Seized and taken in execution as the property of Oliver C. Smith.  AUSTIN HOWELL, Sh’ff., Sheriff’s Office, Montrose, June 10, 1818.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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