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June 15 1917/2017

Forest City – The graduating class this year is composed of Elizabeth Jannicelli, Helen Kehren, Henry Curtis, Donald Maxey and William Sredenschek. ALSO A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Pat O’Malley of New York on June 8th. Mr. O’Malley who was for a long time with the Edison Film company is now starring with the Famous Players. Rex O’Malley, another son of P.H. O’Malley, of this place, only 8 years old, is in New York with his brother and is appearing in Edison pictures. Recently he was featured in a juvenile part in “The Fisher Boy.”

Thompson – A terrible wreck and smash-up occurred Tuesday morning about 1-2 miles below Thompson village, when a D&H coal train was derailed by a broken wheel. Eight cars were thrown into a pile and seven entirely demolished. The wreckage was cleared away so that trains began running again at night. Half of Thompson was on the spot to view the scene in about the time it takes to get there. One man was slightly injured when a heavy railroad tie fell on him, but he didn’t stop work. Such a man would make a good soldier.

Lewis Lake, Uniondale – Work on the dam at the lake is suspended until such time as the railroad company knows where it is at. It will be remembered that the dam was condemned by the state authorities some time ago. The railroad company sought to remedy the defection and incidentally raise the dam. Property owners objected to having their land inundated and ordered the company to cease operations, which was accordingly done. The tools and material were transferred to Hathaway’s pond where extensive repairs are to be made.

Montrose – William Post, the oldest member of the Susquehanna County bar, and probably the oldest man in the county, died Monday after a brief illness at the Tarbell House, in this place, where he had made his home the past few years.  He was born Feb. 10, 1825, and therefore had passed his 92nd birthday. He began the practice of law in 1856 as a partner in the firm of Little & Post. In 1864 he moved to Susquehanna, where he had large landed interests. The borough of Oakland is built on land he formerly owned. He returned to Montrose in a few years where he was greatly admired and respected. He was married three times and by the first marriage had three daughters, all of whom preceded him in death, as did his first two wives. His third wife survives, also six grand-children and one great-great grandchild. Mr. Post was the last charter member of Rough & Ready Fire Company.  He was a member of No. 1 at the time of his death.

Glenwood – William O. Medler passed away at his home on May 31, 1917. As a boy of 17 years he enlisted in the army during the Civil War and participated in may of its severest and most critical battles. He was present at the supreme moment of Lee’s surrender and witnessed that momentous event.  In 1862 he enlisted in Co. C, 143rd NY Volunteers, serving until honorably discharged in 1863. He re-enlisted in 1864 in Co. M., 15th Heavy Artillery, with which he remained until the close of the war. He was a member of Captain Lyons Post, No. 85, G.A.R., of Glenwood.

East Rush – Our blacksmith, D.A. Rosenkranse, had Myron Crisman arrested one day last week for trespass. It seems that Myron and some of the boys wanted to go fishing, and one evening went up around Rosenkranse’s house to hunt for worms, and was ordered off. But Myron refused to go, whereupon the arrest was made. The suit was before ‘Squire Gray last Friday and resulted in a division of the costs between the parties.

Choconut –Our rain still continues and people are having hard work to get in any crops. The freshet of last week washed most of the gardens out along the valley. ALSO Mr. Harrington has purchased a share in Nelson Green’s saw mill and they have moved it on to the Downs’ place, where they expect to commence work soon.

Susquehanna – The funeral of James Donely occurred Saturday morning, June 9, from St. John’s church. Mr. Donely was one of the pioneer residents of Susquehanna. He is survived by two sisters, Miss Bridget and Sister Mary Conception.

Hopbottom – A band of a dozen or more members has recently been organized under the leadership of Len Jerauld, formerly leader of the Glenwood band. As the members are all players with previous experience, they will soon be able to do creditable work.

Clifford – The Memorial Day exercises were well attended in Finn’s hall. There were but three veterans in attendance, reminding us that the days are swiftly passing. The death of Dr. Snyder, of Scranton, cast a gloom over the day, because of the absence of his father, Comrade D.N. Snyder. Comrade George Simpson, of Tunkhannock, was greeting old friends and he, with Comrades John Hunter, of Carbondale and Henry Race, of Dundaff, made up the roster.

Lymanville – Rev. P.N. Taylor, pastor of the Methodist church at North Jackson, took part in the program connected with the reopening of the Lymanville church. Rev. Mr. Taylor was a former pastor of the Springville church.  He is one of the most active young clergymen in the Methodist church in the county and has accomplished much in his present charge.

Brooklyn – Rev. Alfred Judge, who accepted a call to the pastorate of the Universalist church and moved his family here about the first of May, resigned on Sunday last, as he has been called in to the Ambulance service and expects to leave for the front before many weeks.  During his short stay he has made many friends.

Great Bend – The high school commencement exercises were held in the M.E. church on Tuesday evening. Dr. William R. Straughn, of Mansfield State Normal school, presented the diplomas. The invocation was by Rev. W.E. Elwood. The graduates were: Stanley Kuhns, James Enright, Gladys Flynn, Ruth Franks and Bernice E. Williams.

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, June 14, 1817.

*”Teaching By Example.” It is stated in a Connecticut paper, that, of the house of representatives now in session, one-hundred and sixty members are clad in American, and 38 in foreign cloth.  Let all America imitate the example of the majority; and we shall soon be really independent of England.

*Mr. Lecatelli, mathematician, of Milan, has invented a machine for propelling even ships of war against the current.  A horse power is sufficient to put the machine in motion.

*The late United States schooner Spitfire, armed and manned, bound from Havana for the Coast of Africa, has put into Charleston to refit.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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