Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 21 1907/2007
Upsonville - A very enjoyable social surprise was tendered E. J. Lindsey on Thursday last, it being his 74th birthday. Soldiers and friends from Montrose, Heart Lake, New Milford, and Hallstead were present. It was a genuine surprise, also a double surprise, for they left a token in remembrance of the day with Comrade Lindsey [Corp. Co. B, 143d PA Volunteers]. He wishes to express his thanks to all who joined in this festive occasion.
Montrose - Over 11,000 pounds of butter were shipped from the Lehigh Valley station here on Tuesday and 12,030 pounds from Springville the same day.
Susquehanna - Susquehanna and Nicholson citizens are enthused over a proposed electric line to connect the two towns. South Gibson, which is on the projected route, has also roused up much enthusiasm, and the construction of the road was warmly advocated at a mass meeting the first of the week. AND An appropriation bill was introduced by Hon. E. E. Jones [Harford], in the House of Representatives, giving the Simon H. Barnes Hospital $5000. Too much praise cannot be given the public officials, as well as to the local citizens of influence in that borough, in which Rev. P. F. Brodrick deserves special mention.
Forest City - Many Forest City people have been in Montrose this week, interested in the suit instituted by that borough against James Fuller. Mr. Fuller, it is alleged, is erecting a wooden structure within a section of the town which is contrary to an ordinance prohibiting such a procedure, as it is within the fire limits and endangers the buildings of abutting property owners. Another objection is that the material being used in its construction is wood from a breaker torn down some years ago and is permeated with oil and coal dust, making it highly combustible. Judge Searle has rendered no decision as yet, and it may be he will refuse to, considering that the council has the power to decide the matter.
Heart Lake - While disappointment is manifested following the announcement that the I.O.O.F. Band had decided to celebrate at Heart Lake instead of Montrose, on the 4th of July, the change is a good one, nevertheless, and affords a splendid opportunity for a day's outing at this very pleasurable summer resort. Excursion rates will be secured, and presumably a special night train will run. The attractions will be band selections, boating, merry-go-round, dancing, games, ball game, etc., etc. Go and spend your morning with the band boys. You must turn out with the crowd at Heart Lake and join in with "the blare of the trumpet and drum" in making the eagle scream with enthusiasm.
New Milford - On Friday afternoon John Meehan, an aged and respected resident of New Milford, met with a painful accident while going to Hallstead on business. He was a passenger on train No. 45, one of the milk trains going west, and in his excitement did not get off the train at the station but was carried by to the lower crossing at Church Street. The train had gathered considerable headway after it got in motion, and when Mr. Meehan went to alight he was thrown to the ground with such force that his leg was broken and he was otherwise badly shaken up.
Harford - The entertainment given at Odd Fellows' hall on Monday evening, by "Comical Tom," was not very well attended.
Brooklyn - We are glad to welcome our young friends from the various schools, which they have been attending. Some have come with the satisfaction of having finished their course. Among these are Josie and Luella Gere, of Mansfield; and the following are expected home soon: Leon Stephens, Clare Whitman and Levi Stephens of Pennsylvania State College; Fannie Spencer and Charles Savige, of Wyoming Seminary; Florence Packard, of Mansfield.
South Gibson - The Aid Society met at William Decker's last Wednesday and 83 persons sat down to a chicken dinner, with cake, pie, puddings, ice cream and Bananas. Visitors were present from Gibson, Clifford and Welsh Hill.
Hallstead - For the past year the Mitchell House has been far too small to accommodate the great number of travelers and vacationists who have sought accommodations at this popular hostelry. In order to accommodate better the traveling public Mr. Clune is building a large extension to the hotel, which will be three stories high and contain 25 additional rooms for guests. When finished Mr. Clune expects to have one of the largest and most modern hostelries outside of the largest summer resorts and big cities.
Ararat - C. V. Roberts met with a serious accident one evening while crossing the track near the station. He was struck by an Erie pusher and badly cut about his face besides internal injuries. He was unconscious when found.
Glenwood - A band of Gypsies went through this place a few days ago, taking money from those that were foolish enough to show they had the long green. It was done in such a manner that it was not missed until too late to get it back. O foolish mortals!
News Brief: The year 1816 is often referred to as the cold year. As the "oldest inhabitants" cannot remember that year we have to depend upon history for the fact. We quote from a reliable source the following which may be of interest at present: January and February had been mild; March was not cold and vegetation had gotten well started when about the middle of April winter seemed to set in in earnest. Snow and sleet fell for 17 different days in May. In June there was either snow or frost every night. During the month the snow was 5 inches deep for several days in succession in the interior of New York State, and from 10 inches to 3 feet deep in Vermont and Maine. July was cold and frosty; ice formed as thick as a pain of window glass in every one of the New England States. August was still worse. Ice formed nearly an inch thick and killed nearly everything in the United States. In the spring of 1817, corn, which had been kept over from the crop of 1815, sold for from $5 to $10 a bushel, the buyers purchasing for seed. There was little or no corn matured in 1816.
Compiled By: Betty Smith