Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 18 1901/2001
Franklin Forks - A short time ago Joseph Palmer announced that he had a 2-year-old heifer that gave 10 quarts of milk daily, and he asked who could beat it. Chas. Palmer of this place has a 2-year-old heifer, Graded Ayrshire, that gave 14 quarts a day. We wait to hear from the next Palmer.
Kingsley - Bauer's Band, of Scranton, spent Tuesday of last week at the Harford Soldiers' Orphan school. On their return a few selections were delightfully rendered at the station here.
Elk Lake - The oat crop is being destroyed by a minute green insect which turns brown at maturity and is endowed with wings. It attacks the leaf causing brown spots resembling rust to appear, after which the entire leaf turns brown or red. Local entomologists are unable to classify the pest and some specimens have been sent to the State authorities but as yet they have made no report. Appearances seem to indicate nearly a total destruction of the crop.
Susquehanna - The Erie is excavating preparatory to erecting a second bridge over Exchange Street for a shop track. AND The school work of the pupils of Laurel Hill Academy is on exhibition in the Birdsall Block. The splendid work is a great credit to the pupils and the talented instructors.
Springville - Mrs. A. T. Gratton is closing out her stock of millinery and fancy goods cheap for cash. She expects to go to Montana the coming fall, so now is the time to secure rare bargains.
Fairdale - P. L. Shelp has the ditch dug for the pipe to carry water into the kitchen, and when the house is complete it will speak well for Perley's skill as a mechanic, as he has done the work alone. AND The people of Fairdale will hold an ice cream and strawberry festival under their tent on the church lawn, July 3d, evening. Come and see how the Fairdale people do the grand.
Heart Lake - The young men that came to the Ladies Aid social with the intention of getting a new hat, braced against the wrong wall. AND Erney Ellsworth is making two trips a week from Harford, supplying Heart Lake people with fresh meat.
Rushville - John Reynolds, who has driven stage from Rushville to Montrose for the past four years, completes his term tomorrow. Mr. Reynolds has a fine reputation as stage driver, always faithful and obliging. Fred Giffin takes the route for the next four years.
Hopbottom - G. W. Struppler had peas and new potatoes from his own garden for dinner Sunday.
Montrose - While lightning was ripping liberal chunks from the atmosphere and thunder crashed with boisterous familiarity, Friday night, the lightning struck the Court House tower, greatly astonishing the staid old tower clock, knocking a few boards off the tower, and splitting a good sized post in the interior, and a few other minor injuries. Peter Radeker and Thomas McDonald made the repairs this week. AND Lewis H. Sprout has taken the agency for the "Puritan" water still, a new and improved device for making any water absolutely clear, pure and healthful. Mr. Sprout was around this week exhibiting a sample and taking orders. It is an accepted fact among physicians that many of the most dangerous diseases originate from impure drinking water, especially in hot weather, and with an apparatus like the "Puritan," that makes any water pure, and selling it at a very reasonable price, it is no wonder that Mr. Sprout is finding a ready sale for the stills.
Forest City - The Methodists are energetically working up their Fourth of July festivities. Rev. H. C. McDermott will give a rousing speech. One hundred dollars worth of fireworks will go up in smoke during the evening and interesting and novel games for the boys and girls are being arranged. The Methodist ladies wlll prepare a dinner which will be served by the gentlemen.
Great Bend - Mrs. Horace Benjamin has rented the Keystone Hotel to Mr. Cleveland, of Binghamton, who will take possession the first of July. Mr. And Mrs. Benjamin will move into Dr. Smith's house on William St.
New Milford - After nearly 32 years of faithful and unusual efficiency as station agent for the D.L.&W. company, D. W. Hager was released from duty. His successor is Thos. B. McAvoy. Mr. Hager resigned early in the spring and several men were sent here by the company at different times to take his place, but after looking the situation over they did not care to assume the responsibility. Mr. McAvoy is a young man and will doubtless fill the position acceptably.
Uniondale - The latest coal report is that Carpenter Bros. have the engine on the ground and as soon as the drill is ready will begin to search beneath the surface for the black diamond.
Dundaff - Fern Hall is open for business for the season. The Fern is an elegant place for a quiet rest; light, airy and good water and plenty to eat.
West Auburn - will have a New Century 4th of July celebration this year and proposes to do things up right. The Silvara band will furnish the music. There will be a ball game and fantastic parade in the forenoon, and a warm dinner will be served by the ladies in the church basement at noon. There will be various races for which cash prizes will be offered. In the evening there will be fireworks.
Silver Lake - T. P. Gage and Miss Minnie Cahill, of Silver Lake, were married in St. atrick's Catholic church in Scranton, on Wednesday morning last, at 11 o'clock, Rev. Fr. J. B. Whalen officiating. They were attended by Lizzie Cahill and John Giblin and will reside at Silver Lake.
News Brief - An exchange contains the following, doubtless penned by an old back editor who has lost all love for present day style of women's attire: "When an old girl has gray hair and wrinkles all over herself, she should quit dressing like a filly. If there is anything ridiculous in the is the spectacle of a grandmother decked out in bright colors with of feathers and gewgaws on her hat; and gingerbread on her dress. It is very seldom that you see an old man dress himself in golf clothes or with pink ribbons on his whiskers. But the old women who fix themselves up like hired girls on circus days are as numerous as sands on the seashore. An old lady attired in somber rags is something to respect and admire; an old lady flaunting around in bunting is enough to scare horses."
Articles selected for 100 Years Ago are entered exactly as they were written in the newspapers of 100 years ago. Some sections of the county had no correspondents or their reporting was sparse. Therefore, they are not represented in this column on a regular basis.
Compiled By: Betty Smith