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June 20 1924/ 2024

Franklin Forks – An all day bee will be held in the cemetery on June 21. A large number of men and teams are wanted to haul gravel to build a driveway, repair fences and make other improvements. The society has lately added a new plot of ground to the cemetery and a driveway will be constructed through this section. ALSO A variety shower was given Miss Ellen Pierson at the home of her brother, Stanley Pierson. Miss Ellen is soon to be married to Carl Mitchell.

Franklin Hill – The Franklin Hill academy is being repaired and painted inside and out. Paul Melhuish is the artist.

Susquehanna – A pathetic shooting accident occurred when Kermit Brenchley, 13 years old, was shot by his brother, Harry, 16. Latest reports from the Barnes Memorial hospital, where Kermit was taken, stated he was still alive, but the lower limbs are paralyzed as a result of the charge entering the spine. The two boys, sons of Mrs. James Brenchley, were trying some new phonograph records when the military air of one inspired Kermit to suggest that his brother get an air rifle. His brother misunderstood and secured a 32-calibre rifle, thought to be unloaded, and pointed it at his brother and pulled the trigger. Harry, deaf since childhood, did not realize he had shot his brother, and is grief stricken over the accident, as they were inseparable companions. Their father died only a few months ago.

Uniondale – Douglas & Yale have sold a number of tractors to farmers this spring. They save pokes in the ribs, which were common in the days of the old walking plow.

Ararat – The Ararat band will hold a basket picnic at Dunn’s Lake, July 4th. The former picnics held by the band have been greatly successful.

Hop Bottom – Among the young people from here attending summer school at Mansfield, are the following: Helen Conrad, Clara Rose, Alice Rose, Helen Yaglee, Irene Yaglee, Edna Saunders and Dorothy Hardy.

Dimock - A deer, with three-inch horns, was seen on Douglas Mills’ farm, about 500 feet back of the barn. A traveling man, Mr. Tuttle, of the Crocker-Ogden firm, Binghamton, first saw it and stopped and called Mr. Mills’ attention to it. Both men then went within 30 feet of it before it leaped the fence and ran away.

Brooklyn – The Girl Scout Council held a well-attended meeting in the headquarters on Washington Avenue, says The Scranton Times. The business transacted related largely to getting the summer camp at Lake Ely ready for use. Mrs. W. F. Vaughan, chairman of the camp committee, outlined the improvements, which are to be made during the summer.

New Milford – The Tingley reunion was held at the home of Glenn Tingley.

Harford – Ivan Brainard’s car turned turtle on him, but he fortunately escaped without injury. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McConnell are the parents of a girl, born June 11, 1924.

East Rush – W. T. Quick, of Rush, was up to his farm last week planting some potatoes. He says his son, Clifford, prefers learning the automobile business than to work on a farm.

Jackson – The Jackson Baptist church has been thoroughly renovated and painted. The Baptist Association meets here this week. ALSO Ralph Felton will leave for Selinsgrove, Pa., where he will go to Susquehanna College.

Forest City – Anthony Skubic received his final naturalization papers, yesterday, at Scranton. ALSO The Clifford Coal company is now working the Williams tract, their lease with the Delaware and Hudson company having expired. The coal in the new opening is about three and one-half feet thick and of good quality.

Herrick Center – Russell L. Craft is home for the summer vacation. He graduated from the Forest City high school and later from Cornell University. For the past year he has been an instructor in the English department of that institution.

Marriage Licenses: Peter J. Mallon and Gladys Simpson, both of Susquehanna; Laverne Hill and Rena B. Grant, both of Hallstead.

News Brief: The proposed 10 per cent tax on radio outfits is probably the most irritating of the “nuisance taxes” that could be devised. In this proposal the government not only essays to tax a great free blessing, but American inventive genius as well. ALSO Sheep are disappearing from the farms of the county. Back in 1880 there were 40,188 sheep on the farms in this county. Ten years later there had been an increase to 41,585. Last year the number owned in the county totaled 6,592, which valued at $9.25 each, brought the total valuation up to $60,976.00. ALSO Emily Blackman’s History, covering the first hundred years of Susquehanna county, is an exceptionally valuable book. It contains 640 pages and 50 illustrations, and is historically accurate. She spent five years on it. It never will be equaled for the period it covers; nor will another edition ever be printed. The pubic library has recently bound a small number of copies and offers them at $5.00 per copy. [Miss Blackman’s book has been reprinted and is fully indexed, and one hundred years of inflation brings the cost up to $40 with tax and shipping added. Still a bargain! Available at the Susquehanna County Historical Society.]

Centennial News: The stage coach was purchased by Cruser and Harrington and the story continues, as published in The Wyalusing Rocket. “An old relic of by-gone days—a stage coach, 75 or a 100 years old, passed through LeRaysville, on its way to Montrose, where it is to be used in connection with the centennial celebration to be observed soon in ceremonies arranged for the celebration of the 100thanniversary of the incorporation of that town. For the past 30 years the old coach, of much favor in by-gone days, has been the property of Hon. Frank Moore, of North Orwell, from whom it was purchased. Back 20 years ago it will be remembered, perhaps by some, how the Hon. Frank and a dozen or more of his friends, boarded the old coach and came over to LeRaysville, all dressed up in war paint and feathers, in Indian fashion, for the purpose of advertising some event at that time. We take it that this is the same coach and will undoubtedly create as much interest wherever exhibited, as it did when it came loaded up with a band playing Indians back in the nineties.” ALSO Logs for the Centennial log house are coming rapidly now, and soon will come the “bee” of carpenters of the town, and other helpers, and the long-wished for log cabin will be a reality.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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