Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 16 1916/2016
Montrose – John M. Anderson was born in Kentucky, in 1832, and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B. F. McKeage, June 13, 1916. Mr. Anderson was a Confederate soldier, serving in Forrest’s Cavalry, an organization which furnished its own equipment and was composed of some of the most daring and intrepid young men of the South. He was a relative of the late, great American humorist, Samuel W. Clemens (Mark Twain) and resembled him much in looks. Members of the Four Brothers Post, G.A.R., attended the funeral in a body, paying their last respects to one whom they had once opposed on the field of battle, but who in the passing years had won not only their respect, but honor and feelings of kindest regard. Interment was in Montrose cemetery. ALSO There surely is a silver lining to every cloud. The streets of Montrose are terribly muddy, but the ladies, we observe, are not obliged to lift their skirts at crossings to prevent them becoming soiled. ALSO “The Misleading Lady,” a motion picture drama in five parts, will be shown at the C-Nic theatre. This is a story of cave man methods introduced into modern society.
Brooklyn – F. B. Jewett owns a dog that is wise beyond its years or generation, for when it was despoiled of the greater part of its tail the other day, for aesthetic reasons, the dog refused to be comforted until it had found the missing portion of its appendage. “Mike,” that’s the dog’s name, after going through the hands of the amputator refused to be comforted and seemed to mourn his loss exceedingly. For two days he refused to eat and seemed downcast but on the third day, when his demeanor changed, Mr. Jewett wondered what could be the reason. Investigating, he found that “Mike” had recovered the portion of his tail that had been removed and was carrying it around in his mouth wherever he went, carefully nursing it as he would a sore paw.
Fairdale – All those who are interested in the Fairdale cemetery will be there on Tuesday, June 20, for the purpose of cleaning up the yard, mowing, raking and cleaning up in general. The ladies will serve dinner in the Grange Hall. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Guy DeWitt are rejoicing over the arrival of a little baby girl, born to them June 7th—Ruth Brink DeWitt.
South Montrose – Rural District Carrier George Carey reports that the roads over his route were, on Tuesday last, almost impassible—worse than he had ever before experienced. He has a new Ford, which does capital service, but he was way behind on his run that day.
Lynn, Springville Twp. – Lynn is going to have a 4th of July celebration—the biggest it has ever had.
Crystal Lake – Contractor Peter Stipp, of Scranton, has the contract for the erection of an elaborate home on the old Fern Hall property here, for James Johnson, of New Brunswick, NJ. The old hostelry, which was closed to the public several years ago, has been torn down and will be replaced by a beautiful stone and brick structure.
Dimock – C. W. Barnes has a new sign placed in front of his blacksmith shop, announcing his readiness to do all kinds of work in his line of business.
Great Bend – Burke’s ball team, the Silver Stars, played the Susquehanna Church Hill team Saturday afternoon on the School house grounds. Score, 7 to 13, in favor of the Silver Stars.
Forest City – The graduation exercises of the class of 1916 of the Forest City High school were held in the auditorium, Monday evening, June 12th. The class is composed of two young ladies and six young men, as follows: Beatrice Lott, Matilda Wolfert, Max E. Freedman, Sol Joseph, John M. Kelly, Paul H. Maxey, James V. McCloskey, Joseph P. McGrath. The class officers are: Beatrice Lott, president; Matilda Wolfert, vice president; Paul Maxey, secretary, and John Kelly, treasurer. First honors were taken by Sol Joseph and John Kelly and second by Beatrice Lott and Paul Maxey.
Thompson – Several of our town people will attend commencement exercises at Mansfield next week. The following are among the graduates: Misses Nora Brown, Anna Harpur, Ruth Stone, Jessie Wilmarth and Helen Weir. Miss Weir is one of the honor students.
Lathrop – Victor, son of B. L. Oakley, broke his arm recently, being thrown by a calf he was leading. He broke the arm in the same place last winter while riding down hill.
Susquehanna – Miss Mary Curtis has been elected Class Historian of the graduating class of the National School of Chiropractic, of Chicago.
Hop Bottom – Who said Hop Bottom was behind the times? Just keep a look-out for advertisements of the big celebration, 4th of July. A parade, an auto hill climbing contest, a fine dinner, a lively ball game, field contests, generous prizes, a good supper and a first-class entertainment in the evening. Two railroads and a half to accommodate the public.
Auburn 4 Corners – There will be a Fourth of July celebration at the Corners this year. A chicken dinner will be served; also races and a ball game. Everybody invited to come.
Gibson – F. W. Barrett purchased the hotel property of Mrs. C. C. Lupton last week and will continue business in the good temperance way.
Glenwood – The M. E. Church, at Upper Glenwood, is being taken down prior to being rebuilt near G. N. Bennett’s store.
Stevens Point – Albert Rockwell is moving and raising his barn. He will have an underground stable, which will be quite an improvement.
Uniondale – Miss Hazel Walling, of Orson, and Harold Morgan, of this place, were united in marriage June 1st, at the home of the bride’s parents. ALSO Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Margaret Gillett, of Milford, and Mr. Glen Wolfe, of this place. The ceremony will occur on June 24th, at the home of the bride’s parents.
200 Years Ago – from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa., June 18, 1816. ST. JOHN’S. The Free and Accepted Masons of North Star Lodge, No. 119, will celebrate the anniversary of St. John the Baptist, at the house of Joseph Washburn, in Gibson, on Monday the 24th day of June inst. Brothers of other Lodges, who can make it convenient, are respectfully invited to join in the ceremonies of the day. Truman Clinton, Joseph Washburn, Nathaniel Claflin, jr. ALSO Found, In this village, a new pair of thick SHOES—the owner can have the same by calling at this office and paying for this advertisement.
Compiled By: Betty Smith