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June 15 1923/2023

Montrose – The commissioners are desirous of having the paving on Lake avenue, on which street county grounds abut on both sides, a width of 27 feet along the court house and fire hall properties and from this point to the foot of jail hill, 19 feet in width, this stretch to be concrete. The hill to the Mrs. Chas. R. Sayre property will be of brick on a concrete base and 18 feet in width. The paving on Maple street, between Public avenue and Chestnut street, will be of concrete and 35 feet in width. The county will pay 99-100ths of the cost of laying the Lake avenue pave and the borough the remaining one per cent. On the Maple street section the county will pay one-half, the borough one-fourth and D. J. Donovan [hotel], the abutting property owner, one-fourth. ALSO E. G. Foote, the long-time faithful and efficient janitor of the courthouse, marches rapidly behind the gasoline-propelled lawnmower and is keeping Monument Square up to its beautiful reputation. It has been computed, after careful measurement, that Mr. Foote travels 9 miles each time he cuts the “green” grass.

Susquehanna – The work of paving all the principal streets is nearing completion. Washington street was completed a few days ago, as was West Main street, up to the concrete section, which is to be resurfaced with brick. At this time the finishing touches are being put on the streets which have been paved since the starting of the work; East Main street, Willow avenue, Broad avenue, Church street, Jackson avenue, Grand street, Erie avenue and West Main street. Susquehanna has more paved streets than any borough in the 15th Congressional District.

Dimock – 4th of July celebration will take place on the Community Common with clay pigeon shooting, dinner and ball game, Montrose vs. Dimock. Ice cream, soft drinks and hot dogs will be sold with proceeds benefiting the base ball team.

Hop Bottom – On June 3rd a large company of relatives gathered at the home of Henry Lindsey, in Lathrop Twp., to celebrate his 83rd birthday. Mr. Lindsey is a Civil War veteran and one of a very small circle of the Grand Army men left in this vicinity. Mr. Lindsey is favored with good health and is able to enjoy life on the farm.

Jackson – The D. D. Duren & Son, blacksmith shop and wagon works, were purchased from H. A. Duren by R. A. Sparks last week. This business is among the oldest in Jackson township. Mr. Sparks will open his shop in the near future.

Springville – Mrs. John Gill, of Newark, N.J. and mother, Mrs. Sarah Conrad, of this place, left Monday for a visit in Kansas, where they expect to spend two or three weeks visiting Mrs. Conrad’s sister.

Heart Lake – D. J. Donovan has greatly improved his boarding house and it is in keeping with the fine equipment which he is providing for his resort and amusement grounds. The rooms are attractively furnished and present a very inviting appearance.

Lynn, Springville Twp. – John Brennan and family motored to the home of J. W. Dodson last week, having made the trip from Connecticut in twelve hours. ALSO Dorothy Jennings will accompany the seniors of Springville high school on a trip to Washington, D. C., starting Monday and spending nearly a week at the Capitol.

Fairdale – Mrs. Reed Very had the misfortune to get thrown from a wagon one day last week and hurt quite badly.

Kingsley – The death of H. Glenn Bacon occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Theo. Stanton, May 28, 1923. Having nearly reached his 78thbirthday, he had been in ailing health for almost two years. At one time he was foreman of the Montrose Republican printing office and left there to become assistant foreman in the printery of the Scranton Republican. He was a veteran of the Civil War on the “Confederate” side, being a Southerner, born in North Carolina. Three sons and two daughters survive him. Burial was at Maplewood cemetery on Decoration Day.

Franklin Forks – Mr. and Mrs. James Peck and son, Ralph, of Kokomo, Ind., are visiting his parents, Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Peck. They came by auto.

Forest City – It required 13 innings to decide the game between the Polish Tigers and the Providence teams. The Forest City boys lost out by one point, the final score being 8 to 7. ALSO Two graduates of Forest City high school, Carl Baker and Russell Craft, will graduate from Cornell University next Monday. Barbara Puchnik, a 1923 graduate of Forest City high school, will enter Temple University, Philadelphia.

Uniondale – The new road leading from the Borough to Elkdale is in poor condition. Travel is directed to the old route. ALSO Art Howell drives a sport model Maxwell car, which he purchased of a Forest City dealer.

News Briefs: Montrose Bible Conference preparations are now being made for the greatest Conference season in its history. The period of activities will extend from July 7th to August 13th. Many prominent Christian leaders from all parts of the world will attend. ALSO Cemetery Associations, to provide for the care of burial grounds, are being organized in many parts of the county to give greater care to these sacred grounds. An association has been organized to care for the Tyler cemetery, west of Springville, with Ned Green, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lake serving as officers. Another association has lately been organized at Fairdale. ALSO Some entertain the idea that the 14th of June has been set apart by some definite Act of Congress as a national “Flag Day.” Congress has never enacted any law on the subject, although it has given the matter some consideration. However, the Order of Elk, at the session of the Grand Lodge, held in Dallas in 1908, designated June 14th as “Flag Day.” A mandatory resolution was adopted requiring each subordinate lodge to observe that day annually as a formal ceremonial occasion, in commemoration of the birth of the American flag. This order was the first and it is believed to be yet the only fraternal organization to establish an annual ceremonial in honor of our flag.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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